Roundup Time: Rules for Thee, Not for Me

Roundup Time: Rules for Thee, Not for Me

The most sinful of things, according to Our Betters™ of the Left is hypocrisy. For decades, the way the Left took down those they considered unclean was…

Embassy In Kyiv Should Reopen, Says Senators

Embassy In Kyiv Should Reopen, Says Senators

When history looks at the Battle/Siege of Kyiv, it will be declared a win for Ukraine – which was contrary to all popular opinion at the time.

Biden Administration Wants Masks Forever

Biden Administration Wants Masks Forever

Major Airlines, Amtrak and Uber and Lyft have all dropped their mask mandates. But the Biden administration wants masks forever. Now the DOJ wants to appeal to…

Air Force Creates Safe Spaces For Feelings

Air Force Creates Safe Spaces For Feelings

While we’re all watching with amazement at the toughness of the Ukrainian military, our Air Force has decided to create safe spaces. Because, you know, feelings.

LibsofTikTok Fights Back After Taylor Lorenz Hit Piece

LibsofTikTok Fights Back After Taylor Lorenz Hit Piece

LibsofTikTok is fighting back after the Washington Post gleefully published Taylor Lorenz’s garbage hit piece this morning.

Kamala “Word Salad” Harris Heads to California—Where No One Likes Her

Kamala “Word Salad” Harris Heads to California—Where No One Likes Her

Monday, Kamala Harris went to a state, her home state, tossing a word salad as she pressed her continued agenda to make America less safe.

Easter Bunny Herds Biden Around

Easter Bunny Herds Biden Around

The Easter Bunny had multiple jobs at the White House Egg Roll festivities today. Get the kids excited for the games, Easter egg hunt, crafts is typically…

Judge Rules Against CDC Mask Mandate For Travel

Judge Rules Against CDC Mask Mandate For Travel

Remember when a federal judge in Hawaii could block Trump immigration policy and the left cheered? Or reinstate DACA?

It’s Spring! Time for Anti-Christian, Anti-Jewish Bigots to Burst Forth!

It’s Spring! Time for Anti-Christian, Anti-Jewish Bigots to Burst Forth!

While Christian and Jewish families gathered over the weekend for the most important religious holidays on their respective calendars, like toadstools after a rain, the anti-Bible bigots…

China GDP Numbers Are Hiding Lockdown Doom

China GDP Numbers Are Hiding Lockdown Doom

The headlines about the newest gross domestic product quarterly numbers from China aren’t telling the whole story.

Jayapal Presents Excuses To Pay For Votes

Jayapal Presents Excuses To Pay For Votes

As a resident of Washington state, I feel compelled to offer my apologies to the rest of the country for inflicting Pramila Jayapal upon the rest of…

Will U.S. And EU Plan To Further Isolate Russia Backfire?

Will U.S. And EU Plan To Further Isolate Russia Backfire?

Will this work or will it backfire? Plans are afoot to isolate Russia even more than they are now. It seems the current sanctions haven’t gone far…

Russian Wife Tells Husband to Rape Ukrainian Women

Russian Wife Tells Husband to Rape Ukrainian Women

There is a phone call floating around the internet in which a Russian wife tells her soldier husband to rape Ukrainian women. Just use protection, she says.

Suddenly It’s Ok To ‘Drill Baby Drill!’

Suddenly It’s Ok To ‘Drill Baby Drill!’

‘Drill Baby Drill!’ That’s the Friday night news dump from the Biden Administration. Suddenly, they want to auction off public lands leases. Suddenly, they want oil companies…

Biden, Harris Tax Returns Prove Lack of Charity

Biden, Harris Tax Returns Prove Lack of Charity

Yesterday proved what we already knew. The Democrats, as personified by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, are much more happy giving away the government’s money than they…

Twitter Chooses Poison Pill Over Free Speech

Twitter Chooses Poison Pill Over Free Speech

Even if Elon Musk never takes ownership of Twitter, he has done us all a great service. We now know what Twitter truly stands for: control of…

Psaki Ethics, Continued: Repeat Insults To Sound Cool

Psaki Ethics, Continued: Repeat Insults To Sound Cool

Jen Psaki is not an intelligent person. She’s a mean girl who hitched her wagon to the Obama star and has been riding it ever since.

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Ava Gardner