Kamala Harris Gets Community Noted On Abortion Policy

Kamala Harris Gets Community Noted On Abortion Policy

If Joe Biden doesn’t make it to November, the only card the Democrats can play is Kamala Harris. And they are DESPERATE to not play that card.

AOC Tells An Uncle Bosey-style Story To Commemorate The Dobbs Decision

AOC Tells An Uncle Bosey-style Story To Commemorate The Dobbs Decision

Yesterday was the two year anniversary of the Dobbs Decision. Those of us who can read know that the Supreme Court decision on Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s…

Left-Feminist Professor Tells Half a Story

Left-Feminist Professor Tells Half a Story

While women and girls are being abused and erased by the Queering of America, leftwing feminists have been conspicuous by their absence. Except when it comes to…

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. And His Brain Worms

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. And His Brain Worms

WOW, and you thought following three old white guys on the Presidential campaign trail was going to be boring. Now we have Robert F. Kennedy, Jr (RFKJ)…

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

Pummeling Trump On Abortion For 2024 Campaign

Pummeling Trump On Abortion For 2024 Campaign

Our country is going to Hell in a Handcart. Everything we count on is cattywampus. BUT, the Democrats have one issue they plan on pummeling Donald Trump…

Arizona Abortion Law Ruling Causes Freakout On Both Sides

Arizona Abortion Law Ruling Causes Freakout On Both Sides

The state of Arizona is full of contradictions. In the course of the last twenty years, it’s gone from being a red-purple state with two Republican(ish) senators…

Is Trump Trying To Split The Difference On Abortion?

Is Trump Trying To Split The Difference On Abortion?

What, exactly, is Donald Trump thinking when he puts out statements like this regarding his stance on abortion policy?

Pro-Life Christians Facing Prison Time for Peaceful Protest

Pro-Life Christians Facing Prison Time for Peaceful Protest

While criminals are running free across our borders, four pro-life Christians are staring down prison time for praying at an abortion clinic in Tennessee.

New Twists and Turns in Texas Abortion Ban

New Twists and Turns in Texas Abortion Ban

It’s no secret that Texas has one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the nation. It is also one of the most controversial. It is against…

Kamala Harris Hits The Campaign Trail… At An Abortion Clinic

Kamala Harris Hits The Campaign Trail… At An Abortion Clinic

The Biden campaign knows that they can’t run on the economy. They can’t run on foreign policy. They can’t run on national security. So will the campaign…

Democrat Strategy 2024 – All Abortion, All The Time

Democrat Strategy 2024 – All Abortion, All The Time

The Democrats held a meeting to decide their Grand Strategy for 2024. Suprise! It’s “abortion”. The same Democrat Strategy every year. Sound familiar? Sounds like the plot…

Media: Kamala’s Got Her Groove On, Maybe

Media: Kamala’s Got Her Groove On, Maybe

Here comes the media. All in for Kamala. You see, after a series of flubs and missteps, she’s got her groove on!

Trump Supporters Shouldn’t Be Measuring for Oval Office Drapes

Trump Supporters Shouldn’t Be Measuring for Oval Office Drapes

It’s looking rosy for the likely GOP nominee Donald Trump in a prospective matchup between him and President Biden. For example, the Real Clear Politics average of…

Kamala Harris: The 2024 Abortion Tour

Kamala Harris: The 2024 Abortion Tour

While most of us bare reflecting on precious life this Christmas week, Kamala Harris cannot help but to be ghoulish.

Pro-Life and GOP Need To Promote What They are FOR

Pro-Life and GOP Need To Promote What They are FOR

And not what they are against. From at least 2015, Republicans have embraced the idea that the most important way to embrace Pro-Life tenets is to make…

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Ava Gardner