Comey Goes Full Trump Bashing In Interview

Comey Goes Full Trump Bashing In Interview

Comey Goes Full Trump Bashing In Interview

We all knew that James Comey disliked Donald Trump, and internalized that dislike when he was fired as FBI Director. However, Comey has proved continually that his ego is the equal of Trump’s, and after his last round of testimony before Congress, the two men came to verbal blows again.

As Kim pointed out, Comey did his best Sgt. Shultz impression during his closed-door testimony to Congress on Friday. Once the president caught wind of the lack of substance in Comey’s testimony, he took to Twitter. Because that’s what Donald Trump does.

Well, never one to let an insult sit, Comey lashed out at the president while speaking to a friendly crowd in New York during an on-stage interview with MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace on Sunday night. Because that’s what James Comey does.

Former FBI Director James Comey asked American voters Sunday night to end Donald Trump’s presidency with a “landslide” victory for his opponent in 2020.

“All of us should use every breath we have to make sure the lies stop on January 20, 2021,” Comey told an audience at the 92nd Street Y on New York City’s Upper East Side. He all but begged Democrats to set aside their ideological differences and nominate the person best suited to defeating Trump in an election.

“I understand the Democrats have important debates now over who their candidate should be,” Comey told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace, “but they have to win. They have to win.”

Over the course of more than an hour, Comey repeatedly derided Trump’s character, again likening the atmosphere around the President to what he saw in prosecuting mafia figures and suggested that Trump’s tweets could eventually amount to witness tampering. Asked if Trump might be an unindicted co-conspirator in some of the crimes recently described by special counsel Robert Mueller, Comey said he didn’t know, “but if he’s not there, he’s certainly close.”

Still, Comey said he hoped that Trump would be swept out of office without being impeached. Framing the rise of Trumpism as a political ill the country needed to exorcise at the ballot, he expressed a hope that Americans would “in a landslide rid ourselves of this attack on our values.”

“Removal by impeachment would muddy that,” he said, and potentially leave a third of the country feeling like their chosen leader had been removed in a “coup.”

And about those tweets by Trump?

Comey laughed at the idea Trump had even looked over the actual testimony, joking to Wallace before she could read the tweets, “He’s finished reading the 253 pages?”
After hearing the words out loud, he turned serious.

“My reaction to it is actually disturbing to me, which is kind of, ‘Eh, there he goes again.’ I thought I was ‘Lyin’ James Comey’ now I’m ‘Leakin’ James Comey’. But I kind of shrug and sometimes smile and laugh about it and then I have a secondary reaction, which is to be horrified at my own numb reaction,” Comey said. “We have to remind ourselves the President of the United States of America is publicly announcing that people are committing crimes, that they should be in jail.”

Asked if Trump’s tweets could be viewed as witness tampering, Comey answered carefully — insisting he had no insight into Muller’s thinking.

“I’m not prepared to judge it,” Comey said, “but again, if I were prosecuting a case in the Southern District of New York and a prominent person started attacking my witnesses, I’d want to know so what’s going on there and does that cross the line from free speech, which we have to keep protected, into something else?”

And because one must never miss an opportunity to slobber over the memory of the presidency of Barack Obama:

He had kinder words for former President Barack Obama, describing the Democrat as a foil to Trump in almost every way.

“I was struck that Barack Obama is the best listener as a leader I had ever seen and Donald Trump is the worst I’ve ever seen,” Comey said. “Obama had the confidence to be quiet and try and get that. Donald Trump is a deeply, deeply insecure person, so I don’t see any prospect that he would be able to be quiet for long enough to hear the truth.”

Now, you can believe that Donald Trump has made bad choices in the people he has surrounded himself with, and really shouldn’t be allowed to use Twitter, and think James Comey is full of crap at the same time. No one listening to these comments can possibly think that this man was in the least bit objective in his job as FBI Director. Comey really did let Hillary Clinton walk away from her email scandal, because despite the obvious felonies that others were prosecuted for, everyone really thought she was going to win the election.

The DC establishment still hasn’t figured out how that happened. And despite Comey’s pleas, it doesn’t look likely that there will be a single candidate that will be able to unify the Democrats. Elizabeth Warren’s poll numbers are in quicksand ever since her DNA test results. Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders lead the pack of numerous Democratic hopefuls, and neither one of them is going to concede to the other – and neither of them are what the Democrats say they want. Over 70, male, and white does not exactly project that youth and diversity that the Democrats are constantly harping about. Beto! can’t even get himself elected to a statewide office. Can a lot of things change in a year? Absolutely, and a year is more than a lifetime in politics. But it’s going to take more than Comey’s enormous ego dissing Trump in public to pull the Democrats together.

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Featured image: James Comey (screenshot via CBS Evening News)

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  • GWB says:

    Asked if Trump might be an unindicted co-conspirator in some of the crimes recently described by special counsel Robert Mueller
    How the he;; can you be a co-conspirator in the process crime of lying to a FBI agent?!

    Comey said he didn’t know

    this attack on our values
    That’s RICH, coming from someone who threw out the rule of law to let one of the political class skate. I don’t think “our values” is meant to mean the values of those Americans who hold true to our Constitution and DoI.

  • Kathy says:

    “Beto! can’t even get himself elected to a statewide office.”

    And that was after spending $80 million!

  • […] The unbiased, non-partisan Republican James ComeyFormer FBI Director James Comey asked American voters Sunday night to end Donald Trump’s presidency with a “landslide” victory for his opponent in 2020.“All of us should use every breath we have to make sure the lies stop on January 20, 2021,” Comey told an audience at the 92nd Street Y on New York City’s Upper East Side. He all but begged Democrats to set aside their ideological differences and nominate the person best suited to defeating Trump in an election.“I understand the Democrats have important debates now over who their candidate should be,” Comey told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace, “but they have to win. They have to win.”Comey, who has claimed to be unbiased in performing his duties and claimed to be a Republican, reveals in the quotes above (from his post-Congress interview) and in other ways that he is in fact a raging partisan. This doesn't surprise anyone who has followed SpyGate. […]

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