J6: Trump’s Limo Driver Wanted To Testify, Liz Cheney Said No

J6: Trump’s Limo Driver Wanted To Testify, Liz Cheney Said No

President Trump’s limo driver, a member of the Secret Service, wanted to testify before the January 6 committee. But Liz Cheney said NO. As our readers may recall, Cassidy Hutchinson testified that President Trump tried to overpower his limo driver and force him to drive to the U.S. Capital on January 6th.

How DARE Speaker Mike Johnson Support Trump At Trial?!

How DARE Speaker Mike Johnson Support Trump At Trial?!

The media, who really want President Trump found guilty of anything and everything, is clutching pearls over the appearance of Speaker Mike Johnson at the trial in…

Ken Buck Abruptly Resigns, Leaves House And CO 4th In The Lurch

Ken Buck Abruptly Resigns, Leaves House And CO 4th In The Lurch

We all knew Ken Buck was going to leave Congress at the end of his term. Well, today he abruptly resigned and will leave NEXT WEEK.

Liz Cheney: Vote For Trump And You’ll Never Vote Again

Liz Cheney: Vote For Trump And You’ll Never Vote Again

According to Liz Cheney, Trump must not be allowed to be on any ballot across the country. If he is on the ballot, and we vote for…

Mike Lee Calls For Investigation Into J6 Committee

Mike Lee Calls For Investigation Into J6 Committee

Senator Mike Lee is calling for an investigation into the January 6 committee. Speaker Mike Johnson finally released all 40,000+ hours of video that day.

Democrats Flip Out After January 6 Footage Is Released To Public

Democrats Flip Out After January 6 Footage Is Released To Public

House Speaker Mike Johnson started releasing all January 6 footage late yesterday afternoon, and the Democrats are flipping out. Via Twitter/X, this is what Speaker Johnson had…

Liz Cheney Persists Against Trump, Ignores Biden Grift

Liz Cheney Persists Against Trump, Ignores Biden Grift

Liz Cheney just can’t quit Donald Trump. She persists in going after him while ignoring the reality of how much of a danger the Biden Administration poses…

Ginni Thomas Read Jan 6 Committee The Riot Act

Ginni Thomas Read Jan 6 Committee The Riot Act

Ginni Thomas testimony before the January 6 committee ended with her reading them the riot act. The committee desperately wanted Ginni Thomas, and by proxy, Justice Clarence…

The Top 5 Losers Of 2022

The Top 5 Losers Of 2022

Ah, tis the season where we look back and reflect on the craziness that happened during the year of our Lord 2022.

Guest Opinion: Whistling Past the Graveyard, Part 2

Guest Opinion: Whistling Past the Graveyard, Part 2

Editor’s Note: the below article is a follow up response to thoughts published by the author prior to the November primary.  2023 is upon us bringing much…

Jan 6 Report: Liz Cheney’s Lecture

Jan 6 Report: Liz Cheney’s Lecture

There is much to comb through and absorb regarding the January 6 report that was dropped last night. However, it’s Liz Cheney’s lecture that caught my eye.

Jan 6 Report: All Trump And Little Else

Jan 6 Report: All Trump And Little Else

We can expect lots of words in the Jan 6 report. As for anything of substance? It’s looking like that will be difficult to find.

Jan 6 Committee’s Last Desperate Gamble

Jan 6 Committee’s Last Desperate Gamble

Well, they are persistent! The Jan 6 committee’s last desperate gamble is having a subcommittee look at trying to make the ignored subpoenas and criminal referrals stick.

Carville: Liz Cheney will be next House Speaker

Carville: Liz Cheney will be next House Speaker

Carville predicts Liz Cheney as new House Speaker. The Ragin’ Cajun Carville is up to his elbows in predictions once again. James Carville, the 78-year old who…

Liz Cheney Refuses To Quit Her Trump Obsession

Liz Cheney Refuses To Quit Her Trump Obsession

Liz Cheney’s Trump obsession has now led her to declare she’s a Democrat.

Ginni Thomas To Meet With Jan 6 Committee

Ginni Thomas To Meet With Jan 6 Committee

The January 6 Committee finally landed the “Big Tuna,” as they say in Chicago: they’ll get to interview Ginni Thomas, wife of Justice Clarence Thomas. Media and…

Liz Cheney Utters “Orange Jesus”, Does Not Drop Names

Liz Cheney Utters “Orange Jesus”, Does Not Drop Names

Liz Cheney, (R-Wyo) gave the give the annual Constitution Day Lecture for the American Enterprise Institute last night. In fact, Mediaite is calling the speech a “barn…

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Ava Gardner