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The Glasgow Summit is finished and John Kerry is here to assure us that this deal will help us all avoid ‘climate chaos.’
Yes, I know. You didn’t want to watch, let alone listen to John “Lurch” Kerry either. I get that. So here’s a portion of what he said.
“I really do believe that as a result of this decision and as a result of the announcements that have been made over course of the last two weeks, we are in fact, closer than we have ever been before to avoiding climate chaos and securing cleaner air, safer water and [a] healthier planet,” Kerry said during a press conference after the deal was agreed to.
Except that he also whines about the whole coal thing. What was the coal deal? India, and likely China joined forces to force the U.S. and other countries to agree to the following.
A dramatic process of revision to the final text unfolded in the closing minutes of talks on Saturday, before COP26 President Alok Sharma could bring down the gavel, all surrounding a single paragraph. The sticking point: a call to accelerate the “phase-out” of unabated coal power, from plants that don’t use carbon-capture technology.
In the end game, which lasted for more than an hour in the plenary hall, China said it would like the language on reducing coal use to be closer to the text that it had agreed to in a joint statement with the U.S. earlier in the week. But it was left to India to spell out the last-minute change. Instead of agreeing to “phase-out” of coal power, India’s environment minister, Bhupender Yadav, read out a new version of the paragraph that used “phase-down” to describe what needs to happen to coal use. That formulation made it into the final text endorsed by almost 200 nations.
Evidently this last minute change was SO TRAUMATIC that the #COP26 President Alok Sharma was nearly in tears while apologizing to the more than 200 countries represented. Seriously? Seriously.
Meanwhile, climate activists, who are virtue signaling from oil and gas powered hotels/cars/laptops/tv’s are all clutching pearls over fossil fuels!
“While the words ‘coal’ and ‘fossil fuels’ have remained in the new draft decision, huge new loopholes have been introduced that see these efforts significantly weakened.”
“The aim to phase out all fossil fuel subsidies has now been rowed back to just ‘inefficient’ subsidies – which begs the question of what an efficient use of public money to bankroll the fossil fuel industry could possibly be.”
Remember when I talked about a Biden nominee wanting to totally bankrupt the coal/oil/gas industries? Well, it seems that she’s completely parroting what John Kerry wants to do.
Kerry said in Scotland this week that the United States will stop burning coal within the next 9 years.
“By 2030 in the United States, we won’t have coal,” Kerry told Bloomberg editor-in-chief John Micklethwait during an interview at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow. “We will not have coal plants.”
Evidently, according to multiple climate activists, none of what was agreed to by Kerry and the rest at Glasgow wasn’t enough. NONE of it is enough.
‘US climate envoy John Kerry, who led the country’s efforts to reclaim its position as a global leader, said that the agreement “raises ambition,” and that “we can’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.”’
— sarahana for assembly (@sarahana) November 14, 2021
The cult of half-measures.
I’ll admit, I laughed myself silly over that tweet. John Kerry helped spearhead the Paris Climate Accords, plus he was evidently EVERYWHERE for the Glasgow summit. You know, the summit that saw massive amounts of coal, oil, and gas consumed by the thousands of people glad-handing and virtue signaling themselves across the city. And yet, John Kerry gets scolded for caving to coal? You can’t make this s**t up.
President Joe Biden delivered a call to action to world leaders, former President Barack Obama drew a standing ovation, climate envoy John Kerry cajoled climate laggards and convened back-room arm-twisting sessions — even Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) got the star treatment.
After four years of taking a back seat in the global effort to combat climate change, the U.S. stepped into the spotlight here, helping secure an agreement to advance the promises set out under the Paris Climate Agreement, even though many nations said the final pact still fell short of what’s needed to avert a crisis.
Wow. That’s quite the spin! Especially since numerous industries across the U.S. including coal/gas/oil are light years ahead of countries such as India and China in regards to emission standards.
Furthermore, the lectures from Obama and AOC are nothing but blather into the wind given that both are exceptionally guilty of the very things they rail against. Did they row themselves across the ocean in a wooden boat to lessen their carbon footprint? Nope.
Did John Kerry use public transport instead of private jets and cancel the very pricey hotel suites while in Glasgow for over two week? Not one bit.
Our coal/gas/oil is what is keeping this country moving and heated. Switching 100% over to solar and wind will net the country a Texas ice storm times eleventy.
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Feature Photo Credit: John Kerry by DonkeyHotey via Flickr, cropped and modified
Take it from someone who was in the State Department for Kerry’s entire tenure: the man is stupid. He simply does not have the wit to understand how shallow his own thinking is or how harmful, or at best meaningless, his actions are.
How can this clown be so concerned with speculative climate chaos while his president and party ignore the real chaos that exists at our southern border…or the crime chaos that exists in so many of our US cities?? One more dufous provided by those fools who voted for Brandon.!!!
Hans Rosling had it right. No amount of climate ululating changes what people want.