Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.
The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, popularly known by his initials as AMLO, may be on his way out of the presidency due to Mexican…
The open borders mantra from Republicans is a “myth” according to Axios. Yes really. It’s all in our heads or something. You see, according to Axis, the…
The resident in chief Biden is utterly confused once again. He simply does not understand why the House wants to impeach (useless) Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro “the…
Remember how bigoted Democrats thought Trump was after he uttered the phrase, “We will build a wall?” I mean, Ms. MoveOn.org herself, White House Press Secretary Karine…
The news out of Mexico about the slaughter of multiple Americans, including children, likely by organized crime, is gut-churning.
The progress of the building and strengthening of the border wall between the United States and Mexico is an important one to the Trump administration.
President Donald Trump visited a section of the border wall near San Diego yesterday. He even signed the wall. Trump was in California doing campaign fund-raising. The…
For years Democrats in Congress kept the military operating under Continuing Resolutions and the Budget Control Act. Yet the people who withheld necessary funding, are now crying…
The Democrats do not want border security. They are willfully ignoring the very real issues of the strain on our immigration system because Wall! They’ve stuck their…
Our border is in crisis due to the thousands of illegals overwhelming the system with their claims of asylum. The Democrats ignored it in January and now…
Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall. The opening lines to the children’s rhyme perfectly define the crash our country is headed for if…
Adam Schiff (BrainlessD-CA) really hates Trump. Adam Schiff wants the Russia collusion to be real. Adam Schiff doesn’t want border security on any level, and by golly…
Today President Trump did decide to declare a national emergency regarding the southern border of the United States.
This weekend promises to be LIT AF given all the news regarding Jussie Smollett, Andrew McCabe, and the government spending bill that passed the House and Senate…
I think we can say with relative certainty that our Congress Critters/Cretins wouldn’t even be discussing funding border security barriers, let alone negotiating legislation, if Donald Trump…
The House and Senate Democrats do not care that the government is shut down. Nor do they care about the 800,000 federal employees who have been without…
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