Liz Cheney: Vote For Trump And You’ll Never Vote Again

Liz Cheney: Vote For Trump And You’ll Never Vote Again

Liz Cheney: Vote For Trump And You’ll Never Vote Again

According to Liz Cheney, Trump must not be allowed to be on any ballot across the country. If he is on the ballot, and we vote for him, it will be the last vote we’ll ever freely cast.

HANOVER, New Hampshire—On the eve of the third anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection, former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) warned the 2024 election could be the nation’s last.

Speaking to a room full of Dartmouth College students, Cheney expressed her conviction that former President Donald Trump would refuse to hand over the reins of power if elected to a second term.

“He won’t leave office,” Cheney said. “He already tried not to leave office once. So I think there’s a lot of living in a fantasy world that’s going on with Republicans telling themselves, ‘Look, we’ll vote for him, it won’t be so bad.’ It may well be the last real vote you ever get to cast. It will be that bad.”

REALLY Liz??!! Her implication here is that Trump, once he’s in office should he prevail, he will spend all his time gaming the system so that any vote cast goes in the direction he chooses. 

Liz, just WHO are the ones who are trying to keep Trump off the ballot on their say so? Democrats. Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Oregon, California, Wyoming, and elsewhere. Multiple 14th Amendment cases have been kicked to the curb. Meanwhile, SCOTUS will be hearing the Colorado ballot case. 

Yet Liz is here to tell us that TRUMP is the one who wants to take our Constitutional voting rights away. 

Liz, our Constitution gives ALL Americans the right to vote for the one WE choose. You do not get to tell us who is and isn’t allowed on a ballot because of your deep animus. 

Liz Cheney is adding her voice to the movement to bar Donald Trump from the ballot, saying Friday that there’s “no question” his actions on Jan. 6, 2021, fall under the so-called insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment.

“I don’t believe he should be part of our political process,” Cheney said. “And this is a process that will go through the courts and that we’ll see sort of how that unfolds. But there’s no question in my mind that his actions clearly constituted an offense that is within the language of the 14th Amendment.”

Oh yes, that 14th Amendment. A plain reading of the text plus the history around Section 3 shows otherwise. It involves soldiers and officers who fought for the South. The 14th, in my opinion, was crafted as a knee-jerk reaction just after the end of the Civil War. Yet nowhere in the text is the office of the President mentioned. Furthermore, Section 5 of the 14th makes it exceptionally clear that it is the job of CONGRESS to determine who should and should not be allowed to run for office, any office. 

Yet, Liz persists. According to her, any Republican defending Trump or going against the Colorado State Supreme Court decision is a coward.

Liz firmly believes that by branding Trump as an insurrectionist, we should all fall in line and agree with her. 

“This is a process that will go through the courts and we’ll see how that unfolds. But there’s no question in my mind that his actions clearly constituted an offense that is within the language of the 14th Amendment,” Cheney said. “There’s not a requirement that you be convicted in the Senate or in a court of law, and so I believe in the plain language of the constitution.”

Cheney, who was easily defeated in her 2022 primary re-election bid by a Trump-backed candidate after standing up to the former president, said she disagrees with many of President Biden’s policies but urged conservative Republicans to recognize “the threat posed by Donald Trump and the threat posed by Joe Biden are not even remotely similar.”

“Our nation can survive and recover from policy mistakes. We cannot recover from a president willing to torch the Constitution,” she said.

Liz, your willful blindness is just amazing. Your hatred of Trump has thoroughly blinded you to the fact that the Biden Administration is torching our Constitution on a near daily basis! The DOJ has labeled parents as terrorists. The DHS has thrown the border wide-open and is pushing for illegals to have all same rights as Americans without going through the legal process to become American citizens. January 6 defendants who only WALKED through the U.S. Capitol are being handed jail sentences of YEARS. Some, facing that kind of pressure and jail time, have committed suicide. Some defendants who were only on the grounds and didn’t do anything faced a year or more of jail time and years of probation…for doing NOTHING.

Yet you, Liz are here to tell us that it is TRUMP who is planning to torch our Constitution?? And that if we choose to vote for him, it’ll be the last time we have the freedom vote? Get over yourself. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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  • rbj1 says:

    My earliest memory of presidential electoral politics was LBJ getting humiliated in NH, and bowing out of the 1968 campaign. I have never seen such historics about a major party candidate. It’s almost as if Trump is an existential threat to the Deep State and the uniparty.

    I’m more of a Calvin Coolidge guy and sympathize who don’t like Trump’s temperament, but if he’s the one willing to stand up to the WEF and bulldoze ahead, I’m on board.

    • Cameron says:

      Calvin Coolidge has been underrated as a President but given the kind of people that write the history books that’s not a surprise.

      And Liz is not saying anything new. I remember Bush 2’s election and liberals saying he was going to declare himself emperor and bring back slavery.

  • Mad Celt says:

    This hoopla about Trump being elected is going to end our democracy makes no sense. How is his election going to bring about the death of the republic? Give me some specifics. Or is his election going to end the encroaching leftist agenda? There is a difference.

  • She has to hope that her opposition does not take power again – and decide to apply her precedent of “sentence instead of trial.”

    I see many on the comment boards that would happily convict and execute her for treason – without presenting evidence, arguments and counterarguments, sans jury.

    I don’t agree with that approach to “justice,” not in the least – but those people have a point. She is one of those working every day to more firmly establish the oligarchic tyranny. If that is not treason as defined by the Constitution, nothing is.

    • John Shepherd says:

      “Many people on comment boards” is like saying a tiny fringe on the internet. At this point in time i suspect anyone screaming treason on comment boards of being an agent Provocateur stirring up the gullible to make outrageous statements to provide fodder for the “Trump is going eliminate his political opponents” mene.

  • John in Indy says:

    Cheney is just doing what all the DemonRats do, projecting like an IMAX.

    Ending elections where a non-DemonRat has any chance to win is the many times stated intention of the totalitarian Left.

  • REDACTED says:

    beware of a woman past her humps

    they get mean and nasty

  • GWB says:

    by branding Trump as an insurrectionist, we should all fall in line and agree with her
    Well, actually, it’s that we should all agree with her, therefore Trump is an insurrectionist. She is a highly “elite” person, born to privilege (gasp!), and expecting the peons to join her religious crusade, because she said so.

    Liz Cheney: “One of the gravest threats that we’re facing is a president who won’t enforce the ruling of the courts.
    Depends on which courts and which president, doesn’t it, hun?

    there’s no question in my mind
    I doubt there’s much of any questions in your mind, except maybe “What’s for dinner?” and “How much is in my checking account?”

    “the threat posed by Donald Trump and the threat posed by Joe Biden are not even remotely similar.”
    Well, Liz, you got that one right. (At least, as quoted.)

    Honestly, I just want to hear someone give me accurate, in context quotes of what Trump said to instigate or drive the riotous assemblage of gawkers on Jan 6. I am fairly certain they cannot. So far, everything we’ve heard in testimony from Capitol police (of various agencies) speaking of a “riot” or “insurrection” have been flat out lies. And from people who should have been in a position to know – but weren’t. Or, just told stories (like the lunging for the steering wheel story; oy vey).

    THAT is why we don’t believe you, Liz.

  • His-Royal-Highness says:

    Liz, do you mean that Trump will live forever?

    What part of “never” do you not understand?

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