Steven Sotloff, a 31 year old nationally recognized freelance journalist whose stories appeared in Foreign Policy, Christian Science Monitor, and TIME magazine describes himself on his Twitter…
Want to have Hillary Rodham Clinton speak at your major fundraiser? If so, be prepared for a very hefty price tag and a lot of rules. Who has $225,000.00…
As ISIS continues it’s path of eradication; details of the horrific atrocities visited upon the Yazidi people continue to emerge. Yazidis who have fled Sinjar are providing…
This week President Obama ordered airstrikes in Iraq. The Nobel Peace Prize winner apparently has decided that talking will not work with the “junior varsity” militants who…
While watching the going’s on in Iraq over the past weeks I have been consistently amazed by one thing-our “leaders” haven’t been paying it much attention. Yesterday,…
550 Regular Army Majors will receive their walking papers whether they are deployed or not. You may recall, it was just this past June that 1,100 Army…
Where have all the Christians gone? Better yet, where is all the outrage? Imagine a small country somewhere, anywhere, whether it be tumultuous or peaceful – it doesn’t…
Birth control. LGBT rights. Legalized marijuana. Climate “change”. “Offensive” football team names. These are just a few of the issues we obsess over until something else comes…
News agencies around the world today have picked up the story of Pope Francis and the ‘Ndrangheta. The ‘Ndrangheta is a crime syndicate that was established in…
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