STEM Students Protest Gun Control Narrative At Highlands Ranch HS Vigil

STEM Students Protest Gun Control Narrative At Highlands Ranch HS Vigil

Last night a vigil took place for the STEM students at Highlands Ranch High School. When the vigil took a distinctly political gun control turn, the STEM…

Nadler Uses Barr to Inflate a Constitutional Crisis

Nadler Uses Barr to Inflate a Constitutional Crisis

Congressional Democrats want to create a perceived Constitutional crisis to cover for their failures. The Attorney General, Bill Barr, is the latest road bump on the rush…

Senator Amy Klobuchar on Fox News Channel; What Happened

Senator Amy Klobuchar on Fox News Channel; What Happened

After Senator and 2020 Democrat Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders got a fair hearing and boffo ratings on his Fox News Channel Town Hall, many of the members…

‘I Refuse To Be A Victim:’ Brendan Bialy Honors Fellow Hero Kendrick Castillo

‘I Refuse To Be A Victim:’ Brendan Bialy Honors Fellow Hero Kendrick Castillo

In the aftermath of the Highlands Ranch Stem School shooting, people want to know why the shooters did what they did. As with Columbine or Aurora, I…

Kendrick Castillo Credited As Hero In Colorado School Shooting

Kendrick Castillo Credited As Hero In Colorado School Shooting

Remember the name Kendrick Castillo. He was 18 years old, and was the single fatality yesterday at the STEM school shooting in Colorado. Law enforcement is hailing…

From the VG Bookshelf: Black Rednecks & White Liberals by Thomas Sowell

From the VG Bookshelf: Black Rednecks & White Liberals by Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell has never been one to shy away from telling the hard truths. An economist, he sees the potential pitfalls of the path our country finds…

Even Behind Bars, Cohen Grasps for Relevancy

Even Behind Bars, Cohen Grasps for Relevancy

In what would have been the main story for tomorrow’s newspapers until the tragic news of another school shooting, Reuters reports in an “exclusive” that Michael Cohen…

PA Rep Brian Sims Apologizes…To Planned Parenthood

PA Rep Brian Sims Apologizes…To Planned Parenthood

We reported yesterday about Pennsylvania Rep Brian Sims and his nearly 10 minute videoed harassment of a woman who was silently protesting outside of a Planned Parenthood…

Media Becomes Race-Obsessed Over Royal Baby

Media Becomes Race-Obsessed Over Royal Baby

First of all, congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on the safe delivery of a healthy boy. We here at Victory Girls believe in celebrating…

Democrats Winning Strategy-Sue Until It’s Blue

Democrats Winning Strategy-Sue Until It’s Blue

The Democrat Party has finally come up with a strategy to win elections and it’s called “Sue Until It’s Blue”. They will sue every state to get…

AOC: Garbage Disposal Mysteries And Parody Accounts

AOC: Garbage Disposal Mysteries And Parody Accounts

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really is the gift that keeps on giving. The cow fartastic Green New Deal was just the tip of the iceberg. A few days ago…

Cory Booker Agrees With Proposal to Jail Americans Who Defy Gun Confiscation

Cory Booker Agrees With Proposal to Jail Americans Who Defy Gun Confiscation

David Horowitz once said, “Inside many liberals is a totalitarian screaming to get out.”

PA Rep Brian Sims Gleefully Harasses Women And Doxxes Teenagers

PA Rep Brian Sims Gleefully Harasses Women And Doxxes Teenagers

Pennsylvania Rep Brian Sims is making a name for himself as a loutish jackass of a human being. He proudly posted a Periscope video of himself harassing…

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib: Virulent Anti-Semitic Swine Blame Israel for Terrorist Attacks

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib: Virulent Anti-Semitic Swine Blame Israel for Terrorist Attacks

There’s little in this world that evokes a more visceral reaction in me than bigotry and racism, which is why the two evil, anti-Semitic sows in Congress…

Rashida Tlaib And Ilhan Omar Choose Hamas Terrorists Over Israel

Rashida Tlaib And Ilhan Omar Choose Hamas Terrorists Over Israel

Isreal has been under a hellacious barrage of missile attacks from Gaza. The 700+ and counting rocket attacks have been courtesy of Hamas, a well-known terrorist group….

Israel Gets Ceasefire After John Bolton Sends A Message

Israel Gets Ceasefire After John Bolton Sends A Message

After a weekend of rocket attacks from Gaza, Israel was standing firm and retailating as their “Iron Dome” system continued to work.

Bitter Clinger Hillary Clinton Claims 2016 Election Was ‘Stolen From Her’

Bitter Clinger Hillary Clinton Claims 2016 Election Was ‘Stolen From Her’

Hillary Clinton is a sore loser. We’ve pointed that out in a variety of posts since that fateful evening of November 8, 2016. I think everyone knew…

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Ava Gardner