Pence Slams Harris For Anti-Vax Panic

Pence Slams Harris For Anti-Vax Panic

Pence Slams Harris For Anti-Vax Panic

Kamala Harris claims that she loves science, but if that Bad Orange Man likes science, then it’s BAAAAD. And Vice-President Pence took her out in the debate for her fearmongering.

The entire focus of “Operation Warp Speed” was to develop a vaccine against the coronavirus. Don’t we all want a safe, effective vaccine? Well, apparently, if Donald Trump is for it, then Kamala Harris is absolutely totally against it. If Dr. Fauci says “this vaccine is good,” then Harris will take it. If Trump agrees with Fauci, then OMG IT WILL BE BAAAAAAAAAD.

Vice President Pence, as the head of the coronavirus task force, was rightfully horrified that Senator Harris would again run down the idea that any vaccine developed under the Trump administration would be bad because of the Orange Man. Are we not believing in science now?

“That fact that you continue to undermine public confidence in a vaccine, if a vaccine emerges during the Trump administration, I think is unconscionable,” Pence told Harris during their first face-to-face show-down at the University of Utah.”

“Senator, I just ask you, stop playing politics with people’s lives,” he went on.”

It’s not even close. Pence just wrecked Harris onstage.

How can Harris then insist that the Democrats believe in “science” when she actively undermines science when it comes to fighting COVID-19? There is no way to reconcile those two positions, and that the press keeps side-stepping her obvious hypocrisy is INSANE – but they are covering for her because they ALSO loathe the Bad Orange Man. Like so many things that have happened during the Trump administration that they would have LOVED if it had Obama’s name attached to it. The reflex of ORANGE MAN BAD is real, and it is dangerous. It is crazy.

And if Kamala Harris had her way, it would cost lives – not just in the United States, but all across the world. We already have enough of a vaccination problem in the United States for regular pediatric vaccinations during this pandemic. I don’t even want to imagine a measles outbreak on top of this pandemic. The R0 of measles is somewhere between 12 and 18. The R0 of COVID-19 is about 2.5. American children continue to languish on Zoom meetings instead of going to school. Harris would undermine getting kids back in school just to score some kind of cheap point against the Bad Orange Man.

Vice President Pence was 100 percent correct to blow up Harris’s answer. It was beyond irresponsible for her to go full anti-vax because she doesn’t want Donald Trump to get any credit for it. The media won’t hold her accountable. Will YOU?

Featured image: Vice President Pence, official White House photo by Tia Dufour, cropped, public domain

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