Trump Says ‘Anti-Semitism Has No Place In Congress’ And Ilhan Omar Should Resign

Trump Says ‘Anti-Semitism Has No Place In Congress’ And Ilhan Omar Should Resign

Ilhan Omar is a disgrace. Her anti-semitism is loud and clear. Yet for some inexplicable reason, Nancy Pelosi gave her a seat on the House Foreign Affairs…

Ilhan Omar Apologizes for Jew Hatred, Promises to Make it Less Obvious

Ilhan Omar Apologizes for Jew Hatred, Promises to Make it Less Obvious

Just when you think Minnesota Rep Ilhan Omar couldn’t get more repulsive, hateful, and loathsome, she says “hold my dawa” (yes, I know it’s Kenyan, but al-Shabaab…

Ilhan Omar Goes Ugly In Her Anti-Semitism

Ilhan Omar Goes Ugly In Her Anti-Semitism

The Democrats have an anti-Semitism problem. And it is personified in the likes of the new Congresswoman from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar.

The Liberals’ Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year

The Liberals’ Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year

I realize it’s only February, but the liberals have had quite the year already, and if January 2019 is any indication, the left has a tough few…

Democracy Of Israel Almost Gets A Chuckle From Ilhan Omar

Democracy Of Israel Almost Gets A Chuckle From Ilhan Omar

Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) seems to be going out of her way to flout her anti-Semitism all the while denying that she is an anti-Semite. In an…

Ilhan Omar: Evil in the House

Ilhan Omar: Evil in the House

The more I read about freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, the more I’m convinced that this woman is not just dangerous, but evil. Pure, unadulterated evil. It’s not…

Ilhan Omar Doubles Down On Reprehensible Comments About Lindsey Graham

Ilhan Omar Doubles Down On Reprehensible Comments About Lindsey Graham

On Wednesday, MSNBC’s Stephanie Rule stated that Lindsey Graham is being blackmailed by Trump. That was a rumor that surfaced out of the slime over the weekend….

Much Ado About Nothing: Religious Headwear in Congress

Much Ado About Nothing: Religious Headwear in Congress

My social media blew up today. OMG – Congressional Democrats have changed House rules, allowing religious headwear in the House, because Ilhan Omar demanded permission to be…

Rep. Elect Ilhan Omar and the New Progressive Caucus Take Over Congress

Rep. Elect Ilhan Omar and the New Progressive Caucus Take Over Congress

While some may consider a candidacy and newly elected Congresswoman historic, others of us, like say, me, find it very troubling. Ilhan Omar was elected to Congress…

Citing Censorship And Bias, Laura Loomer Chains Herself To Twitter Office [VIDEO]

Citing Censorship And Bias, Laura Loomer Chains Herself To Twitter Office [VIDEO]

Folks, guess what? I’m absolutely NOT a fan of Laura Loomer. Who is Laura Loomer you ask? She is a extremely right wing tinfoil waving crazy person…

Fiscally Fibbing Freshman Friends

Fiscally Fibbing Freshman Friends

Hello Freshmen Congress! We are so ready to watch you stumble, bumble, and ramble your way through the next two years. I’m especially excited to watch the…

Ilhan Omar’s Credentials Include Committing Perjury While Divorcing Her Brother [VIDEO]

Ilhan Omar’s Credentials Include Committing Perjury While Divorcing Her Brother [VIDEO]

Democrat darling Ilhan Omar hopes to skate easily to a win in the primary on August 14. She’s received several high profile endorsements since announcing for Keith…

Ilhan Omar: Keith Ellison’s Potential Replacement Is No Fan Of Israel [VIDEO]

Ilhan Omar: Keith Ellison’s Potential Replacement Is No Fan Of Israel [VIDEO]

No sooner had the news broken of Keith Ellison deciding to leave Congress, then a list of replacements were being touted. At the very top of the…

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Ava Gardner