Religion of Peace?

A so-called Islamic state is what ISIS thinks they are. I would like to think that this statement is a delusion of fanatics and maniacs who are…

Steven Joel Sotloff: 2nd American Journalist Threatened with Beheading by ISIS…unless Obama Acts

Steven Sotloff, a 31 year old nationally recognized freelance journalist whose stories appeared in Foreign Policy, Christian Science Monitor, and TIME magazine describes himself on his Twitter…

No Statement From Obama on Execution of James Foley

The nation has been in shock since the news broke of the alleged beheading of American journalist James Wright Foley. An American civilian was murdered by a…

BREAKING: American Journalist James Wright Foley Allegedly Beheaded by ISIS

Multiple reports are coming in from Iraq that an American journalist, James Wright Foley, has been executed by ISIS. Foley has been missing since 2012, when he…

Hillary Speaks: We Pay The $$!

Want to have Hillary Rodham Clinton speak at your major fundraiser? If so, be prepared for a very hefty price tag and a lot of rules. Who has $225,000.00…

Laser Beam Focus on Real World Issues: Golf and Dance

In the course of a 24-hour period, a group of fewer than 20 advisors went zipping through the Mount Sinjar area. Their “speedy” assessment concluded that more…

Yazidis in The Valley of Death

As ISIS continues it’s path of eradication; details of the horrific atrocities visited upon the Yazidi people continue to emerge. Yazidis who have fled Sinjar are providing…

Bombing ISIS (Video) and Weekend Links

On Thursday night, Barack Obama authorized targeted airstrikes against ISIS, along with humanitarian aid airdrops to the thousands and thousands of displaced Iraqis. He really didn’t have…

Standing up to ISIS: Obama Needs the Fortitude of Flight 93 Heroes

This week President Obama ordered airstrikes in Iraq. The Nobel Peace Prize winner apparently has decided that talking will not work with the “junior varsity” militants who…

Senator Feinstein-ISIS Should Be Dealt With Forcefully

While watching the going’s on in Iraq over the past weeks I have been consistently amazed by one thing-our “leaders” haven’t been paying it much attention. Yesterday,…

ISIS is Eradicating All Religious Minorities

The terrorist group ISIS has doubled down on its efforts to take over Iraq. In the last two months, they have destroyed monuments, ancient manuscripts, biblical artifacts,…

Airstrikes in Iraq – Obama Authorizes Action Against ISIS

Airstrikes in Iraq – Obama Authorizes Action Against ISIS

In the face of a crumbling Iraqi government, and the sheer dominance of ISIS (who have now just renamed themselves the Islamic State), President Obama last night…

550 Army Majors Cut: Military Leadership Drawdown at Worst Possible Time

550 Regular Army Majors will receive their walking papers whether they are deployed or not. You may recall, it was just this past June that 1,100 Army…

ISIS: Convert, Pay Infidel Tax, Leave or Die

Where have all the Christians gone? Better yet, where is all the outrage? Imagine a small country somewhere, anywhere, whether it be tumultuous or peaceful – it doesn’t…

Obama moving “Forward!” toward Amnesty while ISIS moving “Forward!” toward Jihad

Birth control.  LGBT rights.  Legalized marijuana.  Climate “change”. “Offensive” football team names.  These are just a few of the issues we obsess over until something else comes…

Pope Francis, South Dakota’s GOP, and Scandals of Our Inept President

News agencies around the world today have picked up the story of Pope Francis and the ‘Ndrangheta. The ‘Ndrangheta is a crime syndicate that was established in…

Recap of Obama’s Statement on Iraq

Recap of Obama’s Statement on Iraq

The president just wrapped up a statement and Q&A session on the current situation in Iraq. Apparently, they had to drag him in and give him a…

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Ava Gardner