First Lady Melania Trump Speaks Up

First Lady Melania Trump Speaks Up

First Lady Melania Trump Speaks Up

Melania Trump gave an interview to ABC News that was billed as “no preconditions.” And some of the interview questions were tackier than others. But Melania Trump comes off in this interview as gracious, controlled, and absolutely her own woman.

The interview covered the gamut – from the Trump marriage, to her “Be Best” initiative, to clothes, #MeToo, politics, and how she does not control Donald Trump’s tweeting.

Among the tacky questions: “Do you love your husband?” Seriously? Imagine if Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama had been asked that question. ABC reporter Tom Llamas asked the First Lady that question while bringing up Donald Trump’s alleged affairs.

In his exclusive interview, Llamas asked the first lady if she has been hurt by all the stories over the last year.

“It’s not always pleasant, of course, but I know what is right and what is wrong and what is true and not true,” Melania Trump said.

Despite the public’s constant focus on her personal life, the persistent allegations of infidelity and the onslaught of accusations of sexual misconduct against her husband –- accusations the president denies -– the first lady insists their marriage is good and that she loves her husband.

“Yes, we are fine,” the she said. “It’s what media speculate, and it’s gossip. It’s not always correct stuff.”

Melania Trump later added: “I’m very strong, and I know what my priorities are.”

Social media has been quite a source of pain in the First Lady’s life, as well.

The first lady explained how her experience being bullied led in part to her “Be Best” initiative.

“I could say that I’m the most bullied person in the world,” Melania Trump said.

Pressed by Llamas on that assertion, she responded, “One of them — if you really see what people are saying about me.”

Example A: the jacket.

One only needs to look at the comments on the above YouTube video to see that Melania Trump is, indeed, constantly critiqued and bullied – all because of who she is married to. The tolerant left, who demands that they not be judged, sure have no problem dissecting the Trump marriage, Melania’s wardrobe, demanding that she leave her husband, that she’s missing and abused… the list goes on and on. Donald Trump may be a Twitter bully, but Melania IS bullied through the media and social media. And she reveals that some groups have actually refused to work with her because of the president.

Trump says she wants to make the most of these White House years. And yet, she says not everyone wants to help. The first lady lamented that organizations have spurned her efforts to collaborate, accusing them of allowing her husband’s politics to get in the way of her charitable endeavors.

“It’s sad to see that organizations and foundations that I want to partner with choose not to because of the administration,” the first lady said. “And I feel they’re choosing the politics over helping others.”

Who exactly said no? Trump wouldn’t specify, saying, “I would not talk about it. They know who they are. I don’t want… I don’t want to put them out in front of the world, but they know who they are.”

That’s just pathetic. Melania Trump herself comes across as apolitical by inclination, and yet again, she’s blocked from actually pursuing something she cares about because people can’t look past her last name.

The one thing Melania Trump is one hundred percent focused on is her son, Barron.

She spoke of her son, Barron, who is now 12 and whom she keeps shielded from the spotlight. After the inauguration, she stayed with him in New York until he finished the school year. She said she doesn’t always go to his sports practices and games because it would “bring the attention.” “I don’t go much,” she said. “He likes to be one of the boys when they play. … It’s his life too, and I respect that.”

The impression one gets from Melania Trump is that this is not the life she envisioned for herself, and that she is much more of an introvert than one might think.

TOM LLAMAS: What would you say is the toughest part about being first lady?

MELANIA: Sometimes it’s, you know, losing the privacy, that’s maybe the part that you always under the microscope. And I cannot freely move anymore.

TOM LLAMAS: Give me an example of something that you could do before that now you can’t do because you are first lady, as far as just everyday kind of living.

MELANIA TRUMP: Well, before I could easily move, like, in a minute I could go somewhere. Now it’s bigger production. You need to, wherever you go it’s a big, big production.

TOM LLAMAS: You know, our first, first lady, Martha Washington, famously said the role of first lady can sometimes feel like a state prisoner. Can you relate to that?

MELANIA TRUMP: I don’t feel like a prisoner. No. I enjoying it, and this will not last forever. And it’s very special time.

Being First Lady might not have been Melania Trump’s goal in life, but she is trying to make the best of it while clinging to whatever privacy she can keep for herself and her family. We in the public are so used to being told too much about everyone’s personal lives, especially celebrities. In giving this interview, the First Lady is trying to speak for herself, while giving the public a little glimpse into how she sees the world. The media will not be satisfied with what they get out of this interview, because it’s better for them if there is juicy, meaty gossip to speculate over for days to come. The American public should appreciate the restraint and dignity of Melania Trump, because even though she is in the spotlight, she isn’t demanding our attention.

Featured photo: First Lady Melania Trump in her exclusive ABC interview (image via screenshot)

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1 Comment
  • Dave says:

    Donald Trump may be a Twitter bully,
    No. President Trump takes a stand against his critics, and he sometimes goes troll hunting. But, being a bully? No, I challenge that.

    I like Mrs. Trump; she presents a quiet, peaceful type of class. She is a good counter to the president’s personality, who is a bit crass, but well-meaning.

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