Supposedly NIAID Unaware Boston University Was Creating New Covid Strain

Supposedly NIAID Unaware Boston University Was Creating New Covid Strain

Supposedly Boston University research didn’t notify the NIAID of their work on a new Covid strain. That strain is REALLY problematic.

Science, Junk Science, and a New Vaccine

Science, Junk Science, and a New Vaccine

The United States is becoming a post-Christian nation, since polls show that fewer Americans see themselves as members of that faith. Or any faith, for that matter….

CDC: Masks On Planes For Just Two More Weeks

CDC: Masks On Planes For Just Two More Weeks

Insert ALL the jokes about how the last two years have been the longest two weeks EVER.

Fauci Retiring? Oh Please Make It So

Fauci Retiring? Oh Please Make It So

In a podcast with ABC News that was released on Friday, Dr. Anthony Fauci told the host that he’s thinking about retirement.

Pelosi Announces State Of The Union; Is Biden Ready?

Pelosi Announces State Of The Union; Is Biden Ready?

It’s official – Nancy Pelosi has invited Joe Biden to give his State of the Union address.

White House Press Panics Over Omicron, Limits Seats

White House Press Panics Over Omicron, Limits Seats

First we had teachers unions threatening (and it sounds like some were successful) to not come back after Christmas vacation because of the Omicron variant. Now, the…

Schools Reopening? Not So Fast Say Teachers Unions

Schools Reopening? Not So Fast Say Teachers Unions

Christmas Break is ending (yes, we at Victory Girls say “Christmas”), and schools will be reopening soon, right? Hold on — not so fast. If teachers unions…

Fauci Signals The COVID Message Is Shifting

Fauci Signals The COVID Message Is Shifting

The pants-wetting hysteria that public health officials, politicians, and the media tried shoving down our throats over the Omicron variant has proved to be a huge joke.

Fully Vaccinated Is Not What You Think It Means

Fully Vaccinated Is Not What You Think It Means

So here you were — thinking that the CDC and all its talking heads define “fully vaccinated” as having had two Covid injections. And maybe you’ve had…

Covid Tests Mailed To Your Home, Eventually

Covid Tests Mailed To Your Home, Eventually

Want a Covid test? You can have one mailed to your home says the Biden Administration! In the midst of the media and politicians yelling at the…

Roundup Time: The Winter of the Left’s Discontent

Roundup Time: The Winter of the Left’s Discontent

We warned you last week that the Left never sleeps. Not even winter can cool the hysterics of these thieves, charlatans and wokeistanians of ill-repute being brought…

COVID Comes For All, Even “Good” Democrats

COVID Comes For All, Even “Good” Democrats

For the longest time, the left has tried to beat the right over the head with how much better and holier they were when it came to…

Wrestling And Washington Omicron Hysteria

Wrestling And Washington Omicron Hysteria

Leave it to the media to pepper in some Omicron fear with holiday cheer. High school wrestling season is in full-swing. Parents are packing the stands. This…

Jake Tapper Defends Fauci Over Lara Logan Remarks

Jake Tapper Defends Fauci Over Lara Logan Remarks

Jake Tapper heroically jumped into the fray last night. The little troll named Fauci needed defending and Jake was ON IT.

Biden’s Covid Winter Plan Is Missing One Key Item

Biden’s Covid Winter Plan Is Missing One Key Item

Something, or I should say someone, is missing from Biden’s Winter Covid plan. Yesterday, Biden grandly stumbled through a speech outlining his newly rebooted, let’s do the…

Omicron Overreaction Strands International Travelers

Omicron Overreaction Strands International Travelers

Omicron is now the bad guy when it comes to Covid. At least that’s what our government betters and that little troll Fauci are telling us. Except…

Biden COVID Strategy Is All About His Poll Numbers

Biden COVID Strategy Is All About His Poll Numbers

As the new (but not Nu, or Xi, because that would be too confusing or offensive) variant now being dubbed “Omicron” by the World Health Organization becomes…

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Ava Gardner