#BrusselsAttacks: Five Lies Liberals Honestly Believe

#BrusselsAttacks: Five Lies Liberals Honestly Believe

#BrusselsAttacks: Five Lies Liberals Honestly Believe

As we watched the news unfold in Brussels yesterday, we waited for our President’s reaction to the events and were met with all of 51 seconds of a mention from the podium in Cuba. 51 seconds. Like some Americans, I was infuriated. Others, took to sharing their opinions either personally on their feeds or to the blogosphere. The delusional left strikes again and they struck in full-force yesterday. Without further adieu, I bring you the five lies (truths in their eyes) that liberals honestly believe with regard to the #BrusselsAttacks (and terror, in general):

1. The American response to yesterday’s terror attacks was Narcissistic:

There are any number of reasons why the American fear of terrorism, and our exaggerated reactions to it, are worse than the actual mayhem inflicted by murderous zealots in Brussels and Paris and Mali and San Bernardino and elsewhere.-Andrew O’Hehir, Salon

What? Welcome to the world of denial, folks. You see, we are not supposed to be afraid. We are not supposed to talk about how to make our communities safe because doing so makes us “paranoid” and “stupid”. Nor should we utter the words “carpet bombing” or “glass parking lot” because these words further portray our “stupidity”. We are for sure over-exaggerating things because we want people to pay attention to us. We can’t talk about how Europe’s refugee problems may impact us should our powers that be decide to embrace these same or similar policies…that would be narcissistic. Instead of talking about how these attacks killed at least 30 people and wounded 230 others, we need to check our tone and our narcissistic paranoia at the door. Noted.

2. Barack Obama’s Cuban vacation and the “progress” he is making with Communist killers is overshadowed by this “narcissism” and paranoia.

Because, nothing can or should eclipse Narcissist In Chief. Those “pesky” terrorist attacks ruined his day of kowtowing to Raul and doing the wave at a baseball game. Barack Obama could not get away with NOT mentioning the attacks in Brussels yesterday morning hence, he added begrudgingly less than a minute to address them. BHO has an important agenda on his plate, after all, rubbing elbows with Castro and improving human relations and he is too busy to deal with terrorism (which in the minds of far-left liberals does not exist). To them, 51 seconds was enough. 51 seconds with a slick request for “permission” to mention this atrocity was the only insulting crumb he could muster to throw. He must have been saving up for his pitch at the big game.

3. Those who do not agree with opening borders are all xenophobic bigots feeding into the paranoia.

Vetting is “Islamophobic”. National security and vigilance has become paranoia. Pure hatred for terrorists who rape women, abuse children, throw gay men off of buildings and behead any one who disagrees with their way of life and beliefs is bigotry. Contempt for individuals who disrupt the daily lives of hard-working, honest, innocent citizens by taking away their freedoms by cutting their lives short is prejudice. Those liberals are so accepting. They love all walks of life, all genders, all philosophies and religions. I’m willing to wager if Christians were organizing terror attacks upon innocent Americans and/or Europeans, those in opposition to these actions would not be called paranoid, xenophobic bigots.

4. “Jihad” is not what we think it is.

Earlier this week HuffPo released a video asking five Muslims to explain what “jihad” really means. A Muslim comedian said “jihad” meant that it was “simply to struggle.” Another said “jihad” is “a process where an individual takes on themselves in order to deal with their own internal vices”. A female Muslim defined jihad as: “The fight against the human tendency for selfishness”.

As in any case of trying to determine Islamic teaching on a particular matter, one must look to the Quran and the Sunnah. From those sources it is evident that a Muslim is required to struggle against a variety of things: laziness in prayer, neglecting to give zakat (alms), etc. But is it also plain that a Muslim is commanded to struggle in physical combat against the infidel as well. Muhammad’s impressive military career attests to the central role that military action plays in Islam.-Islam 101 Gregory M. Davis

While jihad can be defined as an internal struggle by peaceful Muslims, the definition of “jihad” in the radical sector takes on a whole new meaning. To these particular Muslims “jihad” does not attempt to incorporate the Western World, our ideals, our freedoms, our lives, our children’s lives. We are infidels in their eyes. This particular “jihad” is merciless. It does not care.

5. Life needs to “go on”.

Because talking about terrorism is acknowledging the act and we’re better off just not letting it get to us. Yes, there is carnage. Yes, someone’s husband or wife did not come home last night. Some child is left without a parent or orphaned. People are blown to pieces and their bodies are unidentifiable. Those individuals who are unrecognizable were loved ones to some. But ,by all means, we must go on and we can’t be angry. Barack Obama himself discussed his reasons why he decided to continue on with his visit to Cuba rather than hopping a plane back to the United States yesterday:

“The whole premise of terrorism is to try to disrupt people’s ordinary lives. It’s always a challenge when you have a terrorist attack anywhere in the world.” “-Barack Obama

Yep. Especially when selfies next to Che murals are part of your daily agenda and priorities. Life does go on. The earth keeps spinning. The social, economic and political landscape moves right along with it. Some worry about climate change. Some worry about free college tuition. Some worry about their spouse going to another state for a week and wonder how they will ever survive such an ordeal. Yet some send their spouses off to undisclosed locations (with no promise of their return) to fight for what some call a “narcissistic” cause. We’re just overreacting. And, according to these types of people, sadness, anger and frustration in those who can’t turn a blind eye to terror and its realities is, “weakness” and “prejudice” when we know it is anything but. The gutless, soulless individuals will continue to shame us and tell us that we are wrong. But yes, life goes on. And Obama’s “show” must go on. Prayers to those who have lost family and friends in the Brussels attacks and all other terror attacks in America and overseas.

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  • GWB says:

    We are for sure over-exaggerating things because we want people to pay attention to us.

    This is something we call “projection”. And the left practices a pathological level of it.

    the definition of “jihad” in the radical sector takes on a whole new meaning.

    I disagree. The definition of jihad from the Koran is to spread Islam. It’s not any crap about personal growth or whatnot, it’s “to spread islam”. You don’t have to be a radical, just someone who actually believes in the power of words to actually represent meanings and ideas clearly – something the left has said doesn’t really exist.

    Especially when selfies next to Che murals are part of your daily agenda and priorities.

    C’mon, that was NOT a selfie. That was an organized photo shoot. (Ain’t no selfie stick in the world that long.)

    “The whole premise of terrorism is to try to disrupt people’s ordinary lives. It’s always a challenge when you have a terrorist attack anywhere in the world.”

    This is exactly true. But it ignores the rest of the story, which is “What do you do about it, then?” 0bama’s answer (along with the anti-anti-evil* left) is that you just pretend it didn’t really happen, or that it isn’t important. The answer of a defender of his people would be “Let’s go disrupt their lives; let’s go visit the horror and carnage of war on their doorstep; let’s go change their minds about doing this sort of crap by the most efficient and most painful method possible.”

    • GWB says:

      Meant to do a footnote for “anti-anti-evil”. I used that as a parallel to “anti-anti-communist”, as a description of part of the left from the Cold War days. Just as they didn’t think of themselves as pro-communist then, they don’t see themselves as pro-evil now. They just spend all their energy combatting the folks who are anti-evil – ’cause they’re mean and stuff. The practical effect is pro-evil, but in a perverted (nothing new for the left) sort of way to get there.

  • Lisa Carr says:

    As always, GWB-love your commentary-right on point! Jihad from the Koran means to spread Islam…but I do believe radicals take the militant Muhammad in the Koran as a justification to wage war and violence on “infidels”.

    As far as the “selfie” in front of Che goes…while the photo was an organized photo op…I’m sure Barack has one in his personal stash. After all, he practically invented the word. 😉 Yes, a carefully engineered photo op it was. Which brings into the question, “Why”? We question it. His worshipers? Not so much.

    The rest of the story is ignored by POTUS for HIS convenience. If it is a lecture to the American people on gun violence, he’s prepping Air Force One. Conveniently, yesterday, he states that we “need to go on with our ordinary lives”. My guess is he is not experiencing “ordinary life” in Cuba? I’m positive the Obamas are not staying in a hovel down there. Yes, life goes on. So do baseball games without POTUS if more pressing matters arise. Take him out to the ballgame, buy him some peanuts and Cracker Jacks…WE don’t care if he ever comes back!

    • GWB says:

      My guess is he is not experiencing “ordinary life” in Cuba?

      I don’t think he’s experiencing “ordinary life” in the US! And hasn’t for decades.
      But, yes, no one experiences the ordinary life in Cuba if they’re a politician or media personality from the free (fttb) West.

      It’s amazing how people refuse to see how the “egalitarian” nature of communism/socialism truly works out, with the haves and the have-nots even further apart than under that ugly, icky capitalism.

      Take him out to the ballgame, buy him some peanuts and Cracker Jacks…WE don’t care if he ever comes back!

      Dang! You should have worked that into your last paragraph in the original post. That’s great! LOL

  • Rebecca says:

    You left out that our response to the terrorism in Brussels reflects white privilege, or something, because we all ignored similar events the day before in Turkey. Because we only care when white Europeans die.

    (Funny, my rich conservative white mens’ newspaper had five articles and op-eds about the Istanbul attack. It must have been John Oliver who didn’t mention it.)

    • GWB says:

      My response to that malarkey was that I didn’t ignore it because they aren’t Europeans, I ignored it because they chose islamism for their country. They brought it on themselves. (I had sympathy when it was just the Kurdish communists blowing stuff up. Not now.)

  • Lisa Carr says:

    Oh yeah…how can I forget!

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