Guest Opinion:  Sarah A. Hoyt – The Dividing Line

Guest Opinion: Sarah A. Hoyt – The Dividing Line

In memory there is a dividing line on my life, a bright one, cutting across a bright and clear September day in the little Mountain Town of…

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and, as Dorothy Parker once said, “If you…

9/11 Victim Photo Is Found After Long Search

9/11 Victim Photo Is Found After Long Search

As we mark the 21st year since the 9/11 attacks tomorrow, it may seem that at this point, all the stories might have been told. But that…

Scary Poppins Leaves, Ministry Of Truth Continues

Scary Poppins Leaves, Ministry Of Truth Continues

Nina Jankowicz AKA ‘Scary Poppins’ resigned her Ministry of Truth Disinformation post, and resigned from the DHS entirely yesterday. Liberals such as Taylor Lorenz and the New…

WaPo: Overturning Roe Is A 9/11-Style Attack

WaPo: Overturning Roe Is A 9/11-Style Attack

The journalists at The Washington Post (WaPo) are at it again likening a memo leak to a terrorist attack. No joke. Cue the hysterics on this one…

Fauci: Pandemic Hearing Would Distract Him From His “Work”

Fauci: Pandemic Hearing Would Distract Him From His “Work”

Fauci resurfaced this week. He’s in full whine mode. You see, if there is a 9/11 style pandemic hearing, it will distract him from his “work.” I…

Lady Al Qaeda, Aafia Siddiqui, Should Remain Incarcerated

Lady Al Qaeda, Aafia Siddiqui, Should Remain Incarcerated

After a 10-hour standoff at the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, questions remain unanswered. Mainly, who was the suspect and who is Lady Al Qaeda,…

John Ondrasik Drops New Song 20 Years After “Superman”

John Ondrasik Drops New Song 20 Years After “Superman”

I remember exactly where I was when I heard John Ondrasik’s (Five for Fighting) “Superman”. On the morning of September 11, 2001, I opened the microphone at…

Professor of Woke Uses 9/11 to Dunk on America

Professor of Woke Uses 9/11 to Dunk on America

You could call Syracuse University political science professor Jenn Jackson a “Professor of Woke.” That’s because her bio describes her as “a queer genderflux androgynous Black woman,…

Acosta: COVID One Of The Most Wanted Terrorists

Acosta: COVID One Of The Most Wanted Terrorists

Journalists say the darnedest things. Jim Acosta is no exception. And he has some deep thoughts. Who is the terrorist now? Take a look.

Brian Stelter: Journalists Were The Real 9/11 Leaders

Brian Stelter: Journalists Were The Real 9/11 Leaders

This is the day when those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, are remembered and honored. Which means that it is the perfect time for…

September 11 Joe Biden Speech Insults Americans

September 11 Joe Biden Speech Insults Americans

Today we remember all of those lost and injured on September 11, 2001. We celebrate that they lived and we mourn the violence of their deaths at…

2997 Reasons why:  Looking back on September 11, 2001

2997 Reasons why: Looking back on September 11, 2001

Men of Cornwall stop your dreaming, Can’t you see their spear points gleaming? See their warriors’ pennants streaming, To this battlefield. Men of Cornwall stand ye steady,…

9/11: The Superman We Discovered Then And Those We Know Now

9/11: The Superman We Discovered Then And Those We Know Now

Superman. That’s who we want our heroes to be all day every day. 9/11 brought that into sharp focus. Five For Fighting’s John Ondrasik eloquently sang of…

9/11: We collectively said, “We will never forget.”  We haven’t. [LINKS]

9/11: We collectively said, “We will never forget.” We haven’t. [LINKS]

Twenty years have past since the unspeakably horrible events of September 11th.  Today, a generation of college students and young adults has no memory of the world’s…

New Taliban Gov’t, Same Old Terrorists

New Taliban Gov’t, Same Old Terrorists

The new Taliban government was formally announced yesterday. One would expect to see new faces, but that is not the case. Instead, the “new” government leadership is…

Guantanamo And The Trials That Never Get Started

Guantanamo And The Trials That Never Get Started

We are within days of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. But in Guantanamo Bay, the trials for those still being held there for helping plan…

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Ava Gardner