Playing Games: AOC Pretends To Be Handcuffed During Abortion Protest

Playing Games: AOC Pretends To Be Handcuffed During Abortion Protest

Playing Games: AOC Pretends To Be Handcuffed During Abortion Protest

It’s all games. Or, as another put it, donkey theatre. Today, a bunch of virtue signaling Democrats decided to join an abortion protest in Washington D.C.

Multiple Democratic lawmakers were arrested at an abortion rights rally outside the Capitol on Tuesday, less than one month after the Supreme Court issued a ruling that reversed Roe v. Wade.

Democratic Reps. Ilhan Omar (Minn.), Ayanna Pressley (Mass.), Jackie Speier (Calif.), Bonnie Watson Coleman (N.J.), Cori Bush (Mo.), Katherine Clark (Mass.), Andy Levin (Mich.), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Alma Adams (N.C.), Veronica Escobar (Texas) and Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.) were among those apprehended at the demonstration.

Several of them issued statements after their “arrest.” 

In a statement shared to her website after her detainment, Rep Maloney claimed she’d been arrested and told supporters: “There is no democracy if women do not have control over their own bodies and decisions about their own health, including reproductive care. I have the privilege of representing a state where reproductive rights are respected and protected — the least I can do is put my body on the line for the 33 million women at risk of losing their rights. The Republican Party and the right-wing extremists behind this decision are not pro-life, but pro-controlling the bodies of women, girls, and any person who can become pregnant. Their ultimate goal is to institute a national ban on abortion. We will not let them win. We will be back.”

“Detainment.” As if they were summarily hauled off to an icky D.C. jail. Except they weren’t. It’s all virtue signaling games by the donkey squad known as Democrats. None of the lawmakers were hauled off to jail. Hell, they weren’t even officially arrested!

Except that AOC pretended she was and handcuffed to boot, and media uncritically reported she was. 

The implication within this entire video is that AOC was handcuffed, as were others including Ilhan Omar

Except handcuffs were non-existent on AOC or any of the others. 

Keep in mind, Dobbs vs Jackson explicitly pushed the issue of abortion BACK to Congress and back to the states to decide. The Democrats refuse to engage on that front, and have refused since Roe v Wade was decided. Instead, what they’d rather do is play verbal and physical games with their constituents over this issue. Or engage in word salads as Kamala did at yesterday’s NAACP event. 

Congress has a job to do, but instead, the members of the donkey squad go play games and block traffic. As more than a few people pointed out, typically people demonstrate in order to get the leadership’s attention so the leadership will act. Here, instead the Democrats choose to demonstrate and then do nothing. 

It’s all games. The democrat donkey squad would rather block traffic and play word games. 

A growing number of abortion rights advocates have shifted from calling the procedure a “women’s rights” issue to favor more gender-neutral terminology, a move that could alienate moderate Democrats.

The abortion rights movement’s lexicon has changed to incorporate terms such as “pregnant people” and “people with a capacity for pregnancy.”

The abortion activists and the Democrat donkey squad are showing us they aren’t serious people. They are in it for the grandstanding games. 

Then again, AOC has had plenty of practice at games. Remember her border fence sob fest that was completely and totally staged? This is just a new version of her games.

The Democrats aren’t serious about the issues this country is facing. If they were, they’d quit playing games and do their damned job. Then again, the Democrats are only serious about one thing, destroying this Republic, so AOC pretending to get handcuffed is par for the course.

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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