Chelsea Clinton Gets New Job At Expedia Because She’s Traveled A Lot [VIDEO]

Chelsea Clinton Gets New Job At Expedia Because She’s Traveled A Lot [VIDEO]

Chelsea Clinton has traveled internationally. That’s apparently the high bar of experience that it takes to secure a high-paying spot on the board of directors at Expedia….

Obamacare Repeal Limps Ahead With Disastrous Promise [VIDEO]

Obamacare Repeal Limps Ahead With Disastrous Promise [VIDEO]

We waited how many years for this??? As we here at Victory Girls have written about, this GOP-proposed replacement plan for Obamacare is a walking disaster. And…

#Oscars: The Blue Ribbons Are Not For Prostate Cancer

#Oscars: The Blue Ribbons Are Not For Prostate Cancer

And here comes Hollywood with its glamorous outfits on the red carpet, decked out in… blue ribbons. So… what is the cause célèbre this time? A blue…

Planned Parenthood In Panic Mode Over Money [VIDEO]

You know how you can tell that Planned Parenthood is actually worried about the flow of cash from the American taxpayer being cut off by the Trump…

Death And Maggots At The Oklahoma VA [VIDEO]

An Army veteran has died in appalling circumstances at the Talihina Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs center. Owen Reese Peterson was a 73 year old Vietnam veteran…

A Ridiculous Scam! Trump Responds To Hillary Joining Jill Stein’s Recount Effort [VIDEOS]

A Ridiculous Scam! Trump Responds To Hillary Joining Jill Stein’s Recount Effort [VIDEOS]

Hypocrite much? Seriously, what else are we supposed to think when the news breaks today that Hillary’s team has decided to join Jill Stein’s recount efforts in…

Clinton Ally Governor McAuliffe’s PAC Donated To Wife Of FBI Official [VIDEO]

Gosh darn it, those Democrats are just like a small town community! You just go to meet a random candidate to try and talk her into running…

Keep The Change – Hamilton Stays On Ten Dollar Bill

Remember last summer, when Treasury Secretary Jack Lew got the SJWs all excited about putting a woman’s face on a bill for the first time? And because…

Rubio Says His Campaign Would Be Over If It Behaved Like Trump’s

In the wake of the alleged assault (with charges now being filed) against now-former Breitbart News reporter Michelle Fields, the ongoing behavior of the Trump campaign, and…

#DemTownHall: Snoozefest

#DemTownHall: Snoozefest

The only thing remotely interesting about this Democrat Town Hall is that the candidates don’t have to talk to each other. Instead, we get unfiltered craziness from…

Sesame Street Moving to HBO – Will It Give Up Tax Money?

Does anyone else remember, during the 2012 election, when Mitt Romney suggested that it was time to defund PBS, saying during one of the debates that Big…

Clinton Fun Money: Charity Not Recommended By Watchdog Sites

The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation (which is the full and official name of the charity) has been receiving a lot of press lately as emerging…

NIH Head Claims Ebola Vaccine Would Exist If They Just Had More Money

It’s always about the money. Dr. Francis Collins, in an interview with the Huffington Post ahead of this most recent Ebola case in Dallas, claims that if…

Poor, Broke, Scrimping Hillary Clinton is JUST Like You!

Poor, Broke, Scrimping Hillary Clinton is JUST Like You!

Hillary Clinton, in her pre-presidential campaign book promotion tour, claims to Diane Sawyer that when they left the White House, they were “dead broke and in debt.”…

NV Sheriff’s Deputy Seizes Drivers’ Money During Traffic Stop, Gets Sued

Tan Nguyen had a good time in Vegas.  He drove home with $50,000 in cash and another $10,000 in cashier’s checks.  Nguyen got pulled over in I-80…

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Ava Gardner