Illegal Immigrants Quietly Being Pardoned By Biden Administration

Illegal Immigrants Quietly Being Pardoned By Biden Administration

Illegal Immigrants Quietly Being Pardoned By Biden Administration

Yes, well over a million illegal immigrants are quietly being pardoned by the Biden Administration.

Federal prosecutors are quietly dismissing stacks of cases against illegal immigrants under a Biden administration mandate that could be on pace to effectively pardon 1 million people by 2024, according to leaked information reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

Attorneys for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement have begun to throw out tens of thousands of the 2 million backlogged cases in immigration court following a political appointee’s order not to go after illegal border crossers from before the November 2020 election.

You read that correctly, given the backlog, thousands or more illegal immigration cases are being wiped from the court dockets. This is essentially amnesty. Wipe your case from the court? You are pardoned and free to roam about the country, no questions asked. 

This is a mandate that took effect starting April 25, 2022. 

The Washington Examiner obtained leaked video recordings of virtual meetings that Kerry Doyle, ICE’s principal legal adviser, held with the more than 1,200 ICE prosecutors who bring cases against illegal immigrants nationwide, in which she explained in detail who should not be targeted for deportation. Illegal immigrants identified as national security and public safety threats, or those who had crossed the border illegally after Nov. 1, 2020, would be the only cases ICE would pursue. All others would be dropped.

So, any case prior to November 2020, who isn’t a supposed national security threat will be pardoned under this new mandate. How many pardoned thus far? Nearly 100,000 illegal immigrants have been given amnesty since last October. 

How about prosecuting those cases and all the new cases instead? How about ensuring that the cases go through the courts as they should be? Oh wait, maybe because some of the prosecutors have been booted to the curb? 

An immigration judge appointed by the Trump administration says he and a number of other Trump-appointed judges have been ousted by the Biden administration because they’re out of step with the administration’s views on immigration.

Matthew O’Brien, who was appointed in 2020 as an immigration judge, is a former research director at the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a group that calls for lower levels of immigration overall and stricter border policies.

Before that, O’Brien worked at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Pretty suspect when judges who were appointed under President Trump are suddenly let go when their probation period is over. There’s a few others who are on the hook as well. Meanwhile, as the Biden Administration continues to pardon thousands, the influx of illegal immigrants continues. 

“Illegal migration to the United States has reached record-breaking levels since the Biden Administration entered office. In order to protect U.S. security and regional stability, its time the administration establish sound immigration controls within the United States and build political will and capacity in Mexico and the northern Central American countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras,” Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member James Risch, R-Idaho, told Fox News Digital.

How many illegals showed up in the last few months?

That was ONLY the arrests! How many more are sneaking into this country? We have NO idea. 

Which has led to folks such as Governor Ron DeSantis trying to figure out ways to combat this crisis since Border Czar Kamala Harris continues to be AWOL. 

A little background on Kerry Doyle.

Doyle adamantly opposed ICE enforcement actions and doggedly supported sanctuary city measures during her career as an immigration attorney. As recently as 2020, she spoke in favor of a Massachusetts bill, the “Safe Communities Act,” that would have applied sanctuary city policies statewide and claimed that ICE was an “agency that is currently out of control.”

Speaking before the Boston City Council in September 2019, Doyle accused ICE of being “a tool of almost terror to the immigrant [sic] community” and wanted the Boston Police Department (BPD) to believe as much. In that same testimony, she adamantly opposed the idea of the BPD sharing intelligence information with federal immigration officials. Her speech revolved around her umbrage with the Boston Regional Intelligence Center, a database the BPD uses to fight against crime and terror, which she claimed had a “very negative impact” because this information was being shared with ICE.

This is who is in charge at ICE. Doyle’s political views are such that immigration, legal or illegal, is totally fine as long as it gets Democrats what they want. A new voting block. 

That’s right, by pardoning these illegal immigrants, they are now free to apply for legal permanent residency and benefits. The very definition of amnesty. 

Biden’s border policy is ‘let them all in and damn the consequences!’ Does the Biden Administration want to break this country? I think they do and we cannot let that happen. 

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Feature Photo Credit: Fence, American Flag via Pixabay, cropped and modified

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  • Cameron says:

    According to the left in this country, the US is the only nation in the world that is not allowed to have borders or an immigration policy. The only thing we are allowed to do is allow everyone in who wants in and give them welfare benefits, ballots in their native language and free education.

  • Lloyd says:

    The damage done to America from Biden’s border neglect/open border cannot be undone. Those who voted for Biden caused permanent damage to America.

  • Gregory Brou says:

    46 illegals died this evening locked in a trailer/abandoned near San Antonio. Will this get twice the media coverage of the Uvalde shooting. It should!

  • […] Victory Girls Federal prosecutors are quietly dismissing stacks of cases against illegal immigrants under a Biden administration mandate that could be on pace to effectively pardon 1 million people by 2024, according to leaked information reviewed by the Washington Examiner. Attorneys for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement have begun to throw out tens of thousands of the 2 million backlogged cases in immigration court following a political appointee’s order not to go after illegal border crossers from before the November 2020 election.According to the blog author but not the article, this will leave illegals with the ability to apply for legal residency and potentially citizenship. In other words, it's an amnesty. This shouldn't surprise anyone since Biden is Barack's mini-me and Barack had his DACA program to do the same thing, except DACA was publicized because Barack thought he would get political credit for doing it. He learned better when he got massively increased opposition. Biden is going to hide it and hope we don't notice. […]

  • […] not forget that back in June of 2022, sleazy Joe’s administration quietly started pardoning illegals. So, do you think our government is in on it too? It looks like Obama’s plan to […]

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