NAACP Leader Rachel Dolezal Forces Questions About Being “Trans-Racial”

NAACP Leader Rachel Dolezal Forces Questions About Being “Trans-Racial”

The parents of Rachel Dolezal, the head of the Spokane, Washington, chapter of the NAACP, have come forward to confront their daughter’s public lies. For years, Dolezal…


My Godfather had polio when he was a toddler. He was on crutches with leg braces when my brother and I were kids and he was going…

Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses Congress: Video, Transcript

Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses Congress: Video, Transcript

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress today in the most important speech of his life, giving that body an impassioned warning that an upcoming nuclear weapons…

‪#‎Ferguson: Officer Darren Wilson’s Grand Jury Testimony (Transcript)

August 9, 2014 was the first time Officer Darren Wilson had ever fired his gun in the line of duty. The result of that shooting, as we…

New Report Says Pentagon “Likely Will” Allow Transgendered Americans to Serve Openly

This is why those of us with a conservative bent think that those with the opposite bent have exactly less than zero clue as to what makes…

Transgender Serial Killer Says His New Female Self is Innocent

Just when you think you’ve heard it all…you hear something like this. A transgender woman accused of being a serial killer is blaming the 1990 murders of…

New Report: No Reason To Continue Ban Of Transgenders In Military. Will Obama Get Out His Pen?

On Wednesday, Victory Girl’s very own Dejah Thoris wrote about a 34 year old woman who in Dejah’s words, “used to have an outtie, but now has…

Panel Recommends Transexuals Be Allowed To Serve….

And I am not talking about drinks at a drag bar…. The report said Department of Defense regulations designed to keep transgender people from joining or remaining…

Transgender Woman Sues Crossfit….

Oh Hell, you knew it was coming.  Everyone I know loves it when leftists from the equal opportunity mob get owned by their own particular brand of…

BREAKING NEWS of Russian military transports in Crimea

Breaking news… BREAKING: AP in #Crimea spots convoy of Russian armored personnel carriers en route to capital — (@haaretzcom) February 28, 2014 I am…

Transgender Harrassment: Gender Rights Trump Privacy

A teenage boy who claims he is transgendered has been harassing girls in the restroom that he is allowed to use because he thinks he’s a girl. …

What Death Panels? Sebelius Won’t Help Dying Pennsylvania Girl Needing Transplant

“Someone lives and someone dies.” —Kathleen Sebelius, June 4, 2013 Remember when Sarah Palin warned us about “Death Panels” that would inevitably arise from the federal government shoving…

British play makes Jesus a transsexual female

British play makes Jesus a transsexual female

For some people, there is no low they won’t sink to in order to defame Christianity. You see this often with two groups: celebrities and gays. From…

NHS health care: free breast implants for transsexuals, forced starvation for the elderly, and cancerous lung implants for the military

It’s scary to think of a British-style health care system coming to America. People like to say that hey, it’s free so we should be happy, and…

Transparency is “not pertinent” to the Obama administration

Transparency is “not pertinent” to the Obama administration

What a shocking surprise: Robert Gibbs has not been a great press secretary and this little exchange, where he was humiliated enough by Jake Tapper to cause…

Nancy Pelosi wants Congress to be even more ethical and transparent

Sorry, did I say more? Because I meant less. San Fran Nan, Princess Pioneer Pelosi herself, wants to erase House Fairness rules… presumably because her Congress is…

Woman gets a one-of-a-kind face transplant

This is an incredible story: A woman who had suffered severe facial trauma got essentially a whole new face in a first-of-its-kind operation at the Cleveland Clinic,…

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Ava Gardner