Will Kamala Harris Be The Default Nominee For The Democrats?

Will Kamala Harris Be The Default Nominee For The Democrats?

Will Kamala Harris Be The Default Nominee For The Democrats?

Sunday afternoon delivered the largest political earthquake since… well, a week ago Saturday. With Joe Biden withdrawing from the election (the first time a sitting incumbent has done so since 1968), all eyes have turned toward his vice president, Kamala Harris.

Though he didn’t initially endorse her in his letter, Joe Biden did send out a second tweet throwing his support behind Kamala Harris. (Honest question – who is in control of Joe Biden’s Twitter/X account, because it ain’t the old man. We know Biden did the letter by committee, but why is everything happening over X now? Credit to Elon Musk, I guess.)

For her part, Kamala Harris also responded on X (can no one find a video camera right now?), and said she was “honored.”

With Biden’s formal endorsement (does he even bother showing up to the Democrat National Convention now, or do they just send a video?), many Democrats began to fall in line behind Kamala Harris. Gavin Newsom announced he was backing her. Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania endorsed her. Bill and Hillary Clinton threw in their support. AOC, who was crying about the “peril” Democrats would be in if Joe Biden dropped out, obediently tweeted out her support of Harris.

In what is a very telling move, Barack Obama did NOT endorse Kamala Harris in his statement about Joe Biden dropping out.

We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. I believe that Joe Biden’s vision of a generous, prosperous, and united America that provides opportunity for everyone will be on full display at the Democratic Convention in August. And I expect that every single one of us are prepared to carry that message of hope and progress forward into November and beyond.

That’s got to sting a LOT for Harris.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is still quite salty about the DNC’s protectionism of Joe Biden, declared that Harris is an “unknown” in his presser.

In a press conference on Sunday evening, the independent candidate reinforced that he is able to beat both former President Trump and Biden — despite Biden announcing hours earlier that he is exiting the race.

In a nearly 30 minute address, Kennedy used critical rhetoric toward the government common in his stump speech, focusing heavily on Biden and Trump, while only occasionally ripping into Harris as an unknown entity.

Harris, Kennedy said, “has never voiced any distinction between herself and President Biden,” when asked why he spoke about Biden as if he were still in the race. “We don’t know what she stands for,” Kennedy said. “According to her, she stands for everything that President Biden stands for.”

The environmental lawyer referred to Harris, who pledged to “earn” what she hopes is millions of Americans’ votes in November, as a “war hawk” on China and Ukraine, and said that she has not made an imprint on U.S. domestic policy as VP. He predicted she wouldn’t meaningfully help lessen the country’s financial deficit, a particular area of focus for Kennedy.

Kennedy also critiqued the process of moving away from Biden. He accused Democrats of embracing Harris as Biden’s successor because, in his estimation, “it’s the easiest way to hold onto the money.”

He’s not wrong, but in news of other Democrats who became independents, apparently Joe Manchin – after telling Joe Biden to drop out – is looking at making a play for the nomination.

Fox News confirmed Manchin, who in May left the Democratic Party and registered as an Independent, said Sunday he is considering re-registering with his original party and running for president.

Manchin said he was considering the party switch and throwing his hat in the ring for president, “Even just to have the discussion of bringing the party back to center,” Fox News’ Bret Baier posted on X.

After all, if there is one thing Kamala Harris is not, it’s “center.” The current vice president is a radical leftist. That, along with her less-than-genuine persona, was one of the main reasons that she didn’t make it through the 2020 primary season. The woman was John Kerry in heels – she was against everything before she was for it. And she has not exactly convinced anyone that she is either a stellar intellect or a charismatic figure during her vice presidential tenure.

So, what do the polls look like in a Trump vs. Harris matchup? Up to this point, Kamala Harris has either done the same or worse than Joe Biden.

The real question is, once the spotlight is completely on Kamala Harris, will she crumple in much the same way that she did during the 2020 primary, or will she manage to hold her own? We now have years of her fails as vice president that we’ve all witnessed. The media has tried to fix her, but has also acknowledged that she has massive problems. Prominent Democrats – not just Barack Obama, but Nancy Pelosi – don’t like her.

Come August and the Democrat National Convention, will there be a unified party around the vice president? Or will there be a challenge on the convention floor? After the well-scripted RNC showcase of a convention, plus the unity of the party around Donald Trump, what will the Democrat convention end up looking like? We are living through wild and crazy times that someday will be in a high school history textbook, everyone. I feel like we can’t keep saying “brace yourselves,” but what else can we keep saying when it’s true?

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    They’re stuck with her unless they conjure up some obscure bylaw that allows her to get removed. And the joy of it is that they can be accused of racism and sexism at the same time if they take her off the ticket.

    • Scott says:

      Yep, their focus on DEI, and joe deciding the the only qualifications needed to be his VP were being a “woman of color” is coming back to bite them in the ass. There’s no way they can openly ditch her without showing themselves as the mysogynistic racists they are.. Now, it is entirely possible, and well within their playbook for her to commit “Arkancide”, or for them to sacrifice her in a false flag op (they’ve accused President Trump of it, and history shows that whatever they accuse others of, they are guilty of themselves, so you know they have a plan for it)… NEVER underestimate the evil of the left!

  • A reader says:

    Yet again, you are delusional. There isn’t going to be a contested convention. She will be the nominee. She has over half the delegates already. Manchin would have to become a Democrat again and he’s been told he can’t do that, plus he doesn’t have the votes. Neither does Kennedy or even Marianne Williamson who’s considering throwing her hat in. It’s going to be a 59 year old former prosecutor against a 78 year old convicted felon/adjudicated rapist. Deal with it.

    Also, if she’s a DEI hire, what about Vance’s wife? Or have we forgotten that his wife is Indian, also a former lawyer? Was she also a DEI hire when she clerked for Brett Kavanaugh and John Roberts? How are you going to square that one? (BTW calling either just a DEI hire is racist, but I guess that’s par for the course..)

    And she’s not unknown. She was the Attorney General of California, the most populated state in the nation, plus a US senator. Oh and she’s the current VP. Remind me how well known JD Vance is in politics?

    Listen, I know you hate her. But suck it up, Buttercup, because she will be the nominee. And considering how well she handled Kavanaugh and Bill Barr at hearings, I think she can handle Trump. She’s also younger than him so what was all that about a white man being too old to run? Or does that not apply to convicted felons and adjudicated rapists?

    • Cameron says:

      She was the Attorney General of California

      Who deliberately kept people in prison so the state could have cheap labor. But you democrats have always loved having slaves.

      She’s out of her depth and it’s going to be fun to watch her get humiliated harder than Joe did on the last debate. She’s the nominee but she’s being set up as a sacrifice. But democrats have always been abusive to women so that’s par for the course.

      • Scott says:

        That dumb bitch, just like “a reader” would be out of her depth in a sidewalk mudpuddle.. It’s amazing the amount of stupidity and projection that reader can pack into a few short paragraphs.. truly amazing

    • DrSamHerman says:

      Wow, you really must be hitting the ‘shrooms pretty hard! Either that or you moved right onto LSD.

      Vance’s wife isn’t a “DEI hire”. She’s his wife. Are you going to call Kamala’s husband her “token white” also?

      And by the way, Trump is not a “convicted felon” until the judgment is legally entered by the judge in New York State, which hasn’t happened yet. And “adjudicated rapist”? That’s based on a civil law case, not a criminal law conviction. Both cases are under appeal for major legal errors, not the least of which is that the laws were changed in both cases by the New York State Legislature specifically to apply to Donald Trump and then allowed to expire again. Can you say “selective prosecution”? Or maybe your own political psychoses prevent that from happening.

      • Scott says:

        Dr, you’re using facts and logic in your statements.. two things that reader does NOT deal well with… this is unfair, and an example of your white privilege.. or supremecy… or some such bullshit.. I’m sure he’ll be back with an explanation..

  • GWB says:

    I’m sorry, but seeing that top image for the last few days, all I keep thinking is there should be a thought bubble with her thinking, “It’s so big!”

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