Jerry Brown Disses Rural Californians Over The Gas Tax Hike

Jerry Brown Disses Rural Californians Over The Gas Tax Hike

Jerry Brown is leaving California in a complete mess and he is utterly oblivious to it. In one single interview he compared climate change to World War…

Macron’s Speech To Yellow Vest Protestors Channels Jimmy Carter’s Malaise Talk

Macron’s Speech To Yellow Vest Protestors Channels Jimmy Carter’s Malaise Talk

It’s been nearly a month of protests now in France. Protests that have destroyed property, ruined priceless art, and caused centuries old landmarks such as the Louvre…


Victory Girl Nina Bookout has admirably covered the riots in Paris twice. What more to add begins on a personal note.

France Blinks: Will Defer Global Warming Fuel Tax For Six Months

France Blinks: Will Defer Global Warming Fuel Tax For Six Months

Two days ago we wrote about the massive riots in France. The issue involved the arbitrary fuel tax hike that was to take place on January 1,…

French Court Orders Mental Evaluation For Marine Le Pen

French Court Orders Mental Evaluation For Marine Le Pen

If you are anywhere near a Democrat and you see trails of drool, well, move away quickly. A French court has ordered former presidential candidate, Marine Le…

Outta Gas: French Energy Giant Exits Iran [VIDEO]

Outta Gas: French Energy Giant Exits Iran [VIDEO]

In a blow to the already on-its-knees Iranian economy, French energy giant Total today officially withdrew from their massive $5B joint project in Phase 11 of the…

Italy Sticks to Hardline Migrants Guns [VIDEO]

Italy Sticks to Hardline Migrants Guns [VIDEO]

Apparently Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini is not one to let tumbleweeds grow under his feet after a successful first offensive. Oh, gads, NO. Not content to strike…

President Trump Orders Strike On Syria After Heinous Chemical Attacks On Syrian Citizens [VIDEO]

President Trump Orders Strike On Syria After Heinous Chemical Attacks On Syrian Citizens [VIDEO]

The news of yet another chemical attack in Syria just a few days ago horrified the world. The photos and videos of the innocents in Douma injured…

France had an “Unknown” attacker try to run over soldiers

France had an “Unknown” attacker try to run over soldiers

France has had an awful time with Daeshbags, also known as ISIS. Recently there was an attack by a Moroccan Daeshbag on a supermarket. France has responded…

Travis Air Force Base Gate Attacked, Was It A Lone Wolf? [VIDEO]

Travis Air Force Base Gate Attacked, Was It A Lone Wolf? [VIDEO]

It’s the explosion that the media really isn’t talking much about. On Wednesday evening, a driver was taking a Kia minivan through the front gate of Travis…

A Military Parade Is A Nice Idea, But

A Military Parade Is A Nice Idea, But

President Donald Trump has suggested holding a National Military Parade and it’s a nice idea. That sound that you hear is liberal and anti-military (intersecting groups) heads…

Terror Attacks In Canada and France With ISIS Methods And Connections [VIDEO]

Terror Attacks In Canada and France With ISIS Methods And Connections [VIDEO]

This never really stops. We just don’t pay attention. On Saturday night, after a football game, a car rammed through a traffic barricade, struck a police constable,…

Four American Female Tourists Hit In #MarseilleAcidAttack [VIDEO]

Four American Female Tourists Hit In #MarseilleAcidAttack [VIDEO]

A fourty-one-year-old female attacked four American female tourists in a train station in the city of Marseille in Southern France today. According to an article in the New…

Terrorism: IED Attack On London Subway And Two Attacks In France [Video]

Terrorism: IED Attack On London Subway And Two Attacks In France [Video]

For the fifth time this year, London was attacked by terrorists. This time it was an IED placed in a London subway car. It is a miracle…

UN Security Council To Meet About North Korea Again, But What Can We Expect? [VIDEO]

UN Security Council To Meet About North Korea Again, But What Can We Expect? [VIDEO]

If North Korea truly did set off a hydrogen bomb underground, and then felt like bragging about it to the world, then the United Nations is at…

Charlie Hebdo Decides to Mess with Texas After Hurricane Harvey. [VIDEO]

Charlie Hebdo Decides to Mess with Texas After Hurricane Harvey. [VIDEO]

Do you remember what happened just over two years ago at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, the French satire magazine? In Paris, January, 2015, twelve Parisians died…

France and Russia Are In a Snit Over Dunkirk Movie. [VIDEO]

France and Russia Are In a Snit Over Dunkirk Movie. [VIDEO]

The Christopher Nolan film Dunkirk opened this weekend, and, as the President likes to say, it’s yuge. The World War II movie should earn $51M this opening weekend. This…

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Ava Gardner