Is AOC Thinking About Running For President In 2024?

Is AOC Thinking About Running For President In 2024?

Nothing is beyond the dreams and the hubris of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez… but would she really run for president in 2024?

Biden Shocked To Learn Being President Is Hard

Biden Shocked To Learn Being President Is Hard

The new strategy for dealing with the plummeting poll numbers has gone out, and Joe Biden would like you to feel bad for him.

Groundbreaking for Obama Center Held in Chicago

Groundbreaking for Obama Center Held in Chicago

Barack Obama returned to Chicago, the city that started his political career, to attend the groundbreaking for his Presidential Center. Or, as Chicago writer John Kass has…

Kamala Harris Searching For Uniqueness At White House

Kamala Harris Searching For Uniqueness At White House

Searching for uniqueness. That’s quite a headline from The Hill. It seems that the media is wanting to help Kamala find her way. Since she wasn’t handed…

Biden Recast As Modern FDR With Weekly Address

Biden Recast As Modern FDR With Weekly Address

Who doesn’t want a phone call from President Grandpa Joe Biden? Doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

Biden Emerges to Pretend Last 4 Years Didn’t Happen

Biden Emerges to Pretend Last 4 Years Didn’t Happen

Biden came out of his bunker just now to speechify how he’s going to be President of all Americans and that we must come together like we…

Kanye West Says He’s Running for President

Kanye West Says He’s Running for President

Just when you thought 2020 couldn’t get much crazier, along comes Kanye West to announce that he’s running for president. Not only that, but he’s got Elon…

Washington Post Says Elites Must Choose Our President

Washington Post Says Elites Must Choose Our President

Elites are better equipped to choose our President says the Washington Post. It’s been clear to those of us living in reality that the WaPo is completely…

Adam Schiff, Progressive <em>Rock Star</em>?

Adam Schiff, Progressive Rock Star?

Adam Schiff, ring master and pretentious potentate of the Congressional Circus of quasi-Impeachment hearings is being quietly promoted for higher office. Yes, really.

September 11 War Authority Is Repealed By House

September 11 War Authority Is Repealed By House

After 18 years, the Democrat led House of Representatives has voted to repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force passed 420-1 after the entire United States…

Gillibrand: Rights Versus Wishes

Gillibrand: Rights Versus Wishes

We have discussed the concept of rights versus wishes on this blog before when I wrote about Lizzie Warren’s plan to provide child care to every family…

Democrats’ 2020 Strategy: Other People’s Money

Democrats’ 2020 Strategy: Other People’s Money

In 1991, Danny DeVito and Gregory Peck starred in a film titled, Other People’s Money – a dull, vapid comedy about an “evil” corporate raider going after…

Swalwell Joins Democrat Primary Parade To Raise His Profile

Swalwell Joins Democrat Primary Parade To Raise His Profile

Who is Eric Swalwell? He’s a Democrat congressman from California who, having already decided to not run for re-election to the House, has decided to increase his…

Don’t Underestimate Pete Buttigieg; He Just May Pull It Off

Don’t Underestimate Pete Buttigieg; He Just May Pull It Off

He came seemingly out of nowhere. He’s a 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, a military veteran, a married gay man, and a candidate for the Democratic…

March of the Beavers 2020

March of the Beavers 2020

I’m pretty sure that the 2020 election will be informally known as the Year of the Vagina, with the subheading “March of the Beavers.” It seems that…

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Nancy!

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Nancy!

The Democrats, with Nancy Pelosi at the helm, are desperate to see Donald Trump’s tax returns – so desperate, in fact, that they’ve introduced a bill in…

Happy 287th Birthday, George Washington!

Happy 287th Birthday, George Washington!

Without George Washington, there is no United States of America. Today, we honor the man who was truly the Father of Our Country.

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Ava Gardner