CDC And DOJ: Mask On Folks!

CDC And DOJ: Mask On Folks!

CDC And DOJ: Mask On Folks!

Dear DOJ, please appeal the airline mask ruling. We want at least two more weeks/decades to flatten the curve and keep our power! That’s the latest from the CDC today.

As Deanna wrote here, a District Court Judge Kathryn Mizelle wrote a detailed ruling. The gist of it is, masks don’t work and therefore are no longer needed when traveling around the country by plane, train, or automobile. Social media came alive with videos of celebrations on multiple planes around the country. However, we also watched in live mode the reactions of those who would rather we live in fear for the rest of our lives, and keep those masks on in perpetuity

Which led to many begging the government to let the CDC continue to rule us all.

Keep in mind, Biden himself said it was up to us to decide whether we wanted to mask or not. The DOJ straddled multiple fences, while Jen Psaki punted to the CDC. Suddenly, it was the CDC’s job to decide whether to appeal or not. 

The Justice Department said Tuesday that it stood ready to appeal the ruling — issued Monday by a Trump-appointed federal judge in Florida — but that it would do so only “subject to the CDC’s conclusion that the order remains necessary for public health.”

That was met with surprise at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which an hour later issued its own statement that did not clearly say whether the health agency wanted the Justice Department to pursue the appeal. The CDC had been reviewing whether to lift the mask order before the court killed it.

You know, we’ve had TWO YEARS to study whether masks are effective or not. Yet there still isn’t a credible study out there to give us info one way or another. What we do have is publications such as the Washington Post deciding to tell us when we should and shouldn’t wear a mask.  Then AP News tweets out poll results that grandly inform us that Americans DO want masks forever! Only one problem…

Yet the media, Democrats, and good ole Jen will run with the polling information for as long as they can!

Back to the CDC and the DOJ. The DOJ already has egg on their face for the eviction moratorium and Title 42. Currently, in addition to wishing for masks forever, the narrative is that courts shouldn’t be making public health decision. However, the court made a LEGAL decision. One that clearly pointed out where the public health decisions became a statutory overreach. 

The central issue in Health Freedom Defense Fund v. Biden, the lawsuit challenging the CDC’s mask mandate, was narrower: whether the Public Health Service Act of 1944—specifically, 42 USC 264(a)—gave the agency the power to decree that people who fly on commercial airplanes, use mass transit, or travel in taxis or ride-sharing cars must wear face masks. Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, a federal judge in Florida, concluded that the CDC did not have the power it asserted.

One would think, if anyone at either of those agencies is capable of thinking rationally, that it would be a much wiser move to let the decision stand. 

Nope, no one at the CDC has any modicum of sanity left, nor do they understand that the unmask genie cannot be stuffed back into the bottle! This afternoon they begged the DOJ to appeal the decision. 

To protect CDC’s public health authority beyond the ongoing assessment announced last week, CDC has asked DOJ to proceed with an appeal in Health Freedom Defense Fund, Inc., et al., v. Biden, et al. It is CDC’s continuing assessment that at this time an order requiring masking in the indoor transportation corridor remains necessary for the public health. CDC will continue to monitor public health conditions to determine whether such an order remains necessary. CDC believes this is a lawful order, well within CDC’s legal authority to protect public health.

This is the very same CDC that, this MORNING, lifted the Covid mandates for international travel! The irony is rich here. We are free to travel anywhere in the world, but when we travel within the U.S., wear your damned mask! 

The DOJ was obviously working in sync with the CDC. Minutes after the announcement, the appeal was filed in federal court in Tampa. 

Look at the statement from the CDC again. Read that very first sentence. This is indeed all about power and preserving the CDC’s institutional authority. This is all about making sure everyone knows they are doing “something” to keep the Covid mask pandemic porn alive and kicking. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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