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They’re calling it a “boogaloo”. They’re calling it a “call to arms”, an “armed insurrection”. Who are they? The liberal media. What are they talking about? Trump’s (now infamous) tweets on liberation:
Trump and the administration unveiled a three-phase plan to reopen our economy, leaving much leeway to state governors’ discretion. Trump tweeted yesterday, calling out three states whose stay-at-home orders he felt were over the line and overstepping authority-Virginia, Minnesota and Michigan.
In Minnesota, individuals gathered in protest of the extended stay-at-home orders at governor Tim Walz’s residence:
Out-of-work individuals protested in Michigan, also. While the state remains under a stay-at-home order and elective surgeries are postponed, its governor, Gretchen Whitmer, calls abortion “life-sustaining”.
There were fewer people protesting in Virginia. But governor Ralph Northam went after guns while advocating for abortion this past week.
These protests, according to the oh-so-trustworthy-unbiased (cough) news media, have become a call for rebellion and have “agitated the masses for violent insurrection”. These people, according to NBC News, “heard a call to arms”, a boogaloo. The New York Times called Trump’s tweets “anti-government rhetoric reminiscent of the birth of the Tea Party movement.” Others sounded off as well:
The president’s statements this morning encourage illegal and dangerous acts. He is putting millions of people in danger of contracting COVID-19.
His unhinged rantings and calls for people to “liberate” states could also lead to violence. We’ve seen it before. 1/7
— Governor Jay Inslee (@GovInslee) April 17, 2020
Tell us more, Jay, about illegal and dangerous acts. It’s not like we haven’t seen plenty of those run amok in my home state of Washington before all of this. Illegal tent encampments, addicts sharing dirty heroin needles (talk about perfect conditions for contracting a deadly disease), trash strewn about because of the liberated “home free” who choose the streets and refuse shelters because rescue missions demand they stay clean. Violent crime on the streets of Seattle because of offenders who have been liberated from county jails. Yep. That’s in your state, Jay. Go on, blue checks, go on…
Republicans will turn a blind eye & too many in the press will focus on “tone.” But history books will say: In April of 2020, when the pandemic had already claimed 35,000 lives, the President of the United States incited people to storm their statehouses with AR-15s and AK-47s.
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) April 17, 2020
Sounds like Beto needs to get out and go skateboarding. Or, smoke another joint, write some rage poetry and eat a poop sandwich when he gets the ol’ munchies.
Donald Trump’s “liberate” tweets are an act of domestic terrorism against the United States, punishable by life in prison without parole. They may also be a violation of Twitter terms of service.
— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) April 17, 2020
Domestic terrorism? What about Antifa smashing holes in windows of small businesses trying to stay afloat because of “Capitalism” or something? What about blocking traffic on city streets and people from getting to their jobs? The willfully unemployed who sit in their mom’s basements take to the streets in masks to protest and they are advocating for freedom and “liberation”. They are the frustrated masses. But when the unemployed protest in masks because they want to get their jobs back and get to work, they are encouraging domestic terrorism? Women skipping work to yell “RESIST” whilst donning a ridiculous pink thing on their heads and advocating for killing innocent, unborn children is liberation. Imploring a governor to re-think excessive quarantine laws that wreck the local economy and welfare of families subsequently, however, is a “riot”, a “call to arms”, a call to a civil war-a “boogaloo” even.
Is it safe to go out and protest anything in the time of a pandemic? Arguably, probably not. Are there a few token idiots out there during these protests? Possibly. But some of the covert political agendas that are focused around COVID-19 and placed at the forefront by state governors are messing with people’s lives-bigly. Does Trump need to maybe check himself sometimes? Sure. (He’s unfiltered and for him, it mostly works.) He did leave the discretion to state governors to take the appropriate measures. In looking at his tweets from yesterday, Trump has trolled the media again and the media delivered their unsurprising take on the word “liberation”. Of course, Trump, the tyrant, is talking in code.
Here’s the thing. Americans want liberation. It is woven into our DNA. A few days ago, I grew giddy at the sound of a Boeing jet bearing the logo of husband’s airline of employment flying over our home. It gave me hope. As a Washingtonian, I joked that with Inslee at the helm, we’re probably not going back to “normal” until Christmas, if we’re lucky. That’s bunch of root touch up spray for me! But there are serious implications to not being liberated and being in shut-down mode for too long. This means my kid is out of school until at least September. Don’t even get me started on that one. My husband has fewer flights and will hopefully continue to fly as other parts of our country come back online, individuals hopefully gain the confidence to travel and maybe have the financial means to do so. We’re the fortunate ones who are still working. Most Americans who want “liberation” right about now don’t want a civil war or an “armed insurrection” as our “fearless” journalists report. Most of these individuals are not violent people by nature. They want to get back to go back to work. They want to provide for their families. They want to see their loved ones. They want their lives back. They want to be self-reliant and not reliant on the government-which is where we all are right now to some extent. After all of this, I am convinced that liberals really don’t like liberation. They’d rather sit around in their Che Guevara shirts, dreaming of communist breadlines and let the state tell them what to do next like the lemmings that they are.
Photo Credit: FlickR/Creative Commons/Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)/Cropped
” “anti-government rhetoric reminiscent of the birth of the Tea Party movement.” ”
And the problem with that is . . .?
Calling for revolution and power “by any means necessary”.
This has been catalogued as file #74,612 in the Leftist directory of “It’s only OK when WE do it, idiot!”.
Ah, the news media. Such scum. May God help us.
“anti-government rhetoric reminiscent of the birth of the Tea Party movement.”
The Tea Party movement was one of the most benign “rebellions” to ever occur. And, at that, it didn’t do us much good.
What about blocking traffic on city streets and people from getting to their jobs?
Well, Antifa doesn’t have to go out to do that anymore, do they? They can sit at home on Mommy’s couch and their goal is already achieved!
For so many of them this is part of their Poward-Cliven strategy for bringing it all down, and being the ones in charge when it gets rebuilt.
As a Washingtonian, I joked that with Inslee at the helm, we’re probably not going back to “normal” until Christmas, if we’re lucky.
Oh, Lisa, with the folks that have been elected to your city and state government? This has been the new normal a long time coming. Unless you can convince the comfy radicals to abandon their bourgeois communism or to move back to California, you’re going to be living in a state of totalitarianism for a good while, yet.