Kamala Harris Gets Community Noted On Abortion Policy

Kamala Harris Gets Community Noted On Abortion Policy

Kamala Harris Gets Community Noted On Abortion Policy

If Joe Biden doesn’t make it to November, the only card the Democrats can play is Kamala Harris. And they are DESPERATE to not play that card.

Joe Biden might be a shaky bet at best, but Kamala Harris is a losing hand. The problem is, she’s legally the only candidate that can step in for old Joe, AND use the entire war chest of campaign funds that has already been raised. Per law, that money is not transferable to the Democrats’ anointed candidate of choice, though it could have to go to the DNC or to a super PAC. But it can’t just be given to another candidate. Democrats, you are stuck with the incredibly cringy woman with the weird giggle.

And with Grandpa Joe’s rigor mortis setting in, all eyes should be on Kamala Harris. After all, there’s at least a 50-50 chance she becomes president before next January. Which is why she’s trying SO HARD to be “cool” and appeal to the kids right now.

There’s a good chance we might all die from secondhand cringe before the election.

Now, the one and only subject that Kamala Harris has done reasonably well with, and hasn’t sounded like a giggling robot, has been abortion. On that, she’s as radical as they come. The woman even campaigned at an abortion clinic, for crying out loud. Now, Joe Biden tried to “get” Donald Trump on abortion during the debate, without clarifying his own position, other than he “supports Roe v. Wade” but refused to specify any limits (and completely whiffed on trying to describe trimesters in a pregnancy).

Enter Kamala to repeat the lie that Donald Trump will “ban abortion” nationally if elected. Remember, the Democrats believe that abortion is their only winning issue.

Wow, that Community Note is… something. Look at all those links. Even Elon Musk got in on the pile on.

This is the moment when we all think back to the 2020 election, and how all social media was being pressured to suppress certain stories – hello, laptop! Think about how different THIS election would be if Elon Musk had NOT bought Twitter as a demonstration of his committment to free speech. The landscape of social media would be VERY different right now – and all because Elon Musk liked the Babylon Bee. Now, Twitter/X is definitely not perfect, but the creation of Community Notes is truly an amazing thing. Anyone can be fact-checked – including the vice president of the United States.

Now, lest you think a Community Note is going to stop Kamala Harris, she has posted about abortion TWICE since being fact-checked, here on her vice president account and here on her personal official account. And it’s always the same – Trump bad, me and Biden good. Trump will ban things, but I WILL LET YOU KILL YOUR BABY WHEN YOU WANT and call it “reproductive freedom.”

What can they run on? The Biden-Harris ticket can’t run on the economy. They can’t run on foreign policy. They can’t run on immigration or domestic security. All they have are the social issues that are hot-ticket items among the TikTok crowd, like “Pride Month” and transgender issues, and yes, abortion. That’s it. That’s all they have. The Democrats are hoping and wishing that will be enough. And that is why Kamala Harris is talking about abortion ALL THE TIME.

This woman may very well be president sooner than we think. We all know that she is deeply unpopular and completely unqualified for the job. There’s a reason her own presidential campaign went down in flames before a single primary vote in 2020. Joe Biden needed a “woman of color” as vice president and picked her for those qualifications alone. She has not done well as vice president, but she currently is one staircase away from the Oval Office. We need to be paying attention to this cackling fool, because she might end up sitting behind the desk before Election Day. Kamala Harris is a co-equal failure on this presidential ticket, and the pressure must be kept up on her – and that means slapping her with Community Notes when they are absolutely deserved.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • NTSOG says:

    It’s great to see the Democrats caught between a rock and a hard place!

  • Lewus says:

    “There’s a good chance we might all die from secondhand cringe before the election.” Now that is a phrase I would like permission to use!

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