Media Feverish About Trump’s Covid-19 Briefings

Media Feverish About Trump’s Covid-19 Briefings

It should come as no surprise that the media has a huge problem with President Trump. Most of the MSM did all it could to make sure…

CBS Gives Itself a Black Eye w/ #FakeNews UPDATED

CBS Gives Itself a Black Eye w/ #FakeNews UPDATED

CBS has some ‘splaining to do. They’ve been caught using a clip of video of a crowded hospital ward during a report on the New York’s coronavirus…

Ghouls in Media Dog on Deborah Birx

Ghouls in Media Dog on Deborah Birx

You cannot deny that Deborah Birx is a brilliant woman. Not only is she a physician, but her accomplishments in the medical field are astounding. Now, of…

China Claims Get Repeated Ad Nauseum In Media

China Claims Get Repeated Ad Nauseum In Media

Guess what, everyone! China has beaten COVID-19, their own special Wuhan coronavirus! They have no new cases, they say! And if you believe that, I would like…

Media Peddles Fake News About Fish Tank Cleaner To Blame Trump

Media Peddles Fake News About Fish Tank Cleaner To Blame Trump

FISH TANK CLEANER is bad for your health. The media, however, isn’t warning you about that. Instead they are peddling Fake News. But now, while people are…

Trump Told Governors They Are On Their Own Says New York Times

Trump Told Governors They Are On Their Own Says New York Times

The governors have been abandoned by Trump! This is according to our media betters at the New York Times.

Hulu Hillary Homage is Still About Bill

Hulu Hillary Homage is Still About Bill

We subscribe to the Hulu streaming service, which I turn on each morning when I come downstairs for breakfast. Imagine my eye-rolling when I turned on the…

Chris Matthews Abruptly Announces Retirement, Walks Off Set

Chris Matthews Abruptly Announces Retirement, Walks Off Set

In a move that NO ONE saw coming, veteran broadcaster Chris Matthews announced he was retiring from MSNBC effective immediately.

ABC News Gets Caught Again By Project Veritas

ABC News Gets Caught Again By Project Veritas

Loose lips sink ships, and ABC News is discovering just how many loose lips they have, courtesy of Project Veritas. But really, is any of this a…

The Deepening Madness of Maddow and Company

The Deepening Madness of Maddow and Company

In case you had any suspicions, rest them now: MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has lost her mind. So have CNN’s Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo. What drove them…

Cotton Mocked by Media for Coronavirus Idea

Cotton Mocked by Media for Coronavirus Idea

Do you know with absolute certainty how the coronavirus started? Me neither. But when Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) appeared on Fox News on Sunday morning and briefly…

Media Freak Out Over Trump At Daytona 500

Media Freak Out Over Trump At Daytona 500

The media has cried “wolf” so many times regarding President Trump that they have lost all sense of perspective.

Prager University Makes Samantha Bee Mad

Prager University Makes Samantha Bee Mad

Dennis Prager and the Prager University YouTube channel (better known as just Prager U) has to be shaking in their boots, because Samantha Bee is calling them…

Rush Award Triggers Gals of The View

Rush Award Triggers Gals of The View

At first Whoopi Goldberg and the gals of “The View” expressed sympathy when Rush Limbaugh announced his cancer. But that was before President Trump awarded Limbaugh the Medal…

CNN: Trying to Take the Fun Out of Super Bowl Sunday

CNN: Trying to Take the Fun Out of Super Bowl Sunday

On Super Bowl Sunday, Americans want to set aside politics and enjoy the biggest game of year. But leave it to CNN to be the killjoy, the…

CNN Panel Says Trump Supporters Are Illiterate Rednecks

CNN Panel Says Trump Supporters Are Illiterate Rednecks

Illiterate rednecks. That’s how CNN’s Don Lemon, supposed conservative Rick Wilson, and NY Times reporter Wajahat Ali view anyone who is a Trump supporter. Think I’m wrong?…

New York Times Wants Only Women For President

New York Times Wants Only Women For President

A paper that’s been around as long as the New York Times should know how endorsements work. The editorial board is supposed to choose the candidate that…

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Ava Gardner