Bloomberg Says Register To Buy A Gun Because It’ll Be Just Like Registering To Vote

Bloomberg Says Register To Buy A Gun Because It’ll Be Just Like Registering To Vote

Since we register to vote, Michael Bloomberg thinks we should be required to register for a gun permit. Yes, that’s exactly what he said while in Aurora,…

The First Amendment  Of The Constitution Has Five Parts

The First Amendment Of The Constitution Has Five Parts

Whenever we discuss the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, most often, we talk about free speech. There are actually five parts to the First Amendment….

Media: Protect Trump Whistleblower! Same Media: Destroy ABC Epstein Whistleblower

Media: Protect Trump Whistleblower! Same Media: Destroy ABC Epstein Whistleblower

The media’s narrative is set. Protect the Trump whistleblower at all costs while working 24/7 to destroy the ABC Epstein whistleblower and bury the story once again.

Freedom of Speech Under Attack

Freedom of Speech Under Attack

Our republic is under attack. The enemy isn’t standing on the outside, lobbing artillery across the border. The enemy is here, in our halls of justice and…

Borat Doesn’t Like Free Speech Much

Borat Doesn’t Like Free Speech Much

British actor and director Sacha Baron Cohen, aka “Borat,” didn’t like Mark Zuckerberg supporting free political speech on Facebook. In fact, he pulled out all the stops…

Beto And Lizzie’s War On Our Religious Freedom

Beto And Lizzie’s War On Our Religious Freedom

In order to win votes from the LGBTQ community, Beto and Lizzie, have declared war on our First Amendment right of religious freedom.

Bill De Blasio Tromps On First Amendment To Protect Illegal Aliens From Bad Words

Bill De Blasio Tromps On First Amendment To Protect Illegal Aliens From Bad Words

When it involves protecting illegal aliens, Bill de Blasio happily tromps all over the First Amendment. Two days ago the New York City Commission on Human Rights…

Julian Assange Hates Americans. Yes I Said It.

Julian Assange Hates Americans. Yes I Said It.

Some people who are proud conservatives just love Julian Assange. Some, like Judge Andrew Napolitano, call him a “hero” for exposing “information that the American public and the world…

Luke O’Neill: The Next Generation of Yellow Journalism

Luke O’Neill: The Next Generation of Yellow Journalism

Wednesday, the Boston Globe found itself in hot water for an editorial written by contributor Luke O’Neill. With a wink and a nod, he suggested waiters “contaminate…

Ilhan Omar Says Quoting Her Is ‘Dangerous Incitement’

Ilhan Omar Says Quoting Her Is ‘Dangerous Incitement’

Ilhan Omar would have you believe that she’s been oppressed and vilified ever since she stepped foot into the United States when she was twelve years old….

Maryland Dem Party Sec Calls for Doxxing Gun Rights Advocates

Maryland Dem Party Sec Calls for Doxxing Gun Rights Advocates

Gun control and Socialism go hand-in-hand. And the latter always comes at the end of a gun barrel. How else can the Left’s dangerous agenda be forced…

Maryland Peace Cross Case To Be Heard At Supreme Court

Maryland Peace Cross Case To Be Heard At Supreme Court

You can file this one under “Destruction of Common Culture”. Or you can file this under gutting the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Supreme…

No Sweet Cheeks, It’s NOT Ok That Conservatives Aren’t Welcome On College Campuses

No Sweet Cheeks, It’s NOT Ok That Conservatives Aren’t Welcome On College Campuses

Conservative speakers aren’t welcome on campus, the most recent being the Grand Canyon U flap regarding Ben Shapiro. Conservative students on campus are also being marginalized. According to Sean,…

#WilliamBarr: 5 Questions Senators Should Ask During Attorney General Confirmation Hearing

#WilliamBarr: 5 Questions Senators Should Ask During Attorney General Confirmation Hearing

And so it begins. Yet another high-profile confirmation hearing for the Trump Administration.

Project Veritas Gets A Win In Massachusetts

Project Veritas Gets A Win In Massachusetts

Chalk up a win for the watchdogs of government. A federal judge in Massachusetts has ruled in two cases – one including the bane of many Democrats’…

Ted Olson Is Wrong, It’s About Acosta’s Behavior NOT The First Amendment [VIDEO]

Ted Olson Is Wrong, It’s About Acosta’s Behavior NOT The First Amendment [VIDEO]

As Deanna pointed out yesterday, CNN decided to go all in to protect their precious Jim “Gollum” Acosta by filing suit against the White House for daring…

Jim Acosta Has No Constitutional Right To Report From the White House

Jim Acosta Has No Constitutional Right To Report From the White House

If you haven’t seen the big Jim Acosta moment from the press conference last week, you’ve heard about it. CNN “reporter” Jim Acosta refused to give up…

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Ava Gardner