#BrusselsAttacks: Five Lies Liberals Honestly Believe

#BrusselsAttacks: Five Lies Liberals Honestly Believe

As we watched the news unfold in Brussels yesterday, we waited for our President’s reaction to the events and were met with all of 51 seconds of a mention from the podium in Cuba. 51 seconds. Like some Americans, I was infuriated. Others, took to sharing their opinions either personally on their feeds or to the blogosphere. The delusional left strikes again and they struck in full-force yesterday. Without further adieu, I bring you the five lies (truths in their eyes) that liberals honestly believe with regard to the #BrusselsAttacks (and terror, in general):

1. The American response to yesterday’s terror attacks was Narcissistic:

There are any number of reasons why the American fear of terrorism, and our exaggerated reactions to it, are worse than the actual mayhem inflicted by murderous zealots in Brussels and Paris and Mali and San Bernardino and elsewhere.-Andrew O’Hehir, Salon

What? Welcome to the world of denial, folks. You see, we are not supposed to be afraid. We are not supposed to talk about how to make our communities safe because doing so makes us “paranoid” and “stupid”. Nor should we utter the words “carpet bombing” or “glass parking lot” because these words further portray our “stupidity”. We are for sure over-exaggerating things because we want people to pay attention to us. We can’t talk about how Europe’s refugee problems may impact us should our powers that be decide to embrace these same or similar policies…that would be narcissistic. Instead of talking about how these attacks killed at least 30 people and wounded 230 others, we need to check our tone and our narcissistic paranoia at the door. Noted.

2. Barack Obama’s Cuban vacation and the “progress” he is making with Communist killers is overshadowed by this “narcissism” and paranoia.

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