Selfish People Spread COVID? Yes, The Politicians Do

Selfish People Spread COVID? Yes, The Politicians Do

Selfish People Spread COVID? Yes, The Politicians Do

The people who write letters to the editor – you know the type – are decrying the selfish people that they see all around them.

California is undergoing a huge COVID spike that authorities are unable or unwilling to explain. Even Politico has admitted that California has pretty much locked everything down – so what is still continuing to spread COVID? (Again, if we could all remember that COVID-19 is a virus, and will do whatever it damn well pleases because it is a virus, that would be GREAT.)

The answer is household transmission, but there is nothing that the government can do about that without a massive violation of all civil rights laws (not that they aren’t trying that angle). So we’re still going to have state governments shoving Shutdown Theatre down our throats as if THAT will cure all the things.

People are seeing politicians like Gavin Newsom and London Breed eating at The French Laundry, or Bill de Blasio dancing in an empty Times Square because everyone was told to stay home, Nancy Pelosi getting a haircut, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock traveling for Thanksgiving, or Andrew Cuomo deciding that he wants to go to a playoff game, among other examples. And these angry letter-writing Karens are yelling at the average person that they see on the street for being “selfish.”

It makes me wonder how this country will process its shame in the years to come. Will the COVID-19 deniers, the maskless, the people who refused to do anything to keep others safe while hundreds of thousands of Americans died miserably — will they regret their selfishness?”

We have been selfish, inconsiderate and cavalier in our behavior over this virus.”

The Times carries articles about stay-home orders and other restrictions, but it does not emphasize enough that few people comply and there is no real enforcement.”

Many people traveled for Thanksgiving, Christmas and other end-of-year holidays. Malls did not comply with capacity restrictions. Many people do not wear masks.”

These are from three different letters to the editor in the Los Angeles Times, all bemoaning the selfish attitudes of the public, or even business owners who dared to want to keep their stores open while they could. While they try to make some salient points, the overwhelming sense of “other people (not me) need to do more to stop this virus” is asinine. As if we can control a virus. There are only three ways out of this situation: good therapeutics that make COVID less deadly when contracted, vaccines to prevent transmission and grant immunity, or herd immunity. “Control” when it comes to a virus is an illusion, but one that the politicians have completely bought into because they can’t admit that they are wrong after so many months of burning their credibility at the altar of politicized science. And because they LIKE the power they now have.

So the letter-writing complainers are pointing their fingers at the wrong people. They aren’t complaining about Newsom or Breed or Los Angelese Mayor Eric Garcetti for their policies that have no scientific basis. They aren’t pointing out the hypocrisy of Nancy Pelosi. They aren’t asking why Disney World is open while Disneyland is still shut down. They aren’t asking why Fauci lied about his “guesstimates.” They are bitching at their fellow Americans for being “selfish” because they are acting like rational people who have realized that there is a cost and a benefit to living like free people, versus behaving like sheep. Sheep are not “selfish.” Sheep do what they are told.

Meanwhile, those in power are loving their status and influence – and when they get caught, it isn’t pretty, but there aren’t any real consequences for it, either.

Sarah Chambers is on the union’s executive board and is an area vice president.”

As recently as Thursday, she tweeted to rally special education teachers not to return to work Monday because it’s unsafe.”

Just a few hours earlier, Chambers posted a picture on Instagram that appears to show her pool side in Puerto Rico and talking about going to Old San Juan for seafood.”

The post also mentions she previously had COVID, got a negative test result and consulted her doctor before traveling.”

Both Chambers and the Chicago Teachers Union have not responded to WGN’s request for comment. Since we have reached out, Chambers has deleted her Instagram account.”

Will Chambers keep her job? Yes. Will this hypocrisy change the union’s position? Nope. Will it be seen by millions of people and filed away of yet another example of a hypocrite pushing a policy that she won’t live by, so WHY SHOULD WE? Yes. (And lest the teachers’ unions try to deflect with the new UK strain of COVID being more “dangerous,” it doesn’t seem to work that way with children.) And THAT hypocrisy is far more selfish than people not wearing masks.

Meanwhile, people are lining up at food banks, drug overdoses have reached new levels, and governors are extending lockdowns on a whim because it makes THEM feel better about “doing something.” Meanwhile, people who apparently haven’t missed a paycheck (otherwise they would have more pressing concerns) are busy writing letters to newspapers about the selfish people who are keeping them from going to The French Laundry like the elites do.

So, you who write angry letters to the editor about the selfish people around you who refuse to get in line – maybe you should be speaking a little “truth to power” instead of yelling at the person in line at the food bank about not wearing a mask. You know, the person who might have respiratory issues or a medical condition or works in the deaf community or with other special needs groups. Maybe you should treat people like they are individuals and not sheep. And maybe we should all treat politicians as if they are the inflictor of our problems, not the savior from them.

Featured image: fernandozhiminaicela via Pixabay, cropped and modified, Pixabay license

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  • Leanna says:

    Here we go again with the shaming others because we are so, so good. They did it with race, gender, sexual preference. Now those who are such blameless, good, unblemished, holier than thou lefties have found yet another way to show us all how good they are and how bad anyone that doesn’t do just as they say are. It must be a heavy burden to constantly have to remind others about how superior and good they themselves are, while shaming them for not being the wonderful people they see themselves as.

    • GWB says:

      That’s how they earn their way to their heaven* (in the religion of Progressivism) – by ensuring they are holier than thou. If not by actual act, then by force of their indignity at someone else’s transgressions.

      (* Their heaven is one on Earth, a utopian vision where all people are angels and there is no crying [no one can get hurt], and no mourning [they have conquered death], and no poverty [there is no such thing as scarcity].)

  • GWB says:

    but there is nothing that the government can do about that without a massive violation of all civil rights laws
    You mean, beyond the massive violation of civil rights they’re already committing, right?

    without data justifying the mandate
    You have to admit the ones with lowest numbers are … the ones actually shut down. How are educators going to get it, when 1) kids don’t transmit and 2) they’re mostly shut down anyway?

    BTW, one of the big data points that people forget, related to shutting stuff down is that COVID-19 has an extremely low fatality rate. Even if a place were above 90% of the total spread, it wouldn’t justify shutting it down – unless the people there were particularly susceptible to it killing/crippling them.

    the people who refused to do anything to keep others safe
    Go suck an egg. Life isn’t safe. My actions are not making you less safe from Wuhan Flu.

    while hundreds of thousands of Americans died miserably
    Holy cow. MILLIONS of Americans die every dadgum year, many of them miserably – from sepsis, pneumonia, diabetes, cancer, and complications of the flu. Winnie The Flu just replaced regular influenza as the killer of much older adults this year. That’s all that happened. Well, besides the absolute craziness surrounding the inordinate fear that so many Americans developed over a quirky* Bat Flu. (* “Quirky” because it’s not an influenza virus, and because it kills a particularly specific subset of people.) If you hadn’t gone guano crazy over it, I doubt anyone would have noticed the numbers.

    We have been selfish, inconsiderate and cavalier in our behavior over this virus.
    Why, yes, the politicians and the Science cult priests certainly have. Me? Not so much.

    The Times carries articles
    Like you, the NYT says lots of things. And most of them are bullsh*t.

    As if we can control a virus.
    The problem is that folks for decades have said things like “we eradicated polio/smallpox because of vaccines!” So, people think that Science! actually can control a virus. We can somehow stop it in its tracks, prevent its spread, and make us all safe forever. These people are sheep, led by the high priests of Safetyism, who are really just scientists with a massive case of hubris.

    There are only three ways out of this situation:
    Yep. And the first has already been achieved to a significant extent. (It’s called hydroxychloroquine. Smart people knew it worked way back then. Oh, and worked does not equal “saves everyone” – smart people knew that, too.)

    Oh, and my idea of Wuhan parties would have used the first to quickly achieve the third way: herd immunity. Get everyone together, spread the virus, and send people home with a cheap, ready-to-hand therapy, and orders to medicate on the first symptom and to immediately call your doctor. We would have achieved herd immunity in places like NYC within a couple of months – and NOT overwhelmed the hospitals.

    because they can’t admit that they are wrong
    Also because they are heavily invested in Safetyism. After all, promising to keep you safe is an important part of how they get their votes. Unfortunately it works.

    They aren’t asking why Disney World is open while Disneyland is still shut down.
    Heck, they don’t even know.

    Sheep do what they are told.
    And get led to the slaughter, as well. (On top of being regularly sheared.)

    but there aren’t any real consequences for it, either
    There’s no real consequences for any bad/stupid/selfish/unconstitutional thing they do nowadays. Heck, most of them won’t even get voted out of office. I really miss the days of tarring and feathering.

    not to return to work Monday because it’s unsafe
    Unsafe to her vacation plans, maybe. Of course, it IS unsafe to return to Chicago schools. But NOT because of WTF.

    And maybe we should all treat politicians as if they are the inflictor of our problems, not the savior from them.
    AMEN, sister!

  • […] has been brewing for several years. It is a crisis that the lockdowns, the masks, and the adult temper tantrums over this Wuhan flu blew wide […]

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