Senate Democrats Chose Politics Over American Lives

Senate Democrats Chose Politics Over American Lives

Senate Democrats Chose Politics Over American Lives

Senate Democrats definitely favor politics over their own constituents. American businesses and lives are in need during this time of crisis. Yet, the Senate Democrats are here to tell us that small businesses and Americans as a whole can pound sand.

“Senate Democrats on Sunday blocked action on an emerging deal to prop up an economy devastated by the coronavirus pandemic, paralyzing the progress of a nearly $2 trillion government rescue package they said failed to adequately protect workers or impose strict enough restrictions on bailed-out businesses.

The party-line vote was a stunning setback after three days of fast-paced negotiations between senators and administration officials to reach a bipartisan compromise on legislation that is expected to be the largest economic stimulus package in American history — now expected to cost $1.8 trillion or more. In a 47-to-47 vote, the Senate fell short of the 60 votes that would have been needed to advance the measure, even as talks continued behind the scenes between Democrats and the White House to salvage a compromise.””

Look at the above and read it again. The Democrats voted AGAINST a bill that was slated to help Americans through this pandemic.

Don’t get me wrong. I am absolutely NOT an advocate for ‘the government shall be our end all be all savior!’ Far from it.

I’m a fan of entrepreneurship, capitalism, and less government involvement. However, in a time of crisis like this when it looks as if there are fewer resources available to stay afloat, and the federal/state governments tell you to shut down, it is understandable that the feds should help.

Keep in mind, it was looking like there was an agreement on the CARES Act and assistance would be forth-coming to American small business and citizens. After Nancy got back into town yesterday, all the good will and excellent negotiations got dumped to the curb.

Senator McConnell is right. We don’t have time for you Democrats to fiddle while we deal with this pandemic. Furthermore, he is correct. The Democrat obstruction gains NOTHING.

“”It was just a few days ago when this Republican Senate majority moved expeditiously to pass the House Democrats’ ‘phase two’ legislation, even though many of my colleagues on this side of the aisle and I had serious reservations and would have written it differently,” McConnell said. “Nevertheless, I pushed the Speaker’s legislation through the Senate. Because urgency and results matter during a national crisis. Because, imperfections notwithstanding, it was the right thing to do for our country. So I hope and anticipate that a similar degree of bipartisanship and urgency will be reciprocated now.””

Yes, where were the Democrats? Oh hey! Wait. Senator Chuck Schumer has a few words for us.

Oh really?? $35o BILLION to small business and payroll taxes set aside for months and Chuckie is playing the OOH BIG CORPORATE bad game?

Meanwhile, in interest of understanding how URGENT this matter is and how horrible it is for liberals/democrats…

Isn’t that cute? NO, no it isn’t. Look around folks, the sheer amount of business affected by this damned virus is staggering.

Nail salons

Hair salons


Massage therapists


Restaurants Local/Chain


Shower Door Installers


Specialty airport shuttle drivers




LOCAL restaurants.

The list is endless! Do you understand now what is going on here?

Look. I’m not a fan of government SAVES US ALL. Yet I’m torn. You see, I know way too many folks on the list above who are now scrambling to survive.

This bill, while not perfect, would’ve provided well over $350 billion in assistance to small business, significant resources for hospitals to get equipped, and entrepreneurs are stepping up their game with solutions.

Do those solutions fall within the Democrat guidelines? At this point, I DON’T CARE.

We are facing a pretty significant game changer regarding this Chinese coronavirus crisis. Instead of stepping up to the plate as everyone did with 911…we have shithead political games because Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are telling us that the CARES Act isn’t ticking all the politically correct boxes.

Given what we are dealing with right now? My response to all Democrats is POUND SAND.

Feature Photo Credit:Donkeyhotey via Flickr, cropped and modified

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  • GWB says:

    and the federal/state governments tell you to shut down, it is understandable that the feds should help
    Well, where the state tells you to shut down, they sure shouldn’t be asking other states’ citizens to subsidize that. If NY wants to shut down? Fine, then NY can pay for it. If San Fran wants to shut down, then San Francisco can pay for it.
    Same with nationalizing the Guard – if the state wants to use it (for the state purposes for which it exists), then the state can pay for it.

    Think about one thing, though: Is this evidence that this ‘pandemic’ is much like the global warming con game? After all, don’t we keep saying “We’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people telling us it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis”? Well, I’ll believe the Wuhan Flu is truly a crisis when the politicians start acting like it’s one!

  • naleta says:

    i tend to agree. Lawdog makes some very goog points in this post.

  • naleta says:

    Dangit! *good* not goog. I blame the cat that was sitting on my arm while I was trying to type.

  • alanstorm says:

    “Senate Democrats Chose Politics Over American Lives”

    Dammit, ANOTHER day ending in “Y”?

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