AP Finally Admits That The Gaza Death Numbers Don’t Add Up

AP Finally Admits That The Gaza Death Numbers Don’t Add Up

If the Associated Press, one of the biggest news outlets in the world, was truly concerned with getting the most accurate information out there, then they failed. Miserably. And today’s admission of problems with the death totals in Gaza doesn’t change that.

Iowa Caucus: Expected Result, But Media Calls Race Too Early

Iowa Caucus: Expected Result, But Media Calls Race Too Early

Well, despite Iowa being a caucus state instead of a primary state, which makes polling a little trickier, Donald Trump has apparently cruised to an easy victory…

AP Slams Youngkin For Citing of “Murky Case” of Rape

AP Slams Youngkin For Citing of “Murky Case” of Rape

The Associate Press put out an article ostensibly covering Glenn Youngkin’s campaign for Governor of Virginia. You would not be wrong to mistake it as a pro-McAuliffe…

AP Snags Pulitzers For Politicized Pandemic And Riots

AP Snags Pulitzers For Politicized Pandemic And Riots

Associated Press (AP) photographers were awarded the coveted Pulitizer Prize yesterday for photos which captured pain in a the COVID-19 pandemic and, as AP likes to word…

AP Cries Over Losing Their Hamas Office Space

AP Cries Over Losing Their Hamas Office Space

If only there was a profession dedicated to finding things out. Perhaps we could call them “journalists.” Maybe some of them could work for a company –…

Mollie Tibbetts Murdered By Illegal Alien And Media Pundits Whine About Trump [VIDEO]

Mollie Tibbetts Murdered By Illegal Alien And Media Pundits Whine About Trump [VIDEO]

There is a devastated family in Iowa right now. Their daughter and sister, Mollie Tibbetts, was brutally murdered by an illegal alien. No, I won’t use the…

Media Gets Trump’s Grocery Store Comment About Photo ID Wrong On Purpose [VIDEO]

Media Gets Trump’s Grocery Store Comment About Photo ID Wrong On Purpose [VIDEO]

While Jim Acosta is sniveling about how really really icky Americans are, the rest of the media is hard at work deliberately misconstruing all that President Trump…

Associated Press: NFL Players Should Strike Until Kaepernick Gets Signed

Associated Press: NFL Players Should Strike Until Kaepernick Gets Signed

Football season is upon us and preseason camp is near. Hence, it’s not too early for sports columnists and the like to start a good dialogue in…

SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s Wife Targeted By NY Times And AP [VIDEO]

SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s Wife Targeted By NY Times And AP [VIDEO]

It was known from the get go that the media and Democrats would absolutely HATE whomever President Trump would nominate for Justice Anthony Kennedy’s seat on the…

AP Misfires in Bombshell Report On the Army Discharging Immigrants. [VIDEO]

AP Misfires in Bombshell Report On the Army Discharging Immigrants. [VIDEO]

The Army is now starting to kick out recruits who are immigrants. And it must be due to that racist Trump, or something.

Media Fail At Reading Comprehension [VIDEO]

Media Fail At Reading Comprehension [VIDEO]

What do you think when you see the words “BREAKING NEWS” or “NEW”? That the story being reported is brand-new, right? Well, the story of the day…

#KateSteinle: Killer Gets Time Served On Gun Charge [VIDEO]

#KateSteinle: Killer Gets Time Served On Gun Charge [VIDEO]

Are you prepared to be outraged yet again over the senseless murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco? Her killer, illegal alien Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, who…

John Conyers Gets Taxpayers To Buy Off His Accusers [VIDEO]

John Conyers Gets Taxpayers To Buy Off His Accusers [VIDEO]

The news broke late last night, via Buzzfeed (yes, Buzzfeed) that Representative John Conyers, who has a long history in Congress along with a long ethics sheet…

AP’s Fictional Report On DHS Disputing Trump Over Banned Nation Threats [VIDEO]

AP’s Fictional Report On DHS Disputing Trump Over Banned Nation Threats [VIDEO]

What is it about the media and their affinity for reporting as real stories based on fiction? Seriously, I want know. Just a few days ago I…

Media Incites Freakout Over AP National Guard Story, Only ONE Problem, It’s Fake News [VIDEO]

Media Incites Freakout Over AP National Guard Story, Only ONE Problem, It’s Fake News [VIDEO]

Did I call it or what? The media’s single-minded focus on ginning up 1001 Ways To Make The Trump Administration Look Bad, just took another lap around…

Media’s Single-Minded Focus On Trump While Ignoring Major Stories Is YUUGE Problem [VIDEO]

Media’s Single-Minded Focus On Trump While Ignoring Major Stories Is YUUGE Problem [VIDEO]

Take a look at any roundup of news and you’ll see a laser sharp focus on dissecting every move President Trump and the Administration makes. Case in point:…

Yes, The Vicious Hate Crime In Chicago Is Being Whitewashed By The Media [VIDEO]

Yes, The Vicious Hate Crime In Chicago Is Being Whitewashed By The Media [VIDEO]

Yesterday the news broke of an absolutely vicious hate crime in Chicago. Deanna covered the brutal attack here. To recap, a special needs young man was kidnapped…

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Ava Gardner