Bill Gates Proves Money Can’t Buy Morals

Bill Gates Proves Money Can’t Buy Morals

Around the greater Puget Sound area, there is no richer name around than Bill Gates – and apparently, fewer bigger scumbags.

Prince Harry Calls First Amendment Bonkers

Prince Harry Calls First Amendment Bonkers

In an interview with Dax Shephard on the podcast Armchair Expert, Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex said that while he doesn’t understand it, the First Amendment…

Ma’Khia Bryant Wanted Her Mom Who Was Not There

Ma’Khia Bryant Wanted Her Mom Who Was Not There

Ever since the death of Ma’Khia Bryant, the question that her family – who all went rushing to the cameras after her death – didn’t want to…

Black Hammer Group “Liberates” Colorado Land For CHOP Commune

Black Hammer Group “Liberates” Colorado Land For CHOP Commune

The Black Hammer communist and virulent anti-semite group has “liberated” 200 acres in Colorado for their own new and improved commune.

Jen Psaki, Darling Of The Press

Jen Psaki, Darling Of The Press

It seems as though Beltway journalists (cough) are circling around the Queen of Circle Back, Jen Psaki.

Rachel Hollis: Girl, Get Over Yourself

Rachel Hollis: Girl, Get Over Yourself

I’ve spent some days mulling over the Rachel Hollis controversy as of late. For those of you who don’t know who Rachel Hollis is, she is the…

Elon Musk Is A Cheapskate Says LA Times

Elon Musk Is A Cheapskate Says LA Times

A cheapskate. That’s how the LA Times described Elon Musk. It seems that he’s not giving nearly enough to charity. According to envious Michael Hiltzik, he should…

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “Gym Heroes” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “Gym Heroes” Edition

Gym Heroes. No, not the soldiers who clawed dirt under gunfire on the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc – the slope pictured above. Not them. How about…

Dan Crenshaw Has Emergency Surgery For Eye

Dan Crenshaw Has Emergency Surgery For Eye

Congressman Dan Crenshaw can often see issues more clearly with one eye than others can see with both. But now he is at risk of losing the…

Where in the World is Carmen … er … Kamala Harris?

Where in the World is Carmen … er … Kamala Harris?

Two weeks ago FICUS Biden punted the border crisis to the distaff side of the Biden-Harris administration. And while illegals continue to pour through the border, our…

Scott Adams vs Naomi Wolf on Vaccine Passports

Scott Adams vs Naomi Wolf on Vaccine Passports

You probably already know Scott Adams as the “Dilbert” cartoonist. Besides that, he’s also whip smart (he is a member of MENSA), and delves into current events…

Charlottesville Mayor, Nikuyah Walker, Says Her City Is A Rapist

Charlottesville Mayor, Nikuyah Walker, Says Her City Is A Rapist

Charlottesville VA, the city and therefore Thomas Jefferson, is a rapist. Yes indeed, that is what Nikuyah Walker, the MAYOR of Charlottesville boldly posted on Twitter yesterday.

Josephine Baker: Toast of Paris and World War II Spy

Josephine Baker: Toast of Paris and World War II Spy

We love to hear the stories of the brave men who stormed beaches or dropped from the skies to win World War II. While we are thinking…

Noah Proves Liberals Are Still Tacky at Grammys

Noah Proves Liberals Are Still Tacky at Grammys

The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah, took to the stage at the 67th Annual Grammy Awards last night with his uniquely unhumorous sense of humor. Remember the time…

Newsom Starts His Presidential Campaign

Newsom Starts His Presidential Campaign

Last night Gavin Newsom took over Dodger Stadium to give an ostensible State of the State speech. Make no mistake, after watching Governor Hairgel telling Californians about…

Piers Morgan Under Investigation, Leaves Morning News Program

Piers Morgan Under Investigation, Leaves Morning News Program

It has become glaringly apparent that Piers Morgan does not like Meghan Markle. So much so, his commentary has launched an investigation U.K. media regulator Ofcom has…

McCammond In At Teen Vogue Despite Racist Tweets

McCammond In At Teen Vogue Despite Racist Tweets

Condé Nast, publishers of Communist and anal-sex-loving Teen Vogue, tapped a new Editor-In-Chief over the weekend. Joining the brand is Alexi McCammond, former political reporter at Axios…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner