It’s About Power And Trump: Nancy Pelosi Will Run Again

It’s About Power And Trump: Nancy Pelosi Will Run Again

It’s About Power And Trump: Nancy Pelosi Will Run Again

Nancy Pelosi refuses to retire. This morning Nancy, at 83 years old and the 6th OLDEST member of Congress, announced she will run again.

The San Francisco Democrat and first female speaker of the House told volunteers on Friday that she would seek reelection in 2024, extending a 36-year House career and freezing her would-be California successors in a long-standing holding pattern.


Shortly before announcing on Twitter, Pelosi told volunteers she would run again at a breakfast for them near downtown San Francisco, at the lodge of a local union for plumbers and pipefitters. She chose that venue because she wanted to tell her “closest supporters” in labor first, according to a close adviser who was granted anonymity to speak candidly. She has no other public events planned today, the person added.

She and her office also posted this on X. 

It’s supremely ironic that Nancy is claiming she stands for Liberty and Justice for ALL, when she is one of the champions of throwing all the books at January 6 defendants while giving all the 2020 rioters a pass. It’s also quite laughable that she wants to pass along San Francisco values to the rest of the country, when San Francisco is bleeding companies because of the drugs and crime. 

There are, I believe, multiple reasons why Nancy Pelosi wants to keep a grip on her seat. 

Republicans now control the House, but just narrowly, with a 222-212 majority and one vacancy. Democrats believe they have a chance to regain power as President Joe Biden runs for a second term.

Pelosi’s announcement quells any talk of retirement for the long-serving leader, who, with the honorific title of speaker emeritus, remains an influential lawmaker, pivotal party figure and strong fundraiser for Democrats.

It also unfolds as Washington is grappling with the sunset of a political era as an older generation of leaders, including Biden, 80, face questions about their age. This past week, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, 81, said he would finish his term as leader and senator despite concerns about his recent health episodes.

There’s also Dianne Feinstein’s health struggles to consider, John Fetterman’s stroke, and the ages of many others in the House and Senate, but of course the media is ignoring THOSE issues.

That said, Nancy wants to keep her seat so she can A. keep her power grip, and B. try to win back the majority in the House because the RNC/GOP continually biff’s it on national races, and C. road block Trump should he prevail. 

Oh it is indeed personal for her. It’s keeping power. It isn’t about taking care of San Francisco. 

There are a multitude of news stories out about the crime and businesses leaving downtown San Francisco. Yet, according to Politico, Nancy is fighting FOR a city that is just totally fabulous! 

Let’s get this out of the way: Yes, the city is facing serious challenges. There’s the exodus of technology companies, the so-called doom loop that’s triggering a vicious cycle with retail and other places of business, and a downtown ill-equipped to absorb the work-from-home transition due to its lack of residential enclaves.

Yet the portrayal of San Francisco as a post-Covid hellscape, notably worse than other American cities, is wildly overstated. Its problems are much more localized and large swaths of the city remain charming and tourist-filled, and still move $6 lattes at a healthy clip.

Now THAT is some epic gaslighting! One that far too many will swallow hook, line, and sinker. 

Nancy will likely run a campaign that ignores those pesky little issues. She’d rather blather on about ice cream, getting her hair done, progressive policies such as the Inflation Reduction Act that hasn’t reduced a damned thing, and continue to hope that all the January 6 defendants are thrown into prison for the rest of their lives. 

Will Nancy’s daughter ALSO film this campaign since she was conveniently filming her mother on January 6? 

Keep in mind, Nancy had thought about running again, but then backtracked. But now she is for certain. She may spin it otherwise, but this is totally about power and Trump. 

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