#LondonAttacks: Prime Minister May Declares ‘Enough Is Enough,’ Does She Mean It? [VIDEO]

#LondonAttacks: Prime Minister May Declares ‘Enough Is Enough,’ Does She Mean It? [VIDEO]

#LondonAttacks: Prime Minister May Declares ‘Enough Is Enough,’ Does She Mean It? [VIDEO]

Ramadan has barely gotten started and already 149 people are dead in attacks in Kabul, Baghdad, Manila, and elsewhere. This count does not include the 7 who were murdered by terrorists last night on London Bridge and at the London Borough market. Jennifer and Deanna kept us updated here, and Kim made some excellent points about freedom and political correctness.

As the families of those killed in London mourn and 48 others strive to recover from their injuries, it is worth noting some of the responses to this most recent terror attack. First, the Mayor of London said terror attacks are ‘part and parcel’ of big city living, not long after the 9/11 attacks in the U.S. Fast forward to 2015.

And in 2016:


What has happened since May of 2016? Westminster, Manchester, and now London Bridge. When are the British going to regain their spine? When are they going to tell their leadership at all levels that “tolerance” and political correctness towards so-called refugees and anyone espousing Islam isn’t working? When will the leadership realize that appeasement Neville Chamberlain style didn’t work in the 1930’s and it most certainly won’t work now? Will the Mayor of London wake to the knowledge that terrorism is a far greater danger than climate change? Don’t hold your breath.

Perhaps Prime Minister Theresa May finally gets it.  

The Prime Minister packed a great deal of information in an 8 minute statement.

As terrorism breeds terrorism and perpetrators are inspired to attack, not only on the basis of carefully constructed plots after years of planning and training, and not even as lone attackers radicalised online, but by copying one another and often using the crudest of means of attack.

We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change and they need to change in four important ways.

Key highlights are as follows:

A. Cannot defeat terrorism and it’s evil ideology of Islamic extremism by military and counter-terrorism practices only

B. Take away terrorist “safe spaces” on the internet that help this evil breed.

C. Seek out and get rid of the real world safe spaces the terrorists hide in.  That includes destroying ISIS Syria and in Britain

D. Review counter-terrorism strategy, update where needed, and provide more resources to combat this threat.

Was this attack finally the last straw? Are Britain’s leaders heeding their countrymen who’ve been sounding the alarm for years? Will they really hold firm to Prime Minister May’s statement?

But it is time to say ‘Enough is enough’.

Will they learn? Will they heed the lessons of Churchill? Will they truly understand what the great Lady Thatcher said in 2002?

The events of Sept. 11 are a terrible reminder that freedom demands eternal vigilance. And for too long we have not been vigilant. We have harbored those who hated us, tolerated those who threatened us and indulged those who weakened us. [Emphasis Added]

The indulgence and tolerance towards those who threaten to destroy all that Britain and the free world stands for has only served to embolden the terrorists, not weaken nor appease them. Lady Thatcher was correct, vigilance on a political correctness scale could ruin us all.

The elections in Great Britain are just four days away. Prime Minister May faces an uphill battle as her lead was cut from 12 points to 1 just prior to yesterday’s terrorist attack.

Will all of Britain stand up and say ‘Enough is Enough’ and MEAN it? Will the appeasement of terrorism come to a screeching halt? Will Britain regain it’s spine? I certainly hope so, but until Britain recognizes that protection of British citizens must take precedence over the country’s mortal enemies, then they are lost.

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  • Scott says:

    Here’s hoping and praying… but not holding my breath.. they’ve been going down this road for a very long time, a U-turn is going to be difficult, and require a resolve that may not exist in them any longer.

  • ejism says:

    I guarantee that all the Left heard PM May say was “forgiveness, tolerance, and education of bad guys, while creating more regulations for the victims, beginning with restricting the internet”. Once again Europe has created a situation that will pull the U.S. into another world war to clean up their mess.
    Poland is the only country in Europe that is doing things right. Zero refugee immigration, zero attacks.

  • GWB says:

    Take away terrorist “safe spaces” on the internet that help this evil breed.

    This is not really the problem. Now, if you were talking using some skilled cyber warriors to track down where the folks posting on these sites are living, then sending skilled physical warriors to kill them in their sleep, THAT would be worth something.

    Seek out and get rid of the real world safe spaces the terrorists hide in.

    You mean, like mosques? No, I’m sure that’s not what you mean. How about neighborhoods where they congregate and hide? No, probably not that either.

    Review counter-terrorism strategy

    You need to seek out the source of this disease, not just treat the symptoms. If you can’t bring yourself to identify and seek out the cause, and kill it, then your strategy will never work.

    @ejism, Poland isn’t the only one. Hungary put up a fence and told the “migrants” to go around. They haven’t had any trouble since then, either.

  • Kevin R says:

    “You need to seek out the source of this disease, not just treat the symptoms. If you can’t bring yourself to identify and seek out the cause, and kill it, then your strategy will never work.”
    GWB – you nailed it!
    This goes for for EVERYWHERE.
    Here in the USA: our courts, lawyers and Congress are the CAUSE that need to be sought out, identified and replaced. We have the President and Vice President that is needed to make this happen.

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