John Brennan Steps On a Rake. [VIDEO]

John Brennan Steps On a Rake. [VIDEO]

By now you’ve heard that President Trump snatched the security clearance of former CIA director John Brennan. And as a result, Brennan is hopping mad. So he…

Rand Paul is Right: Ex-CIA Head John Brennan Should Lose His Security Clearance and Here’s Why

Rand Paul is Right: Ex-CIA Head John Brennan Should Lose His Security Clearance and Here’s Why

If you haven’t heard, President Trump is considering revoking the security clearances of six high-profile, Obama era minions, er, former intel officials. Along with alleged serial leaker…

FBI Used Media Stories And Steele Dossier To Obtain Carter Page FISA Warrants [VIDEO]

FBI Used Media Stories And Steele Dossier To Obtain Carter Page FISA Warrants [VIDEO]

Throughout the Obama Administration, any real news was handed out in the Friday afternoon news dump. Well, the FBI and DOJ quietly dropped a 412 page set…

WaPo Columnist Says It’s Ultimate Patriotism For ‘Deep State’ To Oppose Trump [VIDEO]

WaPo Columnist Says It’s Ultimate Patriotism For ‘Deep State’ To Oppose Trump [VIDEO]

Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson penned an ode to the ‘Deep State’ this morning. You see, we the Deplorables just don’t realize how bad everything that Trump…

Politico Shamefully Compares Trump Putin Presser To 9/11 And Pearl Harbor [VIDEO]

Politico Shamefully Compares Trump Putin Presser To 9/11 And Pearl Harbor [VIDEO]

The substance of President Trump’s remarks yesterday in Helsinki are being largely ignored in favor of going full hair on fire overreaction. There is much to unpack…

Did Bill Clinton Admit He Abused Women “Against Their Will?” [VIDEO]

Did Bill Clinton Admit He Abused Women “Against Their Will?” [VIDEO]

And you thought James Comey’s book tour was an epic Charlie-Foxtrot. Cue Bill Clinton, who’s thus far been unable to shake the tough questions dogging him as…

NY Times “CrossFire Hurricane” Story Covering For FBI Shows They Ain’t No ‘Jumpin’ Jack Flash’ [VIDEO]

NY Times “CrossFire Hurricane” Story Covering For FBI Shows They Ain’t No ‘Jumpin’ Jack Flash’ [VIDEO]

The media’s narrative and spin involves propping up Hillary, Obama, James Comey, and the deep state. It’s also one that continues to madly scramble to find proof…

The Clinton Way: Hillary Moves Campaign Cash To Her Personal Income Fund [VIDEO]

The Clinton Way: Hillary Moves Campaign Cash To Her Personal Income Fund [VIDEO]

When Hillary wasn’t busy walking in the woods, she was taking the time to transfer money from her campaign fund to her personal tax shelter in Delaware.

The OIG Report Hits McCabe, The Clinton Foundation And Hillary’s Emails [VIDEO]

The OIG Report Hits McCabe, The Clinton Foundation And Hillary’s Emails [VIDEO]

The Office of Inspector General released it’s report on Andrew McCabe and it’s a doozy! Right about now, McCabe has to be thrilled that the GoFundme campaign…

It’s a Trap: Trump Should Not Agree to an Interview with Mueller

It’s a Trap: Trump Should Not Agree to an Interview with Mueller

You don’t have to be a first year law student to know that meeting with a prosecutor is a bad idea, even if you have a lawyer….

Leaving Congress: Trey Gowdy Finally Explains It All. [VIDEO]

Leaving Congress: Trey Gowdy Finally Explains It All. [VIDEO]

I’ve always liked Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina. After all, no one else could execute such exquisite slash-and-burn grilling of Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, or…

Susan Rice: Take a Memo to Susan Rice [VIDEO]

Susan Rice: Take a Memo to Susan Rice [VIDEO]

Ah, some of the nearest and dearest names of the recently departed administration have the strangest habit of popping back into the news in the most peculiar…

Second Steele Dossier Shows Clinton And Obama State Department Involvement [VIDEO]

Second Steele Dossier Shows Clinton And Obama State Department Involvement [VIDEO]

While Philadelphia tries to recover from the Super Bowl riots and people debate which commercials were winners and losers, the Senate Judiciary Committee quietly released a memo…

#MemoDay: Discredited Steele Dossier Fraudulently Used To Obtain FISA Warrants Against Americans [VIDEO]

#MemoDay: Discredited Steele Dossier Fraudulently Used To Obtain FISA Warrants Against Americans [VIDEO]

President Trump signed the authorization to release the controversial FISA Memo and it has been made public. 

Author Stephen King Hates On Donald Trump

Author Stephen King Hates On Donald Trump

This title is only slightly misleading. Author Stephen King hates on President Donald Trump and Republicans based on some tweets he has sent in the last few…

#ReleaseTheMemo Panic Grips The Swamp

#ReleaseTheMemo Panic Grips The Swamp

The forces that make up The Swamp (Democrats, permanent bureaucracy, and media types) are pushing back hard to convince the White House not to release the memo….

Scott Adams Says Trump Isn’t Crazy, He IS a Genius. Here’s Why. [VIDEO]

Scott Adams Says Trump Isn’t Crazy, He IS a Genius. Here’s Why. [VIDEO]

The media think that President Trump is nuts. After all, Michael Wolff’s book Fire and Fury was chock full of juicy tidbits about how cray-cray the POTUS…

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Ava Gardner