Report: James Comey Had “Honey Pot” Spies Inside Trump’s 2016 Campaign

Report: James Comey Had “Honey Pot” Spies Inside Trump’s 2016 Campaign

A whistleblower is alleging that James Comey used the “honey pot” spy gambit to infiltrate Trump’s 2016 Presidential campaign…in 2015. Well now, if this ends up verified, it seems James Comey and the FBI were out to get Trump BEFORE the Russia collusion narrative got rolling.

Trump-Russia Claims Sent To Media Were Approved By Hillary

Trump-Russia Claims Sent To Media Were Approved By Hillary

Remember the start of the Trump-Russia communications claims in 2016? Well now, with testimony under oath, it is  verified. Hillary approved sending the Trump-Russia claims to the…

Andrew McCabe, Fired By Trump, Awarded Pension

Andrew McCabe, Fired By Trump, Awarded Pension

There are two justice systems in this country. If you are a January 6 protester, it’s solitary confinement for you. If you are a member of the…

Judge Sullivan Issues Whining Petulant Dismissal Of Flynn Case

Judge Sullivan Issues Whining Petulant Dismissal Of Flynn Case

Judge Sullivan wrote a 43-page whining petulant dismissal of the Michael Flynn case. According to Hizzoner, Michael Flynn is still guilty of treason or something no matter…

James Comey Continues His Know Nothing Tour

James Comey Continues His Know Nothing Tour

James Comey is very good at knowing nothing about anything. Today he continued that tour in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Crossfire Hurricane Team Knew Steele Dossier Was Bogus

Crossfire Hurricane Team Knew Steele Dossier Was Bogus

New twists on the Crossfire Hurricane and Steele Dossier sagas came to light yesterday. Both jaw-dropping. Let’s take Crossfire Hurricane first. Seems that quite a number of…

Flynn Case Officially Dropped By DOJ

Flynn Case Officially Dropped By DOJ

In a move that surprised no rational person as more gory details came to light, the Department of Justice officially filed paperwork to drop the case against…

FISA Abuse Goes Beyond Carter Page Case

FISA Abuse Goes Beyond Carter Page Case

The abuse of the FISA system goes well beyond Carter Page’s case. Inspector General Michael Horowitz made that very clear in his memo to FBI Director Christopher…

James Comey And His Leaks

James Comey And His Leaks

Surprise! James Comey is under investigation again. This time it’s regarding leaks to the media of additional classified information.

Durham Criminal Investigation Focuses On Brennan And Comey

Durham Criminal Investigation Focuses On Brennan And Comey

Federal prosecutor John Durham wants to know what former C.I.A. director John Brennan knew and who did he talk to regarding the Steele Dossier and Russia’s 2016…

James Comey’s Awkward Tap Dance During Chris Wallace Interview

James Comey’s Awkward Tap Dance During Chris Wallace Interview

James Comey doesn’t tap dance very well. But he sure gave it the old college try during this morning’s interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday.

James Comey is Back and He’s as Narcissistic as Ever

James Comey is Back and He’s as Narcissistic as Ever

He’s ba-aaack: your favorite fired former FBI Director, James Comey.

Inspector General’s Comey Report Shows Misconduct

Inspector General’s Comey Report Shows Misconduct

The Office Inspector General’s (OIG) report on the conduct of former FBI Director James Comey in regard to the release of several memos he wrote after his…

8 Questions About the FBI’s Raid of Epstein’s “Pedophile Island”

8 Questions About the FBI’s Raid of Epstein’s “Pedophile Island”

Days after his alleged suicide, news broke yesterday afternoon that “pedophile island” owner Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide method was via a bed sheet tied to a bunk bed….

Blagojevich and That Drain the Swamp Thing

Blagojevich and That Drain the Swamp Thing

Disgraced former IL governor Rod Blagojevich ran laps Monday on a bright blue Colorado morning. But “Blago” isn’t on vacation in the Rockies, unless you count Club…

Peter Strzok Sues FBI, Cites Privacy And Freedom Of Speech Were Violated

Peter Strzok Sues FBI, Cites Privacy And Freedom Of Speech Were Violated

Failed and fired former FBI agent Peter Strzok has decided to sue the FBI and DOJ. Why? It seems that his firing violated his freedom of speech,…

The Net Closes In On James Comey

The Net Closes In On James Comey

The net is closing in on Former FBI Director James Comey. The man who bragged about triggering the appointment of the Special Counsel is feeling the heat…

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Ava Gardner