Staff for Wendy Davis, world-class victim, now mocking Greg Abbott for being paralyzed

Staff for Wendy Davis, world-class victim, now mocking Greg Abbott for being paralyzed

Since he can’t “walk in her shoes”, now it’s time to make fun of him. Things go from bad to worse for Strugglin’ Wendy. It’s probably time…

Montana State University to hold “Fun” Condom Fashion Show

“Avoid a frown, contain your clown” – new MSU motto (because condoms are FUNNY!!!!) From the Daily Caller article: “We want the audience and models to learn…

Students Pay Professional Writers So They Don’t Have To Be “Burdened” with Academics

Tell me again why students and parents take out multi-thousand dollar college loans?  So they can buy college entrance essays and class assignments written by other people?   Can…

Gonorrhea and syphilis on the rise – all because of “homophobes”

Yes, according to them, it is NOT the behavior that leads to sexual communicative disease that is to blame. It is our fear or condemnation of the behavior…

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is a horse’s ass.

The new King of New York City is determined to outdo Bloomberg in the BAN EVERYTHING FUN  business, and has decreed that the charming tradition of horse…

Radical feminist thinks CONSENSUAL intercourse is RAPE.

For a nanosecond there, I thought she wrote, “PVC is always rape” and I’m thinking…”WHOA…plastic pipe from Home Depot??”  Then I saw “PIV” and I thought, “what…

Melissa Harris-Perry and her Merry Band of MSNBC Comedians call Mitt Romney’s Grandson “Token”

MSNBC racist Talking Tampon Head, Melissa Harris-Perry is, again, at the top of her intellectual game.  This time she and her panel of comedians aren’t content with…

Does Obama ever just tell the truth? Even to his supporters?

The answer is no, apparently not.  Not  when he’s trying to huckster a million $3 donations out of the pockets of his own sycophants.  And especially not…

Ezekiel Emanuel, Architect of Obamacare, Says “Big PR Campaign” Needed to Save Obamacare

Yesterday, on “Fox News Sunday“, Ezekiel Emanuel the infamous architect of Obama’s signature piece of legislation, pompously declared that a “big PR campaign” will solve the problems of the…

Obama “Worship Syndrome” Hits Fever Pitch

Well, the very awesome Ben Shapiro calls it a “syndrome”.  But I call it “delusional mental illness with more than a touch of racism, willful ignorance and…

The Price We All Will Pay

Today I have no “breaking” story to link or Al Gore hypocrisy to blog.  I will not be quoting a talking head, liberal or conservative.  All the…

Dem Senator Sheldon Whitehouse Warns Global Warming Will Be The End of Hockey

No more HOCKEY??? Read and watch the insightful, intelligent analysis Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse gives about the effect of global warming on the sport of hockey, ponds,…

The Imperial Google: “Do As We Say, Not As We Do”

Here’s another example of liberal uber-wealthy elite hypocrisy.  The Google geeks put 3.4 million miles on their corporate jets – that’s about 100 million pounds of evil…

Should Obama Resign? Of Course Not. He Should Be Impeached.

We’ve all heard it before. This is Article II, Section 1, of the United States Constitution; the Presidential Oath of Office. “I do solemnly swear (or affirm)…

Oprah Winfrey, Still A Racist

Scratch the surface of an ultra-rich liberal elitist and you’ll find the heart of a hypocrite. If Americans are so racist, how did you, Ms. Winfrey, become…

The Benghazi Survivors – Speaking Out

Dead men tell no tales.  And Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama prefer it that way. But there were badly injured survivors of the attack on Benghazi and…

Obamacare girl not a citizen, hasn’t signed up and….wasn’t paid.

I can sympathize with this young woman.  The cyber crazy is abundant and vicious.  I know….I’ve been called a “cracker racist” and much much MUCH worse by…

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Ava Gardner