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October 25, 2017
What? What’s that you say? The Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for that opposition research that most media outlets ignored until Buzzfeed just couldn’t pass it up?
Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) October 24, 2017
So, what does the left do when confronted with this kind of news? First, per the five stages of grief, we have denial, with a side of divert.
Lordy. Focus on who holds power. This is just an excuse to be partisan.
— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) October 25, 2017
Last time i looked they didn't hold any office. Come on guys. Focus.
— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) October 25, 2017
Then we move into anger. Time to shoot the messenger. In this case, take it out on the reporter who tweeted – but didn’t write – the article.
Oh my god Maggie. Just stop.
— Joshuah Marshall (@JoshuahMarshall) October 24, 2017
Oh. She’s a piece of work. By “she” I mean Haberman. She went to the Andrea Mitchell school of Anti-Clinton Journalism. She’s an untruther.
— Pepys’s Norwegian Jarlsberger (@cromgood) October 25, 2017
Agree completely. She's a really sad figure of 'wish-I-could-be-a-journalist-so-I-could-look-important.'
— DAKOTA (@doodlebug0) October 25, 2017
Grow up Maggie! Your do desperate for a paycheck or his approval? Horrible
— Sheri Maali (@maalicrew) October 25, 2017
Does she just hate Hillary this much or does she have a special kind of deal with Trump to get access? It's so obvious it's sad.
— Michelle D. (@chelleinchicago) October 24, 2017
Then, we move into the bargaining phase, with a side of rationalization. C’mon, everyone does opposition research! Who cares!
Only the American media could make a scandal out of opposition research.
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) October 25, 2017
“Who paid for the Steele dossier” is the new “but her emails.”
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) October 25, 2017
I mean, really, who cares about this stuff??
Leaving this here, from the Steele memo.
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) March 26, 2017
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) October 25, 2017
Out: This dossier proves Russian collusion & here are the highlights
In: Why is paid opposition research such a big deal?
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) October 25, 2017
And then depression sets in.
GUT CHECK: If the #TrumpRussia investigation doesn't take down Trump, his hand will be strengthened immeasurably. Not an unlikely outcome.
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) October 24, 2017
ah, someone's been to recently
— Surtur (@Surtur) October 24, 2017
If you were looking for acceptance as the final stage, that hasn’t happened, and it probably never will. This is the left we are talking about, after all.
I started rolling at the comment that Maggie Haberman was practicing the Andrea Mitchell style of Anti-Clinton journalism! Mitchell was and is SO in the tank for Hillary, it’s ludicrous!!
True, and you and I know this, but because there are others on the Left who are even more in the tank for Hillary than Andrea Mitchell, they really think Andrea is “anti-Hillary “.
It isn’t enough for a person to be a Leftwinger, they have to be “sufficiently “ Leftwing for it to count.
So adorable to watch the DNC and the Lefty contingent of american political thought rush to raise the barricades when they realize the Queen has no clothes. Sucks being you MSM, Deal,,,,,,,,,,
EEEEWWWWWW that’s a visual that no amount of brain bleach will get rid of!!!
Great stuff. Love how Russian collusion was the greatest scandal of all time but, if it was Hillary that did it, we should have done more of it and how the dossier proved Trump collaborated and should be impeached but, if Hillary did it, there is nothing wrong with collaboration. It is almost like the left is a mindless religious cult instead of our betters.
I don’t think it’s an accident that these bad stories are coming out of mainstream media now. To me, it seems likely that someone knew all this was coming out soon no matter what, and they’re trying to get in front of it for the sake of spin.
What I’d really like to believe is it’s because Mueller is, you know, really doing his job. I give that a low probability, but stranger things have happened. It’s easier to believe he’d do his job than to believe WaPo finally started doing theirs.
Considering he, Comey, and Rosenstein are up to their eyeballs in Uranium One coverup, not likely.
Pass the popcorn – it’s like watching a pirahna scene in a B movie
So sad. I really wanted Hillary to be the Dems 2020 nominee.
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