Taylor Swift, The ACLU, And The Unsubtle Pressure To Join The Resistance [VIDEO]

Taylor Swift, The ACLU, And The Unsubtle Pressure To Join The Resistance [VIDEO]

Taylor Swift has an album coming out this week. I know this because my teenage daughter is literally counting down the days until she can download it….

Liberalism 101: It’s Good to Care About Disabled Kids (Just Make Sure They’re Outside the Womb First)

Liberalism 101: It’s Good to Care About Disabled Kids (Just Make Sure They’re Outside the Womb First)

In a news cycle filled with indictments, scandals, and violence, a story like Rosa Maria Hernandez’s can fall through the cracks. But the ACLU took pains on…

ACLU Supports Jihad-Endorsing Sarsour and Gets Owned

ACLU Supports Jihad-Endorsing Sarsour and Gets Owned

The ACLU has a love affair with Linda Sarsour and they want you to know it. We know, we, know, it’s the ACLU. They don’t know how…

#ParisClimateAccord: Trump Dumps Paris and the Left is Triggered [VIDEO]

#ParisClimateAccord: Trump Dumps Paris and the Left is Triggered [VIDEO]

President Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate agreement, and the Left, as expected, are losing their ever-lovin’ minds. DNC chairman Tom Perez led a group of…

#Oscars: The Blue Ribbons Are Not For Prostate Cancer

#Oscars: The Blue Ribbons Are Not For Prostate Cancer

And here comes Hollywood with its glamorous outfits on the red carpet, decked out in… blue ribbons. So… what is the cause célèbre this time? A blue…

Trump’s Immigration Order: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly [VIDEO]

Trump’s Immigration Order: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly [VIDEO]

On Friday President Trump issued an executive order temporarily banning persons from seven terror-rich nations from entering the U.S. Chaos resulted on Saturday, when foreigners were trapped at several…

Trump Thinks The NRA Makes Gun Laws?

Trump Thinks The NRA Makes Gun Laws?

I watched Donald Trump’s speech on Monday with a mixture of confusion and surprise. Who was this person speaking in Trump’s voice with Trump’s face? In light…

Obama Wants No-Fly List Restrictions, the ACLU Disagrees

President Obama gave a speech last night, which was supposed to be the authoritative word from the Oval Office on what he is going to do about…

Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Jailed, But What If She Were Muslim?

The story has been breaking and been hotly debated for days. In Kentucky’s Rowan County, county clerk Kim Davis has been steadfastly refusing to issue marriage licenses…

Controversy and Student Protests over proposed AP History Curriculum Review

Once again, the Jefferson County School District, the largest in the state of Colorado, and its school board finds themselves embroiled in yet another controversy. This time its…

Selective Scrutiny? DOJ Investigating CBP for Civil Rights Violations…of Foreigners

Many of us recall the tragic death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry resulting from the Fast and Furious scandal, and the succeeding cover up by the…

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Ava Gardner