Stop the presses!! Obama is on Capital Hill in a last ditch effort to save at least ONE portion of his legacy. That’s right, Obama and the Democrats…
Is the dismantling of Obamacare upon us? While the nation was getting ready for New Year’s celebrations, a federal judge in Texas issued a nationwide block on…
Obama will exit the White House in January, and that’s a good thing! However President Pen and Phone is doing his best to lecture us about how his progressive…
I’ll be honest. The results last night were NOT what I expected. Don’t get me wrong, I had hope and was definitely praying that Hillary wouldn’t win,…
Yes, I know, I know. Our choices are less than ideal. And while I advocated against Donald Trump in the primaries, I’m resigned to looking at my…
Jonathan Gruber, the architect of Obamacare aka the “Affordable Care Act” went on CNN yesterday to tell us all that the system is working. Obamacare is “working…
Four days ago I wrote about Obama’s Obamacare whine fest. Well, it didn’t take long for the proverbial poo to hit the fan. Which led to the White…
Its the gift that keeps on giving. Its one of those gifts that you’d love to give back. Scratch that, its one of those gifts you’d like…
This election cycle is, quite frankly, vomit inducing. Never has it been more obvious that the media is in the tank for the Democrats, and that the…
In an interview with New York Magazine, Obama stated the following about his wonderfully horrendous “Affordable Care Act” President Barack Obama said his signature health-care law has “real…
Perhaps this biting commentary regarding the failures of Obamacare served as a stinging wakeup call for the President. As the article points out, no matter how many…
Heather Bresch, the daughter of Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), has a big problem. Her company Mylan NV, her ‘baby’ as she’s called it, is in the midst…
The history of the American presidency is replete with misstatements, misrepresentations, and outright lies told by many of our presidents. In 1973, Richard Nixon assured America that “I…
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