Democracy Of Israel Almost Gets A Chuckle From Ilhan Omar

Democracy Of Israel Almost Gets A Chuckle From Ilhan Omar

Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) seems to be going out of her way to flout her anti-Semitism all the while denying that she is an anti-Semite. In an interview with Zainab Salbi for Yahoo News, Omar showed her ugly evil. She called for high taxes on the rich because she is a Socialist. She explained why she wears a hijab on the floor of the House of Representatives. We don’t care, as Marta wrote she could wear a decapitated raccoon on her head. And, she said that we have a double standard for Israel and that calling it a Democracy almost made her want to chuckle. Following is the video of the relevant “chuckle” comment:

Jackie Robinson At 100, More Than An Icon

Jackie Robinson At 100, More Than An Icon

Jackie Robinson was more than just a baseball player. He was the opening act in the modern civil rights era.

Kathy Tran Explains Her VA Abortion Bill While Co-Sponsor Runs For The Hills

Kathy Tran Explains Her VA Abortion Bill While Co-Sponsor Runs For The Hills

Yesterday we wrote about Virginia having their own ‘hold my beer‘ moment in the abortion ghoul dance. The defenders of this heinous atrocity, including Governor Ralph Northam,…

Where there’s a Wall, there’s a way

Where there’s a Wall, there’s a way

In 15 days the Government will again be on the brink of a shutdown. In that same span of time caravans of Central and South American Migrants…

Bette Midler, Rich, White versus Howard Schultz, Rich, White

Bette Midler, Rich, White versus Howard Schultz, Rich, White

The increasingly strident, multi-talented Bette Midler has deigned to let us know that she is not a fan of rich white men. Any and all of them….

Navy Destroyer USS Michael Monsoor Commissioned

Navy Destroyer USS Michael Monsoor Commissioned

On Saturday, January 26, 2019, the United States Navy commissioned it’s newest Destroyer. The ship, DDG-1001 is a Zumwalt-class destroyer named after Navy PO2 (SEAL) Michael A….

New York Passes Evil Abortion Law, Virginia Legislature Says ‘It’s Our Turn!’

New York Passes Evil Abortion Law, Virginia Legislature Says ‘It’s Our Turn!’

UPDATE BELOW: Is the title of this post a bit sarcastic? It is. Yet it is also calling out evil that is spreading through this country. Abortion is…

2020: Red or blue wave: who knows?

2020: Red or blue wave: who knows?

Going into the midterm elections, the Democrats proclaimed a blue wave would sweep the nation. We got a ripple, not a tsunami, but the damage was done….

From The VG Bookshelf: Becoming By Michelle Obama Part II

From The VG Bookshelf: Becoming By Michelle Obama Part II

Last week I reviewed Michelle Obama’s early years in Part I. As I noted, what many of those are ignoring is her tone in which she discusses…

Howard Schultz Is Whipping Liberals Into A Froth

Howard Schultz Is Whipping Liberals Into A Froth

Here comes Howard Schultz, and with him come the coffee puns. And trailing in his wake are some very lathered-up leftists.

#SOTU2019: 5 Issues Trump Should Discuss at the Feb. 5th State of the Union Address

#SOTU2019: 5 Issues Trump Should Discuss at the Feb. 5th State of the Union Address

Their date is back on. And this time the State of the Union Address is set for February 5th, at her our House, with Petty Pelosi stationed…

The Old Man Who Fell At Walmart – Rant Alert!

The Old Man Who Fell At Walmart – Rant Alert!

An old man fell today in the Walmart in West Knoxville, Tennessee. This is not an extraordinary event. People probably fall in big box stores all over…

Tom Brokaw Enters Hispanic Danger Zone

Tom Brokaw Enters Hispanic Danger Zone

You wouldn’t think of former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw as someone who would anger Hispanics. But he did — media Hispanics, to be precise — when he…

11 Reasons why Hillary Clinton Absolutely Should run for President

11 Reasons why Hillary Clinton Absolutely Should run for President

She’s like a flaming case of the herp – the gift that keeps on giving, no matter how hard you try to get rid of it. Hillary…

The Challenger 7’s Special Spirit: “Give Me A Challenge And I’ll Meet It With Joy”

The Challenger 7’s Special Spirit: “Give Me A Challenge And I’ll Meet It With Joy”

Flight and space, that fascinating ‘final frontier.’ The vast unchartered territory where we can go up into the sky and beyond, and then wonder what is behind…

The State Of The 2020 Presidential Primaries

The State Of The 2020 Presidential Primaries

Everything old is new again in 2020? I could have sworn I’ve seen these production numbers before in different years. Yet here we are again, watching candidates…

Colorado Legislature Wants To Game The Electoral College Because Trump!

Colorado Legislature Wants To Game The Electoral College Because Trump!

As our readers are well aware, the 2016 Presidential election did not go as planned for the leftist Democrats, media, and especially Hillary Clinton. The results have…

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Ava Gardner