Hey, ESPN, #MLKDay Should Not Be About Barack Obama [VIDEO]

Hey, ESPN, #MLKDay Should Not Be About Barack Obama [VIDEO]

We set aside a Monday around January 15th every year to honor a man whose convictions impacted American history in a way that few people have ever…

#Obamacare: Proceed With Caution Not Haste To Repeal, Revise, Or Replace [VIDEOS]

#Obamacare: Proceed With Caution Not Haste To Repeal, Revise, Or Replace [VIDEOS]

It is a fact that Obamacare is a failure. We’ve written about the issues and problems with the healthcare insurance act that was shoved down our throats…

Are You Not Entertained? Fox News’ Neil Cavuto Slices and Dices CNN [VIDEOS]

Are You Not Entertained? Fox News’ Neil Cavuto Slices and Dices CNN [VIDEOS]

Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it, CNN? CNN and its cohorts in the mainstream media had their collective panties in a wad after This Happened. President-elect Donald Trump…

#JackieEvancho’s Transgender Sister Says It Is An “Honor” For Her Sister To Sing At Trump Inauguration [VIDEO]

#JackieEvancho’s Transgender Sister Says It Is An “Honor” For Her Sister To Sing At Trump Inauguration [VIDEO]

With the inauguration of President Elect Donald Trump in seven days, the festivities of the inauguration will start on Thursday, January 19th and continue through Saturday the…

Democrat Congressman John Lewis says Trump is not the “legitimate president” and won’t attend inauguration

Democrat Congressman John Lewis says Trump is not the “legitimate president” and won’t attend inauguration

Georgia’s U.S. Representative John Lewis, the civil rights giant, drew a respected moral line 50 years ago. Today he draws a new one. He will not attend President-Elect Trump’s…

YouTube Yanks Legal Insurrection’s Channel

Many conservative outlets are using YouTube to reach an ever-widening audience. One of those is Professor William Jacobson’s Legal Insurrection blog. But as of today, Legal Insurrection…

Obama Throws Cubans Under The Bus With Immediate Stop To “Wet Foot, Dry Foot” Policy [VIDEO]

Obama Throws Cubans Under The Bus With Immediate Stop To “Wet Foot, Dry Foot” Policy [VIDEO]

Obama can’t help it, he had to finish out his 8 year term by throwing everyone he can under the bus. As of yesterday, we can add…

The End of Obamacare and Payback Time for the GOP [VIDEO]

The End of Obamacare and Payback Time for the GOP [VIDEO]

Is there finally an end in sight? A light at the end of the tunnel? Could it be that the horror show known as Obamacare will soon be…

Mattis and the Democrats: what is the core mission of the Pentagon?

Mattis and the Democrats: what is the core mission of the Pentagon?

General Mattis as Secretary of Defense. Seems logical from my armchair or couch. He has experience in combat, his Marines adored him and he has bipartisan support….

AG Nominee Senator Jeff Sessions Used By Ambitious Racist Booker [VIDEO]

AG Nominee Senator Jeff Sessions Used By Ambitious Racist Booker [VIDEO]

The Senate confirmation hearings for Attorney General nominee Senator Jeff Sessions were hijacked by three racists yesterday. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), Representative John Lewis (D-GA5) and Representative…

Fake News: Buzzfeed And CNN’s Malicious “Gotcha” Story About Trump Is Falling Apart [VIDEOS]

Fake News: Buzzfeed And CNN’s Malicious “Gotcha” Story About Trump Is Falling Apart [VIDEOS]

When the story broke about the Russians supposedly having compromising information on President-Elect Trump, warning bells starting ringing. It didn’t take much research to find out that…

Obama’s Richest Line of The Night:  “We Blame The Leaders We Elect Without Examining Our Own Role in Electing Them”

Obama’s Richest Line of The Night: “We Blame The Leaders We Elect Without Examining Our Own Role in Electing Them”

Some of you may have tuned in to “This is Us”. Some others may have muted the TV (as my husband has done for the past eight…

Is CNN’s Bombshell Story Of Trump Compromised By Russians True? Maybe, Maybe Not [VIDEO]

Is CNN’s Bombshell Story Of Trump Compromised By Russians True? Maybe, Maybe Not [VIDEO]

Earlier today CNN published this bombshell of a story. Basically a “gotcha” on President-Elect Donald Trump. (CNN) Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect…

#DylannRoof Verdict: Death For Church Massacre [VIDEO]

It took less than three hours for the jury to return a unanimous verdict of death against convicted Charleston murderer Dylann Roof. Roof showed absolutely no remorse…

Code Pink, KKK, And MTV Clowns Display Their “Class” At Sessions Confirmation Hearing [VIDEOS]

Code Pink, KKK, And MTV Clowns Display Their “Class” At Sessions Confirmation Hearing [VIDEOS]

It seems the confirmation hearing for Senator Jeff Sessions brings out the classless idiots. No, I’m not talking about Chuck Grassley or Diane Feinstein. I’m talking about…

Clemency Frenzy: Will Obama Pardon Snowden, Manning, Bergdahl?

Clemency Frenzy: Will Obama Pardon Snowden, Manning, Bergdahl?

While his approval numbers with the electorate are upwards of fifty percent—due allegedly to his personal likeability—Barack Obama’s approval numbers with our military and veterans are less…

Meryl Streep Continues The Hollywood Trumper Tantrum [VIDEO]

Meryl Streep Continues The Hollywood Trumper Tantrum [VIDEO]

Someone pass Hollywood a tissue. They simply don’t know how on earth they are going to survive under President Donald Trump. They’ve already had their cryfest over…

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Ava Gardner