Democrats Cave: 10 Telling Tweets on the Foolish #SchumerShutdown

Democrats Cave: 10 Telling Tweets on the Foolish #SchumerShutdown

The Senate Democrats believed American voters were behind them. And in their delusion, they chose to block a government funding bill last week, putting “Dreamers” ahead of,…

The Democrat Shutdown

The Democrat Shutdown

As I was driving to work yesterday morning, one of the local morning shows was interviewing a Democrat Congressman about what – at the time – was…

‘TEARS OF RAGE:’ Cory Booker Throws Drama-Filled Temper Tantrum At DHS Hearing [VIDEO]

‘TEARS OF RAGE:’ Cory Booker Throws Drama-Filled Temper Tantrum At DHS Hearing [VIDEO]

The hearing today  with DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen regarding immigration and DACA quickly turned into a farce. Democrats got stuck on Sh*thole’s and Cory Booker (Wannabe Pres-NJ)…

What if the nation got outraged over a lie? [VIDEO]

What if the nation got outraged over a lie? [VIDEO]

It wouldn’t be the first time. Democrat Dick “the Turban” Durbin (D-ildo, IL), whose claim that President Trump called certain countries “shitholes” in a private meeting, has…

Nancy Pelosi And President Trump Compete For “Sh*thole” Immigration Trophy [VIDEO]

Nancy Pelosi And President Trump Compete For “Sh*thole” Immigration Trophy [VIDEO]

President Trump and Nancy Pelosi are competing for the Grand Prize of “Who Said The Meanest Thing EVAH!” regarding the upcoming immigration deal. Yesterday was Round One….

Trump Immigration Policies Win With Likely Voters

Trump Immigration Policies Win With Likely Voters

Today, President Donald Trump will meet with six Senate Republicans to discuss immigration at the White House. In advance of this meeting, Neil Munro from published…

Happy New Year! Five Agenda Items Trump Must Accomplish in 2018

Happy New Year! Five Agenda Items Trump Must Accomplish in 2018

For the new Trump Administration, 2017 was a surprisingly successful year. But there’s still much to do.

German New Years Eve Party To Feature “Safe Zone” For Women [VIDEO]

German New Years Eve Party To Feature “Safe Zone” For Women [VIDEO]

After the horrific rape gangs on New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany in 2016, the producers of a New Year’s Eve bash at the Brandenburg Gate in…

Port Authority Bomber’s Family Is ‘Outraged’ And Blames The NYPD [VIDEO]

Port Authority Bomber’s Family Is ‘Outraged’ And Blames The NYPD [VIDEO]

Yesterday a terrorist tried to blow up a section of the New York City subway and thankfully failed. In fact, the one receiving the majority of injuries…

“Cards Against Humanity” Game Makers Claim They’re Heroic Because of New Anti-Trump Stunt… But How Can Makers of Such a Game Be Heroic? [VIDEO]

“Cards Against Humanity” Game Makers Claim They’re Heroic Because of New Anti-Trump Stunt… But How Can Makers of Such a Game Be Heroic? [VIDEO]

“Cards Against Humanity” is a fairly popular party game, especially among millennials. If you haven’t played it before, all you need to know is that it’s like…

Liberalism 101: It’s Good to Care About Disabled Kids (Just Make Sure They’re Outside the Womb First)

Liberalism 101: It’s Good to Care About Disabled Kids (Just Make Sure They’re Outside the Womb First)

In a news cycle filled with indictments, scandals, and violence, a story like Rosa Maria Hernandez’s can fall through the cracks. But the ACLU took pains on…

Trump Travel Ban Expires, New Restrictions Announced [VIDEO]

Trump Travel Ban Expires, New Restrictions Announced [VIDEO]

Remember the so-called “Muslim travel ban” that the press and the courts were having kittens over until the Supreme Court ruled? Well, its 90 days are up,…

Trump should end DACA, make Congress do its job [video]

Trump should end DACA, make Congress do its job [video]

Barack Obama, former (thank you Jesus) President of the United States, sure left some messes in his wake. The next pressing one that current, duly elected, President…

Immigrant Handouts: Just No!

Immigrant Handouts: Just No!

Look, I’m an immigrant. My family came to this country with practically nothing, and even though my parents both had advanced engineering degrees, they knew no English…

Sessions’ Crackdown Working: Miami-Dade County Latest to Reject “Sanctuary City” Policy

Sessions’ Crackdown Working: Miami-Dade County Latest to Reject “Sanctuary City” Policy

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is not messing around. And it looks like his tough stance on “sanctuary cities”—where criminal illegal aliens are welcomed, American citizens not so…

“Cosmopolitan” Jim Acosta Clashes With Stephen Miller Over Statue Of Liberty At WH Briefing [VIDEO]

“Cosmopolitan” Jim Acosta Clashes With Stephen Miller Over Statue Of Liberty At WH Briefing [VIDEO]

President Trump unveiled his new immigration policy today. Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment Act, or RAISE, put forth by Tom Cotton (R-AR) and David Perdue (R-GA)…

Texas Lawmakers Scuffle After GOP Rep Calls ICE On “Sanctuary City Law” Protesters [VIDEO]

Texas Lawmakers Scuffle After GOP Rep Calls ICE On “Sanctuary City Law” Protesters [VIDEO]

Over the Memorial Day weekend, I found myself in more than one debate over whether or not Montana’s newly-elected representative, Greg Gianforte, should have placed his hands…

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Ava Gardner