#GOPDebate: Bernie Sanders Says Republicans Are “Out of Touch”

#GOPDebate: Bernie Sanders Says Republicans Are “Out of Touch”

As the second GOP Debate came under wraps last night, we saw a truce of sorts between Trump and Cruz, increased tensions between Cruz and Rubio, a very vocal and poised Carly Fiorina and Carson still remaining the soft-spoken hopeful sharing a little more insight on his foreign policy views. The debate was, according to reports and coverage by major media outlets, one with the main area of focus being foreign policy in light of the recent San Bernardino terrorist attacks. Despite this, Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders had different expectations from last night’s GOP debate:

The responses to Bernie’s tweet were classic:

Oh, Bernie! Income equality, climate change and racial justice. Because talking about a group of individuals with sophisticated means of taking our nation down and destroying every thing we stand for is so “out of touch”. Ramping up our military and our strategies to defeat ISIS is “out of touch”. In fact, we’re not sure what rock these GOP candidates have been living under to be honest with you. Because the weather is sooo much more of a threat than radicals building bombs in their homes, grabbing more followers on Twitter and shooting up community centers.

Income equality, climate change and racial justice, huh? Perhaps, Mr. Sanders, you should direct your attention to the gentleman currently in The White House who is, at this time, probably getting his family packed up for yet another family vacation in Hawaii (because he needs another vacation after “saving the planet” in Paris). This is his pat-on-the-back for a job-well-done. And, of course he’s probably so exhausted in making the push to get individuals to sign up for Obamacare and extending that deadline. Not only does he need this vacation, he needs it to cost the American taxpayers $3.7 million dollars. Hard to have income equality when you have a POTUS spending taxpayer money like water now can we? And let’s talk about that climate and the use of private jets! As far as racial equality goes, while we’re leveling the playing field for income, shouldn’t every family of every race in our wonderful country be entitled to enjoy a Christmas luau? And why not a $3.7 million dollar one at that? Who’s out-of-touch, again? Mele Kalikimaka!

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