Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “Bumbardment” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “Bumbardment” Edition

The cartoon used as our featured photo lampoons the French and Spanish’ futile efforts to dislodge the British at the Siege of Gibraltar. The Brits are the ones…

Sullivan Becomes Season Ticketholder On TDS Train

Sullivan Becomes Season Ticketholder On TDS Train

Several days ago, Andrew Sullivan published a piece in which he tempts fate by dreaming of a landslide. Before you get excited, it isn’t a Trump landslide…

NY Times Advocates For Censorship On Election Night

NY Times Advocates For Censorship On Election Night

Censorship on election night is the name of the game according to the New York Times. 

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “The Taloned Hand” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “The Taloned Hand” Edition

Visualize— Breonna. Never cared. Never gonna. Visualize— Jamarcus . . . her street–level drug-dealing boyfriend. Never cared. Never gonna. Visualize— George Floyd . . . drug addled,…

SCOTUS: Mitch McConnell Throws Down The Gauntlet

SCOTUS: Mitch McConnell Throws Down The Gauntlet

The gauntlet has been thrown. Within minutes of the notification of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing, Chuck Schumer attempted to troll Mitch McConnell.

Washington Post: Better Vote for Biden or Else

Washington Post: Better Vote for Biden or Else

Perhaps it’s because they’re afraid that the persistent rioting might sway the election to President Trump. But the Washington Post has published an opinion piece which in essence threatens…

Camelot Fades With History Making Kennedy Loss

Camelot Fades With History Making Kennedy Loss

History was made last night in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For the first time ever, a member of the Kennedy family lost a congressional race in the…

Tour to Kenosha on Trump’s Schedule

Tour to Kenosha on Trump’s Schedule

President Trump will not stay in any bunker, like former Vice President You-Know-Who. On Saturday, the President took a tour of the hurricane-ravaged areas of Texas and…

Scott Israel Loses Race For Broward County Sheriff

Scott Israel Loses Race For Broward County Sheriff

Scott Israel will never wear the uniform again. Per last night’s vote, he will NOT be Broward County Sheriff.

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “The Blind Leading the Cripples” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “The Blind Leading the Cripples” Edition

Does any sane person really think watching Blue Sanctuary Sewers burn (where the vote goes 90% to other BlueySquiddies) is going to be get Orange Man Bad…

Pelosi Scrambles to Call Back House From Recess

Pelosi Scrambles to Call Back House From Recess

The House of Representatives is out for August recess. But Nancy Pelosi is desperate to get members back into House chambers, with House leadership reporting as early as…

Running Mate Waiting Game, Joe’s Gonna Joe

Running Mate Waiting Game, Joe’s Gonna Joe

As Detroit newspapers break the news about governor Gretchen Whitmer traveling to Delaware to meet with Joe Biden last weekend, the rumors swirl. Who will be Joe’s…

Moderates vs Liberals in Democratic Schism

Moderates vs Liberals in Democratic Schism

The Democrats are a party divided. Led by the likes of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one part of the party wants to shove us all, kicking…

Election Results For Governor Have Double Meanings

Election Results For Governor Have Double Meanings

The media is ringing a warning bell after the recent gubernatorial election results in Kentucky and Louisiana. Media message: Trump is in trouble!

Warren Wants to Be Your Tough, Smart Woman

Warren Wants to Be Your Tough, Smart Woman

Poor Elizabeth Warren. No one gives her the respect she thinks she deserves. Last night, she was asked “how to get men to vote for a woman for…

2020 Candidates Are Their Own Worst Enemy

2020 Candidates Are Their Own Worst Enemy

The 2020 election is still more than a year away, and yet we cannot get away from it. If the polls are to be believed, candidate fatigue…

Joaquin Castro Doxxes Trump Supporters

Joaquin Castro Doxxes Trump Supporters

When Joaquin Castro took to Twitter yesterday, I doubted he expected the blow-back to come. Castro, brother of presidential candidate Julian Castro–not to mention Democratic representative from…

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Ava Gardner