Jan 6 Report: Liz Cheney’s Lecture

Jan 6 Report: Liz Cheney’s Lecture

Jan 6 Report: Liz Cheney’s Lecture

There is much to comb through and absorb regarding the January 6 report that was dropped last night. However, it’s Liz Cheney’s lecture that caught my eye.

As our long-time readers know, this WY rancher’s daughter was once a fan of Liz Cheney. That went by the wayside two years ago, and believe me, I cheered mightily when Wyoming kicked her to the curb by 40+ points during the August primaries. 

Her role on the January 6 committee has been one of lecturing and gaslighting. None more prevalent than with the forward she wrote for this January 6 report. 

Before I delve into Liz’s lecture, let’s take a quick look at some of the key takeaways the media is gleefully jumping on. 

Too Much Focus On Trump:

Both the 154-page executive summary unveiled Monday and the 845-page final report released last night made clear that the committee is focused preponderantly on Trump. The summary in particular read more like a draft criminal indictment than a typical congressional report. It contained breathtaking detail on Trump’s efforts to overturn the election and concluded with an extensive legal analysis recommending that the Justice Department indict Trump on four separate offenses, including obstruction of a government proceeding and providing “aid and comfort” to an insurrection.

What The Atlantic and others in the media want is the fake electors across multiple states hauled before the inquisition. However, the January 6 report pretty much states that the fake electors were like blind lemmings and duped by Trump’s rhetoric. Even, RNC’s Ronna McDaniel fell into his trap! Trump, evidently can do anything!

With this report, they make one thing clear. Keep Trump from ever holding any office again. 

14th Amendment:

The Jan 6 report suggests using or revamping the 14th Amendment to make it happen. 

The 14th Amendment of the Constitution says that anyone who has “engaged in an insurrection” or given “aid or comfort to the enemies” of the United States can be barred from holding office. (This law has been invoked in unsuccessful efforts to bar some GOP lawmakers like Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from office; it has been a century since someone has been disqualified under the 14th Amendment.)

CNN, of course, is ALL over the report and putting their own unique spin on it. 

Interesting that Cassidy Hutchinson is once again front and center within this report. Never mind the fact that her entire testimony was nothing but one to three factor hearsay! We are supposed to accept her assertions as fact. The problem is, her original attorney wasn’t interviewed for the report, so when she says that she was told to only share half-truths, how can we be sure? 

The Jan 6 final report can be read in it’s entirety here. I urge our readers to take the time over the next few days and read it. The media and Democrat spin will be something else, it already is. 

Liz’s Lecture:

One of the most shameful things from our hearings was this: President Trump sat in the dining room off the Oval Office watching the violent riot on television. For hours, he would not issue a public statement instructing his supporters to disperse and leave the Capitol, despite urgent pleas from his White House staff and dozens of others to do so.


During this time, the Capitol was invaded, the electoral count was halted, and the lives of those in the Capitol were put at risk. 


Part of the tragedy of January 6 is the conduct of those who knew what happened was profoundly wrong, but nevertheless tried to downplay it, minimize it, or defend those responsible. That effort continues every day. Today, I am perhaps most disappointed in many of my fellow conservatives who know better, who stood against the threats of Communism and Islamic terrorism but concluded it was easier to appease Trump, or keep their heads down. I’d hoped for more from them.

Got that? Liz is telling us that SHE knows better than the rest of us. That SHE had decided that Trump was to blame for ALL of it. Those who refused to go all in with her are such a grave disappointment. We must hang our heads in shame right now. 

Were there problems with 2020 election counts? Yes there were. Would that have meant that Trump would’ve won over basement dwelling Grandpa Joe Biden? We will never know the answer to that because the Democrats (Liz Cheney included) won’t ever step up and answer honestly. Furthermore, while the Jan 6 committee plans to release the testimony of everyone they drug before them, as Liz notes, it was important that mostly/nearly all those who testified were Republicans. Nancy Pelosi wasn’t called on the carpet about her lack of action, and there’s someone else’s testimony that will remain hidden from view. Where is Ray Epps??

Yes, a key reason why this January 6 report and Liz Cheney’s lecture falls way short is because of who they DIDN’T talk to and because of the testimony they’ve kept from seeing the light of day. 

Finally, the January 6 committee wants Trump barred from office because of a failure to act. If that is the case, then every single President in this Republic’s history is in the same boat. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original Artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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  • Cameron says:

    I would like to extend my congratulations to the Jan 6th Kangaroo Court for arriving at their pre-determined verdict. I suppose they had to drag it out for over a year because the free snacks were too good.

  • Kevin says:

    Cheney is one of the only republicans who will go down in history willing to step up and save democracy in the United States. You’re beginning to see the fever breaking in the republican party but I doubt it will be enough to save the party … the party of fascists’, liars, conspiracy theorists, and just plain old morons willing to follow a deranged individual to their death. It was nice to Kari Lake’s lies get thrown out of court; just like the 60+ lawsuits of the former lying POS TFG.

    • Scott says:

      Kevin, as usual, you just described the democrat party to a T..

      I have to ask, since you self identified your preferences in another thread, (I won’t use the language you did), why is it that so many of the same preference are angry and bitter just like you?

    • Turtler says:

      I’ve been lurking on this wonderful blog for a few months, and that has meant looking at your hateful, lunatic drivel for too long. But this disgusts me enough to make me speak out.

      “ Cheney is one of the only republicans who will go down in history willing to step up and save democracy in the United States.”

      Pure rubbish.

      The core of Democracy in any form – the old school absolute democracy of ancient Athens, the representative democracy we have, democratic succession like the Papacy or Poland-Lithuania- is security and integrity of the votes cast. It is quite literally in the name: Democracy. Demos Kratia. Rule of a People. Without guarantees of voting integrity and authenticity, the rest of the system collapses.

      Now, which party has been working hard to denude vote integrity, to make it easier to commit fraud, and to demonize anybody who brings up the obvious?

      We quite literally have many voting systems less secure than what we imposed at bayonet point in places like Germany, Japan, Afghanistan, and Iraq. And we should know who is responsible for that.

      The hollowing out of the democratic republic.

      “ You’re beginning to see the fever breaking in the republican party but I doubt it will be enough to save the party “

      If the Democrat party could survive initiating the bloodiest war in American history and decades of Jim Crow, then whether a party survives or fails is hardly about severity of offenses, real or alleged.

      “… the party of fascists’, liars, conspiracy theorists, and just plain old morons willing to follow a deranged individual to their death. “

      Fascists? You are demonizing a right wing, capitalist party opposed to the centralization of power as Fascists?

      That shows you are the liar and moron here.

      Because some of us have actually researched Fascism, have family that fought it. And the totalitarian, nationalist, socialist ideology of utter collectivism and centralization of power is a hell of a lot more like Bernie Sanders or The Squad than it is Donald Trump. Indeed, this disgusting debacle of a Committee seems to be auditioning for the Children’s Version of the Peoples’ Court.

      I don’t expect you to know all that, and I expect you to care even less because you are a dishonest fool. But the fact is there for anybody that cares to identify it. Oh, and why is it that the most Fascist like regimes in the world tend to be the “Nationalist Communist” or “Nationalist Socialist” regimes like Castro’s Cuba or PSUV Venezuela that have been lionized and lauded by much of the Left?

      “It was nice to Kari Lake’s lies get thrown out of court; just like the 60+ lawsuits of the former lying POS TFG.”

      Nice to know that you are prepared to justify the utterly illegal nonsense that Maricopa County engages in. You are sickening.

    • alanstorm says:

      Kevin, you sound like a typical liberal – boundless arrogance coupled with minimal intelligence.

      • Lee says:

        Thank you Alanstorm!
        Cheney blows with the wind, confused about what true freedom is.
        Let’s go with Joe to the edge of a cliff and jump off like lemmings! So much better option. Run faster we’re almost there!

        • Scott says:

          I don’t think she’s confused in the least, she’s just a swamp critter, with no allegiance to her former constituents.

  • Joe R. says:

    Paragraph 2 of The Declaration of Independence [which cannot be amended or repealed] states our 4th Enumerated Right, as the Right to chuck our [“any”] government “whenever” we deem necessary. It is the ONLY Enumerated Right to be recited 2x in any of our Founding documents [and is further implied a 3rd x in the opening paragraph], and it is also the ONLY Enumerate Right that carries with it the assigned “duty” to exercise it.

    Even if President Trump HAD directed people to overthrow the government, if the people had so chosen to take his suggestion, that government better get its happyazzzz out of D.C. quick fast an in-a-mfn-hurry, or else it deserves whateverthelivinF it gets, and so do their friends, families, pets, livestock, chattel, paper, dry-goods, and those stupid fence-sitting laissez-faire mfrs who can’t seem to come down on any side until waaaaaaaaaaay after-the-fact.

    Cheney can go blougha herdighoatz if she wants to try to get some semblance of her self-esteem back.

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