#CharlieHebdo Says Au Revior to Mohammad Cartoons

#CharlieHebdo Says Au Revior to Mohammad Cartoons

Six months after the deadly attack on their offices, and with the news that another attack was being planned to “celebrate” the one year mark since the assassinations of the Charlie Hebdo staff, new editor-in-chief Laurent Sourisseau has said “au revior” to any more Mohammad cartoons.

During an interview with the Hamburg-based news magazine “Stern,” editor of the French weekly “Charlie Hebdo” said he would no longer draw comics of the Muslim prophet Muhammad.

“We have drawn Muhammad to defend the principle that one can draw whatever they want. It is a bit strange though: we are expected to exercise a freedom of expression that no one dares to,” Sourisseau told “Stern.”

The editor said that the magazine had done what it set out to do. “We’ve done our job. We have defended the right to caricature,” Sourisseau said.
“We still believe that we have the right to criticize all religions,” the editor said, adding that he did not want to believe that the magazine “was possessed by Islam.”

“The mistakes you could blame Islam for can be found in other religions,” Sourisseau noted.

Sourisseau was a survivor of the January attack, and was able to “play dead” while being injured. The magazine has come a long way from their initial response of printing 3 million copies after the attack, to this new stance, where Sourisseau basically says “someone else do this. We’ve done enough. Oh, and blame other religions, too, while you’re at it.”

This new attitude comes after the news broke that more Islamic militants were planning a new attack in France – one that France managed to discover.

The three suspects had planned to time the murder for next January to coincide with the anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo killings in which Islamist gunmen killed 12 at the satirical weekly. They had intended to film their act with a GoPro camera and post it online.

On Monday, police had seized four individuals aged between 16, 17, 19 and 23 from four separate locations in the North, Yvelines near Paris, south-western Rhône and the Bouches du Rhône near Marseille. One of the suspects was a former member of the French navy. The youngest was freed without charges on Thursday morning.

Those still held had been planning “a terrorist act against French military facilities” and were in custody of the country’s intelligence services, the DGSI, said Bernard Cazeneuve, the interior minister.

He said the group’s leader, a 17-year-old, had been under surveillance after his activism on social media raised investigators’ suspicions. His mother had also raised the alert by warning authorities about his desire to travel to Syria.

The three reportedly confessed to the plot during questioning, saying they had planned to target the Fort Béar national commando training centre at Port-Vendres, in the Pyrenees, south-western France.

I’m sorry, Laurent Sourisseau, but stopping publishing Mohammad cartoons will not stop you from being a target. The evil that walked in and started shooting on January 7th still roams the streets, looking for more ways to inflict damage and wreak havoc. And they ARE doing it in the name of Islam, not any other religion. Your colleagues died because they dared to ridicule Islam, not any other religion. So long as you don’t willingly join with the evil, you will still be a target of evil.

And the only way to defeat evil is to first identify it, then destroy it. Not stop drawing cartoons and hoping that the evil will leave you alone.

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1 Comment
  • […] Charlie Hebdo was a long-time satirical publication in Paris, France who dared to publish a cartoon depicting Mohammed. This is the same publication that would skewer anyone and anything no matter the narrative of the day. Then, two Muslim terrorists forced their way into the paper’s offices and murdered twelve people while leaving 11 others injured.  […]

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