Russia Has Won So Far, Thanks to Democrats

Russia Has Won So Far, Thanks to Democrats

Today, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Adam Schiff announced two Articles of Impeachment against President Donald Trump. With this announcement, Vladimir Putin has achieved his goal in…

Impeachment Circus Leads To Bad Charges

Impeachment Circus Leads To Bad Charges

In the paraphrased words of former President Gerald Ford, impeachment is “whatever the majority of the House wants it to be.” So here we are, watching circus…

IG Report Damning to FBI Integrity and Competence

IG Report Damning to FBI Integrity and Competence

The much-anticipated Inspector General (IG) report detailing the Department of Justice’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s Russia links was released yesterday.

#FISAReport: 10 Questions Senators Should Ask IG Horowitz at Wednesday’s Hearing

#FISAReport: 10 Questions Senators Should Ask IG Horowitz at Wednesday’s Hearing

If you haven’t been watching the partisan witch hunt, er, impeachment hearings, I don’t blame you. In my book, it’s right up there with a double root-canal…

Under-Rehearsed Democrats Give Pitiful Performance

Under-Rehearsed Democrats Give Pitiful Performance

It was widely reported, with breathless anticipation of a boffo show, that the Democrats rehearsed this weekend. The House Judiciary Committee received the impeachment inquiry report from…

Travel Bans are not Enough

Travel Bans are not Enough

In the wake of last week’s terrorist attack in Pensacola by a slimy Saudi participating in training there, many conservatives are once again demanding more extensive travel…

Kentucky Ultrasound Law Upheld By SCOTUS

Kentucky Ultrasound Law Upheld By SCOTUS

Score one for the pro-life movement! A Kentucky law that was passed in 2017, which required providers to show an ultrasound of the developing baby before any…

Warren Loved Some Corporate Money Once

Warren Loved Some Corporate Money Once

The Elizabeth Warren campaign has been trying to drag her poll numbers back up after a rather dramatic drop-off. Why the drop? Apparently Medicare For All isn’t…

Mandatory Rest Spaces For Tents Considered On The Streets Of Portland

Mandatory Rest Spaces For Tents Considered On The Streets Of Portland

From the Liberal La-La Land of Portland, comes the latest. The Planning and Sustainability Commission in Portland is working on so that all new structures (including private…

Nadler: No Fair Elections if Senate Doesn’t Convict

Nadler: No Fair Elections if Senate Doesn’t Convict

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler is understandably terrified that the Democrats’ efforts to impeach President Trump and remove him from office will result in a resounding…

VA AG Herring: They’re Not Really Going to Defy Us

VA AG Herring: They’re Not Really Going to Defy Us

Virginia Attorney General Mark “Blackface” Herring has recently poo-pooed the resolutions passed by more than 40 Virginia counties and cities declaring themselves “Second Amendment Sanctuaries.” They don’t…

Evil and Heroism Emerge From Pensacola Shooting

Evil and Heroism Emerge From Pensacola Shooting

As facts emerge from Friday’s shooting at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, we’re learning more about the gunman’s evil intent. On the evening before the event, 2nd Lt….

Going Rogue: GOP Senators Voting Against Trump

Going Rogue: GOP Senators Voting Against Trump

I get the distinct impression that not a lot of media types pray to God. Right now, however, there’s probably a bunch who pray that GOP senators…

Devin Nunes Shouldn’t Talk To Indicted Felons – Swalwell

Devin Nunes Shouldn’t Talk To Indicted Felons – Swalwell

In an interview on Fox News Channel with Bill Hemmer, Representative Eric Swalwell, in regards to Representative Devin Nunes’s call records, said that “If you don’t talk…

My America: The Beauty Of Adoption

My America: The Beauty Of Adoption

This week in our My America series, we are reflecting on adoption. It is one of the most profoundly beautiful acts that we see in our society…

Pensacola: Don’t Call It Terrorism Yet, Says The New York Times

Pensacola: Don’t Call It Terrorism Yet, Says The New York Times

Naval Aviators and their spouses all have strong ties to a certain base in a Florida panhandle town called Pensacola. Yesterday, bystanders heard jet noise and gunshots.

WWII GIs Created American Saint Nicholas

WWII GIs Created American Saint Nicholas

In 1944, the 28th Infantry Division, 112th Regiment of the Pennsylvania National Guard had taken casualties and were exhausted from the Battle of Huertgen Forest on the…

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Ava Gardner