Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

Electrifying Military Vehicles Endangers Our Soldiers

Electrifying Military Vehicles Endangers Our Soldiers

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is dead certain that electrifying the military fleet by 2030 is not only doable, it’s a grand idea. Except it isn’t. It puts…

Dept of Defense Suddenly Realizes Wind Power Is Bad

Dept of Defense Suddenly Realizes Wind Power Is Bad

Wind power is GREAT! Unless it affects our national security as the Department of Defense has suddenly realized.

Biden Administration: Buy Electric Vehicles Or Else

Biden Administration: Buy Electric Vehicles Or Else

The Biden Administration unveiled a new emissions standard this morning. You will purchase electric vehicles and you will like it. It’s all in the interest of climate…

Greta Thunberg Gifted Doctorate Of Theology Degree

Greta Thunberg Gifted Doctorate Of Theology Degree

An honorary theology doctorate at twenty years old. Is Greta Thunberg St. Joan of Arc now? Is screaming “HOW DARE YOU” at a UN Conference just as…

Gas Stove Ban Environmental Group Hires Stacey Abrams

Gas Stove Ban Environmental Group Hires Stacey Abrams

Rewiring America is an organization pushing to ban gas stoves. The gas stove ban that the Biden Administration assured us wouldn’t be happening. Evidently it IS happening…

Biden Admin Admits Going Green Is More Important Than Energy Security

Biden Admin Admits Going Green Is More Important Than Energy Security

In yet another great self-owning moment by the Biden administration, the Department of the Interior made a boo-boo and accidentally released an internal memo that said the…

Manchin Is Mad But Democrats Aren’t Listening

Manchin Is Mad But Democrats Aren’t Listening

Joe Manchin used to be one of the most powerful senators in Washington DC. He used to have the Biden White House catering to him and the…

U.N. Secretary General Tells Davos Elites Citizens Don’t Matter

U.N. Secretary General Tells Davos Elites Citizens Don’t Matter

Antonio Guterres, the U.N. Secretary General lectured the elites at Davos today. And, at one point, he said the quiet part really loudly.

Climate Change – Ignore The Idiots Of The World

Climate Change – Ignore The Idiots Of The World

Eric Orts is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business. His areas of expertise are legal studies and business ethics. He is a…

AOC Defends Gas Stove “Science”

AOC Defends Gas Stove “Science”

The “science” used to justify banning gas stoves and other appliances from new builds is “concerning” says environmental genius AOC.

Biden Admin Wants To Ban Gas Cooktops

Biden Admin Wants To Ban Gas Cooktops

Gas cooktops are bad for our health says the Biden Admin. Therefore, they (the U.S. Consumer Products Association) is trying to unilaterally ban all new gas cooktops.

Climate Hack Paul Erhlich: Save The Planet By Killing Humans

Climate Hack Paul Erhlich: Save The Planet By Killing Humans

To kick of 2023, 60 Minutes decided to bring discredited climate hack Paul Erhlich on to once again tell us that the only way to save the…

AOC Climate Change Movie Sinks Faster Than Titanic

AOC Climate Change Movie Sinks Faster Than Titanic

Did you know AOC was in a climate change movie? Neither did we until just a couple of days ago. It’s setting quite a record though! Yes…

Netherlands To Seize 3,000 Farms In Name Of Climate Change

Netherlands To Seize 3,000 Farms In Name Of Climate Change

You know the climate change aficionados have really partaken of the Koolaid when a government decides that 3,000 farms need to be forced out of business. It’s…

Climate Change: 400 Private Jets Go Wheels-Up To COP27

Climate Change: 400 Private Jets Go Wheels-Up To COP27

According to world leaders and authorities, Climate Change is very real. If our “betters” do not meet to discuss this “very real” climate change, our world will…

Gen Z: The Kids Are Not Alright

Gen Z: The Kids Are Not Alright

It seems as if some Gen X-ers and other Generations have been way too hard on our Gen Z kids. At least, this seems to be the…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner