Why Is No One Angry About The OPM Hack And Data Breach?

It made news last week, and then sort of faded away, and it really shouldn’t. The Office of Personnel Management was hacked, and millions of people’s personal…

Obama & McConnell work together to pass Fast Track TPA bill

President Obama is working toward a big trade agreement known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) which involves the U.S. and 11 Asia-Pacific nations. This could be one…

Michelle Obama School Lunch Suffers From Poor Lighting?

Would you eat this school lunch? James Hurst Elementary School of Portsmouth, Virginia served this lunch last Tuesday, and it is making the rounds across the media….

Air Force General Fired After Threatening Free Speech of Officers

Air Force General Fired After Threatening Free Speech of Officers

The Air Force reported on Friday that a two-star general was fired for accusing officers of ‘treason’ should they attempt to block retirement of the A-10 Warthog by…

Suicide in DC: Capitol on Lockdown

The Capitol building in Washington, DC, is on lockdown at this time, after shots were heard, and man killed himself on the West Front of the building….

Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses Congress: Video, Transcript

Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses Congress: Video, Transcript

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress today in the most important speech of his life, giving that body an impassioned warning that an upcoming nuclear weapons…

Benjamin Netanyahu to Arrive in the US Today; Obama Administration Will Not See Him

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to arrive in Washington, DC, on Sunday afternoon in preparation for the speech of his lifetime before Congress on Tuesday…

Obama Requests Authorization for War Against the Islamic State

Last night the AP reported that President Obama, as expected yesterday, has formally requested war powers from Congress to go after ISIS, claiming that they would “lose.” …

Democrats Holding Homeland Security HOSTAGE for Illegal Aliens

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post submitted by Ruthie Hendrycks, a blogger, and friend of Victory Girls. Obama, the Democratic Party, and a few Republicans are…

White House Frets Over Protocol While Kerry Breaks It

This last week of United States diplomacy has been an exercise in hypocrisy and ignoring reality. First, the White House had a snit fit that Israel’s prime…

#SOTU: Democrat Opposition to Obama’s Agenda

After President Obama’s combative State of the Union address on Tuesday, the level of Republican backlash was expected, but now he is taking unexpected flak from members…

#SOTU: Obama’s Turn The Page “Leadership”

President Obama wants to turn the page. He wants to turn America’s page away from the realities that we face, and his opening remarks of his address to our…

Ohio Terror Suspect’s Father Accuses FBI of Coercing Son

Earlier today Victory Girls reported that Christopher Lee Cornell was arrested for allegedly plotting to carry out an ISIS-inspired attack on the U.S. Capital building in Washington…

President Obama Threatens to Veto Keystone

The showdown between the new Republican-controlled Congress and the White House has already begun. On Wednesday, newly elected Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called President Obama out…

Boehner Wins Third Term as House Speaker

It is now official – John Boehner has been elected to serve as Speaker of the House for a third term. There were 25 votes from Republicans…

Texas Republican Challenges Boehner for Speaker of the House

On Sunday’s edition of “Fox and Friends”, Rep Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) said that he will challenge John Boehner (R-Ohio) as Speaker of the House in the new…

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Ava Gardner